Monday, March 29, 2010

More from LPD Press

The Tale of the Pronghorned Cantaloupe to be Featured at NM Library Association meeting in Ruidoso
March 22, 2010
Contact: Paul Rhetts, LPD Press/Rio Grande Books, 505/344-9382
Sabra Brown Steinsiek will be signing copies of The Tale of The Pronghorned Cantaloupe at the New Mexico Library Association Convention, at the Ruidoso Convention Center, Thursday and Friday, April 8 & 9, from 10am to 1pm. Steinsiek is a former librarian, winner of the New Mexico Book Awards, winner of an INDIE award, and author of four books. She is also a workshop presenter at the NMLA Convention. Her books will be available in the LPD Press/Rio Grande Books booth.
LPD Press/Rio Grande Books is from Los Ranchos, New Mexico (just north of Albuquerque) and specializes in books about New Mexico art and culture. Other new books premiering in Ruidoso will be Sunshine and Shadows by the Historical Society of New Mexico, New Mexico’s Finest by Don Bullis, Startin’ The Fire by George Hensler, and Fray Angélico Chávez by Phyllis Morgan. The entire catalog of books is available at

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available Belle’s Star (tween novel age 9-12) Artemesia Publishers

Carolyn Howard Johnson does it Again

World Wide Web—Judges of the poetry contest sponsored by Franklin-Christoph honored UCLA Extension Writers’ Program instructor Carolyn Howard-Johnson with their first place cash prize on March 17.
Franklin-Christoph is an American company since 1901 and has been making fine writing instruments beautiful enough to inspire poets since 2001. A few years ago they decided to begin supporting the fine arts, in particular poetry writing via a free-to-enter contest, offering $2500 in cash and prizes. They say, “Many of our clients over the years use our products for creative writing of various sorts, so we thought it a natural fit, and a nice extension of our organization beyond commerce.”

The poem selected for the top honor is “Endangered Species.” It was inspired when the poet visited the Long Beach Aquarium. She came to face-to-face with a delicate sea dragon camouflaged in its habitat by the gently wafting kelp in its tank. Howard-Johnson’s poetry has appeared in literary journals like the Mochila Review, Banyan Review, Pear Noir and Front Range. One of her poems won a reader award at The Pedestal Magazine
Howard-Johnson has studied at UCLA with Suzanne Lummis, editor of Speechless the Magazine ( where her chapbook Tracings, winner of Military Writers Society of America’s Award of Excellence and published by Finishing Line Press, was featured in 2005.
The poet's literary novel, This Is the Place, has won eight awards. Her book of creative nonfiction has won three. She is developing a new Celebration Series of poetry chapbooks with Magdalena Ball. Among them are She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood; Cherished Pulse: Unconventional Love Poetry; and Imagining the Future: Ruminations on Fathers and Other Masculine Apparitions. She also consults and is the author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers (

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available Belle’s Star (tween novel age 9-12) Artemesia Publishers

LPD Press Book Signings

Sunshine & Shadows In New Mexico’s Past: The Spanish Colonial & Mexican Periods, 1540-1848 will debut at the Historical Society of New Mexico Convention in Hobbs, New Mexico, April 29 to May 1, 2010, at the Lea County Event Center. Richard Melzer is the editor and many of the ten authors will be available at the convention. This is the first book in three from the Historical Society of New Mexico to mark the Centennial of New Mexico.
New Mexico’s Finest: Peace Officers Killed in the Line of Duty, 1847 – 2010 by Don Bullis will also be signed at the HSNM Convention. Bullis is a HSNM Board member and winner of the New Mexico Book Awards in 2007 and 2008. This is the fourth edition of the book and is more expansive in the 190 officers covered.
Rick Hendricks, newly appointed New Mexico State Historian, will also be signing his book, New Mexico in 1801: The Priest’s Report. Hendricks is also one of the authors of Sunshine & Shadows. New Mexico in 1801 was a Finalist in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards.
Other book signing will include Lois Manno for Visions Underground, Robert Torrez for New Mexico in 1876 -1877: A Newspaperman’s View, Martha Shipman Andrews for the Whole Damned World, and Dr. Tom Chávez for Wake for a Fat Vicar. Torrez is former State Historian and an author in Sunshine & Shadows. Manno tied for the Best Book in the 2009 New Mexico Book Awards and also won the Border Regional Library Association Award and New Mexico Press Women Award in 2010. Andrews won the Best New Mexico Book for the 2009 New Mexico Book Awards. Chávez is former Director of the Palace of the Governors.
LPD Press/Rio Grande Books is from Los Ranchos, New Mexico (just north of Albuquerque) and specializes in books about New Mexico art and culture. Other new books premiering in Hobbs will be Startin’ The Fire by George Hensler, and Fray Angelico Chávez by Phyllis Morgan, Los Chilitos by Viola Peña. The entire catalog of books is available at

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available Belle’s Star (tween novel age 9-12) Artemesia Publishers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Write On Author finalist for Award

Finalists Announced for the 22nd Annual Lambda Literary Awards

Dear Friends,

The news you've been waiting for: after four months of reading, deliberating, and consulting, 87 dedicated (and eye-weary) judges, assessing 462 LGBT-interest titles nominated by almost 200 publishers and authors, have selected 113 finalists in 23 categories.

