Friday, October 30, 2009

Liz Adair Book Trailer

Liz Adair has a book trailer for counting the cost. Cut and paste to your bowser or click on the right side of this blog

Connie Gotsch
author Belle's Star Artemesia Publishing
Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Mexico Book Association News

,Book News & Events for November 2009!
First, the News...
>> Southwest Book Design Awards Early Bird Deadline has been extend to November 15! Get your entries in by that date and your cost is only $25 for the first category entered ($15 for additional categories)! Find the Entry Form and detailed brochure at
>> NMBA Networking Luncheon Is November 13 at the Book Forum on the main floor of our fine office at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, Friday, 11:30 pm. We have a new neighbor: New Mexico’s Own, serving far-flung businesses in the state. Come, share, learn, laugh, it’s free! NMBA’s Board meeting follows at 1:30pm.
>> "Pressing Forward" November 12-14: PubWest’s National Publishing Conference is set for Tucson, Arizona (see Calendar below). NMBA urges all our members who have not been to this important conference to make plans to go. You’ll enjoy the warmer weather and connect with publishers throughout the West. Details at:
>> Holiday Fiesta Set Thursday, December 10! The annual gathering of New Mexico’s literary and book people is a social affair you won’t want to miss! Mark your calendar now. Our venue will be El Museo Cultural (most likely) in the Santa Fe Railyards. More details in the final Libro newsletter of the year, coming to you in mid-November.
>> Clean Sweep: Your Book Association needs a vacuum cleaner, to keep our new Book Forum space nice and tidy. If there’s one in the closet you haven’t used for awhile, get in touch with Paula Lozar, (505) 473-3479.

+ NOVEMBER Book Events:
Nov. 1: Day of the Dead Writing and Publishing Workshop, Collected Works Bookstore, Santa Fe, 1-4pm. (505) 474-6309,
Nov. 6, 7, 8: "A Light in my Soul" (Una Luz en mi Alma), Working Classroom Ensemble Company, Jewish Arts and Culture Group and Tesuque Assistance Trust, $20 adults, $15 students and seniors, James A. Little Theatre, 7pm Friday and Saturday; 2pm Sunday, (505) 242-9267, Tickets at
Nov. 7: Rio Rancho Book Fair.,
Nov. 12-14: PubWest National Publishing Conference and Trade Show, Doubletree Hotel Reid Park, Tucson, AZ. All details at:
Nov. 13: NMBA Networking Luncheon, Book Forum, downstairs at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, free. Bring friends and your bag lunch; free but contributions to the cookie fund welcome 1 11:30am to 1:15pm.
Nov. 13: NMBA Board Meeting, Book Forum, Santa Fe, 1:30pm.
Nov. 14: EARLY BIRD DEADLINE! Annual IPPY Awards. Independent publishers may enter 67 categories in 20 regions! Enter now and save $5. Jim Barnes. Visit
Nov. 15: EARLY BIRD DEADLINE! Southwest Book Design & Production Awards. $25 first category entered, $15 each extra category (NMBA members). See the brochure at or contact Jim Mafchir, (505) 988-7214,
Nov. 20: New Mexico Book Awards Banquet, MCM Elegante Hotel, Albuquerque, 6:30pm. Honoring Joe Sando Michael McGarrity, Howard Bryan, Joe Westbrook. Tickets $48. Paul Rhetts, (505) 344-9382,
Nov. 21: "The Art of the Personal Essay," Page Lambert, Connecting People with Nature and Writers with Words, $85 early registration, $95 after Nov. 1. Mt. Vernon Country Club, Golden, CO, 8:30am-4pm, (303) 842-7360,,
Nov. 21: Clear Light Gallery Book Market, Santa Fe, 10am-3pm. Harmon Houghton (505) 989-9590.
Nov. 25: DEADLINE: 2009 DIY Book Festival entries. Fees: $10 to $50. JM Northern Media (323) 665-8080.
+ November Signings & Readings:
Nov. 6: Jimmy Santiago Baca, A Glass of Water, booksigning and reading at Collected Works, Galisteo and Water streets, Santa Fe, 6pm. Mary Wolf, (505) 988-4226.
Nov. 11: Sally Denton, The Pink Lady: The Many Lives of Helen Gahagan Douglas, La Fonda Hotel, 100 E San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, 5-6pm, (505) 986-0151,
Nov. 14: Jeff Haas, The Assassination of Fred Hampton, Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 5-6pm, (505) 986-0151,,