"This has been a record year for queer books," said the 2009 Lambda Awards Administrator, Richard Labonté, who has been associated with the Lammys since their inception in 1989 as a judge and consultant. "The number of titles nominated and the number of publishers represented is in both cases about 10 per cent higher than last year."

And, for the first time, the single catchall Bisexual category - after reaching a threshold of 10 nominated titles in both fiction and nonfiction - has matured into two distinct categories, Bisexual Fiction and Bisexual Nonfiction.

"In a year of challenge and change for writers and publishers - and for the Foundation - the hundreds of books submitted for nomination illustrate the continuing dynamism of our literature," said Lambda Foundation Board President Katherine V. Forrest. "This year's Lambda Literary Award Finalists and the quality of their work speak eloquently to the richness and range of our literature."

Reflecting the impact of self-publishing and publish-on-demand technology, more titles from non-traditional sources than ever were nominated, and several were selected as finalists, said Labonté. In addition, the Lammy contenders for 2009 continue the tradition of celebrating the best of both our community's specifically queer presses, and books from academic and more mainstream publishers.

Winners will be announced at the 22nd Annual Awards, May 27 in New York at the School of Visual Arts Theater, 333 West 23rd Street. Click here for tickets and information.

"To our finalists, I'm proud of your extraordinary talent and hard work," said Lambda Executive Director Tony Valenzuela. "I hope to see you all at the Awards. And to all the readers out there wondering what LGBT books to buy next, take a look at this stellar list of nominees - or check out the new reviews that are being posted on the revised and expanded web site - and go shopping! Support our authors and publishers: they are to be congratulated."

Richard Labonté
2009 Lambda Awards Administrator

Tony Valenzuela
Executive Director

Lambda Literary Awards Finalists

LGBT Anthologies

• Gay American Autobiography: Writings from Whitman to Sedaris, edited by David Bergman (University of Wisconsin Press)
• Moral Panics, Sex Panics: Fear and the Fight Over Sexual Rights, edited by Gilbert Herdt (NYU Press)
• My Diva: 65 Gay Men on the Women Who Inspire Them, edited by Michael Montlack (University of Wisconsin Press)
• Portland Queer: Tales of the Rose City, edited by Ariel Gore (Lit Star Press)
• Smash the Church, Smash the State! The Early Years of Gay Liberation, edited by Tommi Avicolli Mecca (City Lights)

LGBT Children's/Young Adult

• Ash, by Malinda Lo (Little, Brown)
• How Beautiful the Ordinary, edited by Michael Cart (HarperCollins)
• In Mike We Trust, by P.E. Ryan (HarperCollins)
• Sprout, by Dale Peck (Bloomsbury USA)
• The Vast Fields of Ordinary, by Nick Burd (Penguin Books)
LGBT Drama
• The Beebo Brinker Chronicles, by Kate Moira Ryan & Linda S. Chapman (Dramatists Play Service)
• The Collected Plays Of Mart Crowley, by Mart Crowley (Alyson Books)
• Revenge of the Women's Studies Professor, by Bonnie L. Morris (Indiana University Press)

LGBT Nonfiction

• The Golden Age of Gay Fiction, edited by Drewey Wayne Gunn (MLR Press)
• The Greeks and Greek Love, by James Davidson (Random House)
• I Am Your Sister: Collected and Unpublished Writings of Audre Lorde, edited by Rudolph P. Byrd, Johnnetta Betsch Cole & Beverly Guy-Sheftall (Oxford University Press)
• Ties That Bind: Familial Homophobia and Its Consequences, by Sarah Schulman (The New Press)
• Unfriendly Fire:How the Gay Ban Undermines the Military and Weakens America, by Nathaniel Frank (St. Martin's Press)

LGBT SF/Fantasy/Horror
• Centuries Ago and Very Fast, by Rebecca Ore (Aqueduct Press)
• Fist of the Spider Woman, by Amber Dawn (Arsenal Pulp Press)
• In the Closet, Under the Bed, by Lee Thomas (Dark Scribe Press)
• Palimpsest, by Catherynne M. Valenta (Bantam/Spectra Books)
• Pumpkin Teeth, by Tom Cardamone (Lethe Press)

LGBT Studies

• Metropolitan Lovers: The Homosexuality of Cities, by Julie Abraham (University of Minnesota Press)
• Moving Politics: Emotion and ACT UP's Fight Against AIDS, by Deborah B. Gould (University of Chicago Press)
• The Queer Child, or Growing Sideways in the Twentieth Century, by Kathryn Bond Stockton (Duke University Press)
• The Resurrection of the Body: Pier Paolo Pasolini from Saint Paul to Sade, by Armando Maggi (University of Chicago Press)
• The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America, by Margot Canaday (Princeton University Press)

Bisexual Fiction

• Arusha, by J.E. Knowles (Spinsters Ink)
• Holy Communion, by Mykola Dementiuk (Synergy Press)
• The Janeid, by Bobbie Geary (The Graeae Press)
• Love You Two, by Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli (Random House Australia)
• Torn, by Amber Lehman (Closet Case Press)

Bisexual Nonfiction

• Byron in Love: A Short Daring Life, by Edna O'Brien (W. W. Norton)
• Cheever: A Life, by Blake Bailey (Alfred A. Knopf)
• Leaving India: My Family's Journey From Five Villages to Five Continents, by Minal Hajratwala (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
• Map, by Audrey Beth Stein (
• Vincente Minnelli: Hollywood's Dark Dreamer, by Emanuel Levy (St. Martin's Press)

• Bharat Jiva, by Kari Edwards (Litmus Press)
• Lynnee Breedlove's One Freak Show, by Lynn Breedlove (Manic D Press)
• The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You, by S Bear Bergman (Arsenal Pulp Press)
• Transmigration, by Joy Ladin (Sheep Meadow Press)
• Troglodyte Rose, by Adam Lowe (Cadaverine Publications)

Lesbian Debut Fiction

• The Creamsickle, by Rhiannon Argo (Spinsters Ink)
• The Bigness of the World, by Lori Ostlund (University of Georgia Press)
• Land Beyond Maps, by Maida Tilchen (Savvy Press)
• More of This World or Maybe Another, by Barb Johnson (HarperCollins)
• Verge, by Z Egloff (Bywater Books)

Gay Debut Fiction
• Blue Boy, by Rakesh Satyal (Kensington Books)
• God Says No, by James Hannaham (McSweeneys)
• Pop Salvation, by Lance Reynald (HarperCollins)
• Shaming the Devil: Collected Short Stories, by G. Winston James (Top Pen Press)
• Sugarless, by James Magruder (University of Wisconsin Press)

Lesbian Erotica

• Flesh and Bone, by Ronica Black (Bold Strokes Books)
• Lesbian Cowboys, edited by Sacchi Green & Rakelle Valencia (Cleis Press)
• Punishment with Kisses, by Diane Anderson-Minshall (Bold Strokes Books)
• Where the Girls Are, by D.L. King (Cleis Press)
• Women of the Bite, by Cecelia Tan (Alyson Books)

Gay Erotica
• Rough Trade: Dangerous Gay Erotica, edited by Todd Gregory (Bold Strokes Books)
• Impossible Princess, by Kevin Killian (City Lights)
• I Like It Like That: True Tales of Gay Desire, edited by Richard Labonté & Lawrence Schimel (Arsenal Pulp Press)
• The Low Road, by James Lear (Cleis Press)
• Eight Inches, by Sean Wolfe (Kensington Books)

Lesbian Fiction
• Dismantled, by Jennifer McMahon (HarperCollins)
• A Field Guide to Deception, by Jill Malone (Bywater Books)
• Forgetting the Alamo, Or, Blood Memory, by Emma Pérez (University of Texas Press)
• Risk, by Elena Dykewomon (Bywater Books)
• This One's Going to Last Forever, by Nairne Holtz (Insomniac Press)

Gay Fiction

• Lake Overturn, by Vestal McIntyre (HarperCollins)
• The River In Winter, by Matt Dean (Queens English Productions)
• Said and Done, by James Morrison (Black Lawrence Press)
• Salvation Army, by Abdellah Taia (Semiotext(e))
• Silverlake, by Peter Gadol (Tyrus Books)

Lesbian Memoir/Biography
• Called Back: My Reply to Cancer, My Return to Life, by Mary Cappello (Alyson Books)
• Mean Little deaf Queer, by Terry Galloway (Beacon Press)
• My Red Blood: A Memoir of Growing Up Communist, Coming Onto the Greenwich Village Folk Scene, and Coming Out in the Feminist Movement, by Alix Dobkin (Alyson Books)
• Likewise: The High School Comic Chronicles of Ariel Schrag, by Ariel Schrag (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone Fireside)
• The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith, by Joan Schenkar (St. Martin's Press)

Gay Memoir/Biography
• Ardent Spirits: Leaving Home, Coming Back, by Reynolds Price (Scribner Books)
• City Boy: My Life in New York During the 1960's and 70's, by Edmund White (Bloomsbury USA)
• Deflowered: My Life in Pansy Division, by Jon Ginoli (Cleis Press)
• Once You Go Back, by Douglas A. Martin (Seven Stories Press)
• The Pure Lover: A Memoir of Grief, by David Plante (Beacon Press)

Lesbian Mystery
• Command of Silence, by Paulette Callen (Spinsters Ink)
• Death of a Dying Man, by J.M. Redmann (Bold Strokes Books)
• From Hell to Breakfast, by Joan Opyr (Blue Feather Books)
• The Mirror and the Mask, by Ellen Hart (St. Martin's/Minotaur)
• Toasted, by Josie Gordon (Bella Books)

Gay Mystery
• All Lost Things, by Josh Aterovis (P.D. Publishing)
• The Killer of Orchids, by Ralph Ashworth (State Street Press)
• Murder in the Garden District, by Greg Herren (Alyson Books)
• Straight Lies, by Rob Byrnes (Kensington Books)
• What We Remember, by Michael Thomas Ford (Kensington Books)

Lesbian Poetry
• Bird Eating Bird, by Kristin Naca (HarperCollins)
• Gospel: Poems, by Samiya Bashir (Red Bone Press)
• Names, by Marilyn Hacker (W.W. Norton)
• Stars of the Night Commute, by Ana Bozicevic (Tarpaulin Sky Press)
• Zero at the Bone, by Stacie Cassarino (New Issues Poetry & Prose)

Gay Poetry

• Breakfast with Thom Gunn, by Randall Mann (University of Chicago Press)
• The Brother Swimming Beneath Me, by Brent Goodman (Black Lawrence Press)
• The First Risk, by Charles Jensen (Lethe Press)
• Sweet Core Orchard, by Benjamin S. Grossberg (University of Tampa Press)
• What the Right Hand Knows, by Tom Healy (Four Way Books)

Lesbian Romance
• It Should Be a Crime, by Carsen Taite (Bold Strokes Books)
• No Rules of Engagement, by Tracey Richardson (Bella Books)
• The Sublime and Spirited Voyage of Original Sin, by Colette Moody (Bold Strokes Books)
• Stepping Stone, by Karin Kallmaker (Bella Books)
• Worth Every Step, by KG MacGregor (Bella Books)

Gay Romance

• Drama Queers!, by Frank Anthony Polito (Kensington Books)
• A Keen Edge, by H. Leigh Aubrey (iUniverse)
• The Rest of Our Lives, by Dan Stone (Lethe Press)
• Time After Time, by J.P. Bowie (MLR Press)
• Transgressions, by Erastes (Running Press)

Publisher Harry Wilson Amador Press

Celebrating Harry Willson
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Harry Willson, the co-founder of Amador Publishers in Albuquerque.
Harry Willson, co-founder of Amador Publishers and prolific writer of fiction, satire, social commentary and philosophy died on Tuesday, March 9, 2010 at the age of 77. His published works, the novels A WORLD FOR THE MEEK, SOULS AND CELLS REMEMBER, and THIS’LL KILL YA; short story collections DUKE CITY TALES and VERMIN AND OTHER ENDANGERED SPECIES; and non-fiction FREEDOM FROM GOD and MYTH AND MORTALITY, attracted a diverse and enthusiastic audience. In addition, Harry wrote a monthly column for the Amador Publishers web site—totaling more than 150 essays over the years—and he was published in a variety of local and national periodicals. Readers frequently corresponded with Harry, letting let him know how they were personally touched by his writing; some claimed he had changed their lives.
Harry’s ability to put big, difficult subjects into personal terms with plain-spoken clarity, wry humor and abiding love led some to label his writing “folksy” and “homespun,” but this belies his impressive academic credentials and professional accomplishments, not to mention some heroic life experiences “walking the talk” of a dedicated activist for peace, social equality, and environmental protection.
Harry Willson received a B.A. in chemistry and math at Lafayette College, Easton, PA, 1953 [summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa], and an M.Dv. [Master of Divinity] in ancient mid-east language and literature at Princeton Theological Seminary. He became bilingual through one year of Spanish Studies at the University of Madrid, and later studied Spanish, literature, philosophy, mythology and theater arts at the University of New Mexico. He holds the Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera from the University of Salamanca. He served as student pastor at the Presbyterian Church, Hamburg, NJ, for four years while in seminary. In 1958 Harry moved his family to New Mexico, where he served as bi-lingual missionary pastor in Bernalillo, Alameda and Placitas for eight years. He served as Permanent Clerk of the Presbytery of Rio Grande, Chairman of Enlistments and Candidates, Chairman of the Commission on Race, and Moderator of the Presbytery. In 1965 Harry answered Dr. Martin Luther King’s call for clergy to go to Selma, Alabama to assist in voter registration and demonstrations again police brutality in the wake of “Bloody Sunday.” He participated in the successful march from Selma to Montgomery on March 25, where he personally witnessed Dr. King deliver his “How Long, Not Long” speech. Not long after that, in 1966, Harry left the church “in sorrow and anger” over their failure to take a stand against the Vietnam War. After quitting the clergy, Harry taught for ten years, at the Albuquerque Academy and at Sandia Preparatory School, then retired from teaching to devote himself to his writing. In 1986 Harry and his wife Adela Amador founded Amador Publishers, dedicating their press to “peace, equality, respect for all cultures and preservation of the biosphere.” They quickly set about fulfilling that mission.
In addition to publishing Harry’s books, the press took on local authors of southwest and literary fiction, including Michael H. Thomas, Ben Tarver, David L. Condit, Tim MacCurdy and Michelle Miller Allen. Adela gained notoriety in her own right with her recipe books, New Mexico cuentos, and a 17-year stint as the author of the “Southwest Flavor” column in NEW MEXICO MAGAZINE. After meeting Eva and Manfred Krutein through a cultural exchange program, Harry and Adela published four titles by the brilliant émigrés from war-torn Europe. They published the fiction works of acclaimed literary scholar Gene H. Bell-Villada, and “the world’s first anti-smoking novel” by Arthur L. Hoffman. Harry’s opposition to radioactive dumping in New Mexico led him to publish the anti-nuclear manifesto of physicist Charles L. Hyder, to support Dr. Hyder in his fast against the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) in Carlsbad, NM, and to personally provide testimony to the DOE in opposition to the plant.
In 1989 Harry took author-artist Zelda Leah Gatuskin under his wing and launched her literary career with the publication of her novel THE TIME DANCER; several more of her own books followed, and Zelda also helped with other projects. In 2006 Zelda joined Harry and Adela as co-owner and managing editor of the press; she has now become sole owner of the press and succeeds Harry as Editor-in-Chief. Zelda is committed to perpetuating the mission Harry and Adela set forth for their publishing company and to preserve Amador Publishers as an independent, humanist press. Along with adding new authors, she will continue to publish the works of Harry Willson, for he left behind an extensive collection of unpublished essays and fiction.
The Amador Publishers family of authors, artists and associates will miss Harry’s loving, courageous leadership. We extend our deepest sympathies to Adela and all members of the Willson and Amador families, and to all of Harry’s dear friends from the Humanist Society of New Mexico, of which he was a devoted member. Harry’s family requests that all tributes be made in the form of donations to that organization: HSNM, P.O. Box 13675, Albuquerque, NM 87192 (505) 366-8721,
More information about Harry Willson’s books and the complete line of Amador Publishers titles is available at the website:

Come Celebrate Harry's life at an Open House on March 21
An Open House celebrating Harry's life will be held at La Fonda del Bosque Restaurant at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (1701 4th Street SW, at Bridge Street) from 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 21st. In lieu of flowers, the family asks your support for the Humanist Society of New Mexico, of which Harry was a long-time member.
In addition to a family remembrance to take place Sunday March 21, 2010, Amador Publishers, LLC will host a community “Book Bash” at a later date to honor Harry’s life and work, details to be announced.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Book on Fray Angelico Chavez

Phyllis Morgan's new book debuts at Conference on Fray Angélico Chávez

LPD Press/Rio Grande Books of Los Ranchos, New Mexico, will debut a new book, "Fray Angelico Chávez: A Bibliography of Published Works 1925-2010, A Chronology of His Life 1910-1996" by award-winning author, Phyllis S. Morgan, at the Fray Angélico Conference in the New Mexico History Museum Library in Santa Fe on Saturday, April 10, 2010, from 10am to 4:30pm. The event marks the 100th birthday of Fray Angélico Chávez. Chávez is considered to be the most prolific Hispanic writer in the U.S. in the twentieth century.
The first biography of Fray Angelico Chávez by Morgan was published in 1980 and is out of print. This updated book contains all of the recent publications and data on Chávez. LPD Press/Rio Grande Books will also have available "Wake For A Fat Vicar" by Dr. Tom Chávez & Fray Angélico Chávez and "Tradition & Heritage" by Virginia Ortiz that highlights the murals by Fray Angélico Chávez in the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Church in Peña Blanca.
The event is free and open to the public and it is advised to enter the conference by Washington Avenue. For information of the books contact LPD Press at 505/344-9382.
To get more information on the book CLICK HERE.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

BBQ Book and Chili Cook Books

LPD Press/Rio Grande Books of Los Ranchos, New Mexico will have its book, "Startin’ The Fire" by George Hensler at Pork & Brew in Rio Rancho, March 26 & 27, at Santa Ana Star Center in the CNM Booth. This is the first guide for starting a competition BBQ team. Hensler lives in Street, Maryland, and is part of the “Who Are Those Guys” competition BBQ crew. This is his first book.
In addition, Dave Dewitt, founder of the Fiery Foods show and Albuquerque resident will be signing his books -- "The Complete Chile Pepper Book," "Cuisines of the Southwest," and "Avenging Victorio" -- at Pork & Brew. He will also be signing at the CNM booth. DeWitt has written over 35 books on chiles, cooking and fiery foods. He has also won the New Mexico Book Award in 2008 in his category. He is a radio and TV personality and expert of cooking and chiles.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Mexico Book CoOp

March Meeting
Our next meeting will be Friday, March 19 at 12 noon at the Golden Corral in Albuquerque (3401 NM HWY 528; just west of Coors Blvd. and Alameda). Our guest will be Rex Barron, designer of book covers and illustrator. Book covers are one of the first ways books are sold and have to be eye catching and visually express what is in the book. NM Book Co-op member Ruthe Francis will also participate. Her experience as a bookseller of many years demonstrated what book sold because of a good cover and what books did not sell because of a bad cover design.
Rex Barron has illustrated seven children’s books, authored two children’s books, illustrated for the Albuquerque Alibi, Albuquerque Monthly Magazine, and is currently a cartoonist for New Mexico Breeze electronic newspaper. He illustrated The Big Bug Ball and Eggbert among many others. He worked for Putnam & Sons; Harcourt, Brace, & Jovanovich; McGraw Hill; Mac Millan; Hanna - Barbera; and illustrated the Claritin Calendar for Schering - Plough.
Please join us for this informative program.
ABQ School Libraries Display
Display copies from the ABQ Public School Library event can be picked up at the Co-op lunch meeting on March 19 or by special arrangement (must be made before March 19). Books not picked up by March 19 will be donated to local literacy programs.
NM Library Association Info Bags
If you signed up to have your fliers at the NM Library Assn meeting in Ruidoso you must get your fliers to Sabra no later than the March 19 book coop meeting or MAIL TO: Sabra Steinsiek, 3523 Santa Teresa NW, Albuquerque NM 87120
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION. The information bags will be stuffed on March 19 after the regular Book Co-op lunch meeting.
Upcoming Calendar
March 19- Coop lunch - Book covers with Rex Barron and Ruthie Francis
April 7-9 - NM Library Assn meeting (must sign up by March 19)
April 23- Coop lunch - Ask Anything About Publishing -- Publishers Panel
May 28- Coop lunch - Author Tips for Success -- Author Panel
June 4-5 - 6th Annual Chama Book Fair
June 25- Coop lunch - (tenative) Twitter and Facebook
Stickers for Winners and Finalists
Stickers are available for anyone who is a winner or a finalist in the 2009 New Mexico Book Awards. You can order stickers (they come in rolls of 100 and cost $23 each which includes tax and shipping) on the website by CLICKING HERE.

2010 Book Awards Entries Underway!
The 2010 New Mexico Book Awards entry information and guidelines are available HERE -- The early deadline for entries is May1.

6th Annual Chama Book Fair
The 6th annual book fair in Chama will be on June 4 and 5 and will feature award-winning and best-selling author David Morrell. Sign-ups are going fast so don't delay. There are only about 30 slots available for the workshop and the book fair. CLICK HERE to get the registration form.

Voices of New Mexico Extended!
The entry deadline for the Voice of New Mexico anthology has been extended to March 30. Get your work published in this special Centennial project. CLICK HERE for information.
Book Store Manager Trainee
Follett Higher Education Group is looking for a Store Manager Trainee for the Albuquerque area. The raining session starts May 17, 2010. If you are interested contact Jessica Schranz at for further information on the job opening or to submit your application go to

New Mexico book Association


#1/ Enter the Southwest Book Design & Production Awards

Your book could be chosen as a Finalist or a Winner in any of ten categories in this new contest from NMBA. And one excellent book will earn Best in Show! Entry form and guidelines are available at Deadline for submissions is March 19.
Contact: Jim Mafchir, (505) 988-7214,

#2/ Display Your Book in Our Showcase Catalog… & Online

We are currently compiling an NMBA catalog of books to be distributed to New Mexico librarians at their annual conference, April 7-9, in Ruidoso. NMBA has a table reserved to display your books as well. All proceeds from sales go to the author or publisher.

To participate, here’s what we need by March 19:

 3 – 5 copies of each book;
 50 copies of each sell sheet (page) on 8.5 x 11 paper (double-sided is OK);
 a check payable to NMBA: $12 for your first title; $7 for each additional title;
 deliver or mail your books and your sell sheets to the NMBA office, 826 Camino del Monte Rey-A3, Santa Fe, NM 87505; and
 we will also post our catalog on our website. If you want a digital image of your sell sheet included in our virtual catalog, please email a pdf file to:

Contact: Mary Neighbour, (505) 660-6357,

NMBA Is the Only Non-profit Serving All New Mexico Book Professionals!

Visit for continuing news and events.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Monday, March 8, 2010

Write On 4 Corners Author Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Busy as Usual


Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnsonn
Manzanita Features Author's Poetry

Los Angeles, CA--Editors of the literary journal Manzanita, Poetry and Prose of the Mother Lode and Sierra announce that it will include the poetry of UCLA Extension Writers’ Program instructor Carolyn Howard-Johnson in its sixth issue to be released in April.
The journal is an affiliate of Calavaras Arts Council. It is a printed literary collection of poetry, prose, art and photography of the Mother Lode and Sierra regions of California and features work that appeals to the sensibilities of readers in that area from writers and artists across the U.S. It is edited by Monika Rose and poetry editor is Julia Holzer.

The poem selected is "Sacred Lessons from the Sierra Madre" and features impressions from the poet’s travels in the Sierras in Mexico. Howard-Johnson’s poetry has appeared in literary journals like the Mochila Review, Banyan Review, Pear Noir and Poetic Voices. One of her poems won a reader award at The Pedestal Magazine.

Howard-Johnson has studied at UCLA with Suzanne Lummis, editor of Speechless the Magazine ( where her chapbook Tracings, winner of Military Writers Society of America’s Award of Excellence and published by Finishing Line Press, was featured in 2005.

The poet's literary novel, This Is the Place, has won eight awards. Her book of creative nonfiction has won three. She is developing a new Celebration Series of poetry chapbooks with Magdalena Ball. Among them are She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood and Cherished Pulse: Unconventional Love Poetry. She also advocates with authors as the author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers (

Learn more about the Manzanita and how to order a copy at: The new volume will be released the end of April.

Learn more about Carolyn Howard-Johnson at

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

New Mexico Book Association Networking Luncheon

Friday, March 12

At this week’s Networking Luncheon, book Publicist and NMBA Board member Karen Villanueva will be on hand to answer your questions about Reviews, Pay for Review, and Service-oriented Websites. Bring your brown bag lunch, questions, comments, and updates on your latest projects to the Book Forum on March 12. Gratis, open to all (“Feed the Kitty” contributions welcome for juice and cookies).

The Book Forum, 826 Camino del Monte Rey-A3, Santa Fe
Please note our new phone number: (505) 660-6357

Also note: Our monthly Board Meeting will follow the luncheon at 1:15pm.

NMBA Is the Only Non-profit Serving All New Mexico Book Professionals!

Visit for continuing news and events.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Friday, March 5, 2010

Southwest Book Design Contest/New Mexico book Association

You Can Judge a Book By Its Cover
(and its layout, production, illustrations)
Deadline: March 19, 2010!
The Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence will accept submissions until March 19. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to distinguish your best-looking titles from 2008 and 2009.
There are numerous opportunities to win: books will be judged in 10 categories, and 3 award levels will be given: Finalist, Winner, and Best in Show.
Sharpen your marketing edge and unsheathe the power of your book’s design and beauty.
All award winners will be publicized regionally and nationally through press releases, trade press announcements, and displays at book fairs and festivals attended by NMBA.
Enter now!
Full details and entry form are available at
Email us with your questions, or call Jim Mafchir: (505) 988-7214.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Mexico Book Association Activities

Friday, March 12
In recent months, participants at the luncheon have shared good news and timely experiences about writing in the digital age. Karen Villanueva will speak about website resources and reviews: Pay or not to pay, Book Giveaways, etc. Bring your brown bag lunch, questions, comments, and updates on your latest projects to the Book Forum on March 12. Gratis, open to all (“Feed the Kitty” contributions welcome for juice and cookies).
Location: The Book Forum, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe
Time: 11:30am (and our board meeting follows at 1:15pm)
Contact: Please note our new phone number: (505) 660.6357

NMLA Conference in Ruidoso, April 7-9
In this tough economy, libraries offer a strong market opportunity for many books. NMBA has a table reserved at the NMLA conference and we are now compiling a catalog to hand out to librarians that will showcase your titles. To be included, here’s what we need by March 19:

 50 copies of each sell sheet (page) on 8.5 x 11 paper (double-sided is OK);
 a check payable to NMBA: $12 for your first title; $7 for each additional title;
 deliver or mail your books and your sell sheets to the NMBA office, 826 Camino del Monte Rey-A3, in Santa Fe;
 we will also post our catalog on our website. If you want a digital image of your sell sheet included in our virtual catalog, please email a pdf file to:

Insider Tip: books sales tend to spike on the last day of the conference, so you might consider offering a 20% discount on that day! All proceeds from sales go to the author or publisher.

Deadline for delivering your titles to NMBA: March 19
You don’t need to be a member of NMBA to qualify or to win! Publishers, book designers and producers, editors, and authors may all send their best-looking titles published in 2008 and 2009. Full entry guidelines and a downloadable form are available at Contact Jim Mafchir with questions: (505) 988-7214,

Deadline for submitting applications to NMBA: March 15
Attention independent publishers! The premier educational event of the year is the IBPA Publishing University, taking place this year on May 24-25, in New York City. NMBA, as an affiliate of IBPA, has two scholarships (a $1,500 combined value) available to offer NMBA members who are also IBPA members. Visit for details and the application form.

Book Events in New Mexico
• March 1: PEN in the Classroom Celebration, supporting budding writers at Capshaw Middle School Library, 2:15-3:15pm. Contact Nancy King,
• March 6: IWWG-and-Friends Luncheon, Atrisco Cafe (De Vargas Mall), 11:30am, reserve by previous day with Paula Lozar at 473-3479 or
• March 8-10: Publishing Business Conference & Expo, NYC. NMBA is a supporter of this conference from North American Publishing Company; as such, NMBA members receive a $50 discount; (enter discount code: NMBA50).
• March 10: Dinner presentation: “The Importance of War Memorials,” Nancy Bartlit, Military Organization of World Wars, Santa Fe Chapter, RealBurger, 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, 7:30pm, (505) 466-1256,,
• March 11-April 15: “Five Easy Steps: Get Your Fiction Book Published,” with Rob Spiegel and Melody Groves; Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30pm, details at Southwest Writers website:
• March 12: NMBA Networking Luncheon at the Book Forum in Santa Fe, 11:30am; followed by the NMBA Board Meeting.
• March 12: Deadline for PubWest Book Design Awards. Double your book’s exposure by entering this design contest at the same time as our Southwest Book Design competition;
• March 18: NMBA Happy Hour Round Table, Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, 5:30pm.
• March 19: Deadline for the Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence. Your best-looking books, published in 2008 and 2009, are eligible. All details and the entry form are on our website: Contact Jim Mafchir with questions: (505) 988-7214,
• March 20: NM Book Coop Festival, Clear Light Book Gallery, 851 W. San Mateo, Santa Fe, 10am-4pm, (505) 989-9590,,
• March 30: New, Extended Deadline for “Voices of New Mexico, An Anthology for the Centennial Celebration of New Mexico.” Essay submissions must feature some aspect of New Mexico;

Author Signings & Readings
• March 4: Meta Chaya Hirschl, Vital Yoga; A Sourcebook for Students and Teachers, Changing Hands Bookstore; 6428 S. McClintock Dr., Tempe, AZ, 7pm,(505) 232-4717,,
• March 13: Nancy Bartlit, Silent Voices of World War II, Santa Fe Jin Festival, Santa Fe Convention Center, 201 West Marcy, 10am -5pm, (505) 466-1256,,
• March 13: Martha Egan, La Ranfla and Other New Mexico Stories, Tucson Festival of Books, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 4pm,(505) 466-1256,,
• March 27: Meta Chaya Hirschl, Vital Yoga; A Sourcebook for Students and Teachers, Cherry Hills Library, 6901 Barstow NE, Albuquerque,3-5pm,(505) 857-8321,,

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards

New Mexico Book CoOp Lunch


The March 19, 2010, lunch meeting of the New Mexico Book Co-op features Rex Barron, book cover designer and illustrator. Book covers are one of the first ways books are sold and have to be eye catching and visually express what is in the book. NM Book Co-op member Ruthe Francis will also participate. Her experience as a bookseller of many years demonstrated what book sold because of a good cover and what books did not sell because of a bad cover design.

Rex Barron has illustrated seven children’s books, authored two children’s books, illustrated for the Albuquerque Alibi, Albuquerque Monthly Magazine, and is currently a cartoonist for New Mexico Breeze electronic newspaper. He illustrated “The Big Bug Ball” and “Eggbert” among many others. He worked for Putnam & Sons; Harcourt, Brace, & Jovanovich; McGraw Hill; MacMillan; Hanna-Barbera; and illustrated the Claritin Calendar for Schering-Plough.

The New Mexico Book Co-op meets monthly at the Golden Corral at 3401 NM HWY 528 near Alameda and Coors across from Lowe’s. Attendees pay for their own lunch. For information on the NM Book Co-op or to RSVP contact 505/344-9382.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store. Winner 2010 Mom’s Choice Award Finalist 2009 New Mexico Book Awards