Nov. 14: K. J. Fraser, A Journey, A Reckoning, and a Miracle, Borders, 3513 Zafarano Dr., Santa Fe, 2-4pm, (505) 474-9450,,

Nov. 17: Margaret Atwood and Graeme Gibson, The Year of the Flood and The Bedside Book of Beasts, Lensic Performing Arts Center, 225 San Francisco Street, Santa Fe, 7pm.
(505) 988-1234,,

Nov. 21: Christopher Valen, The Black Minute, Hastings, 800 Juan Tabo, Albuquerque, 5 - 9pm, (505) 296-6107,,

Nov. 21: K. J. Fraser, A Journey, A Reckoning, and A Miracle, Hastings, 800 Juan Tabo NE, Albuquerque, 3-5pm, (505) 296-6107,,

Nov. 21: Christopher Valen, The Black Minute, Barnes & Noble, Coronado Center, Albuquerque, 11:30am-2pm, (505) 883-8200,

+ On the Horizon
Dec. 6: Teri Thompson Randall, Tender Harvest (photography), Land Conservation Headquarters, Richards Ave, Santa Fe, 2pm.
Dec. 9: Greg Mortenson, Stones into Schools, Saint Francis Auditorium, 7:00pm, (505) 988-1234,,
Dec. 10: NMBA Holiday Fiesta Party. The 2009 gathering for all New Mexico literary people and book organizations, El Museo Cultural, Santa Fe Railyards (tentative), 5:30 to 7:30pm. Details: Jim (505) 988-7214.
April 7-10, 2010: New Mexico Library Association Conference, Ruidoso, NM. Your NMBA will be there to represent New Mexico authors and publishers!

Visit for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Write On 4 Corners November Schedule KSJE-FM

Write on 4 Corners, KSJE-FM 90.9
Connie Gotsch Program Driector/Interviewer

Contact Connie Gotsch for interview and reading schedule, 505-566 3377, Visit for dates and times of Internet real time broadcast, and you can hear past programs online by searching MP3 Archives, Write on Four Corners. November Schedule follows.

November 4: Martha Shipman Andrews (Ed.). The Whole Damned World. Rio Grande Books. "Write On 4 Corners," 10:30am, reading.

November 6, Don Bullis. New Mexico A Biographical Dictionary Vol. II. Rio Grande Books. “Write On 4 Corners, 2:30pm, reading.

November 11: Napoleon Garcia and Analinda Dunn. Genizaro and the Artists. Rio Grande Books. "Write On 4 Corners," 10:30am, reading.

November 13: Barbara Bonfigli, Tempest. Tell Me Press. Write On 4 Corners, 2:30pm, reading.

November 18: Liz Adair. Counting the Cost. Inglestone Publishing. "Write On 4 Corners," 10:30am, reading.

Nvember 20: Robert Root, Following Isabella. University of New Mexico Press. Write On 4 Corners,, 2:30pm, reading.

November 25: P.J. Nichols The Belly of the Beast. Nuni of Noviak Island. Vultures in the Cemetary. Pennie Rich Publishing. "Write On 4 Corners," 10:30am, reading.

November 27: No show Closed campus holiday

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Carolyn Howard Johnson and MaAnna Stephenson in USA Book News Poetry Category as Finalist.

Magdalena Ball and I are thrilled to have our chapbook of poetry--a cooperative effort--named a finalist in USA Book News' poetry category for 2009. We hope you agree this may be an honor (or merely a resource!) that your writers (poets among them?) may be interested in learning about! Please let me know ( if you publish the release or edit it or use the information in it in any other way so that I can thank you in my newsletter. You know, keep the promotion ball (and the love) rolling.

For Immediate Release
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Reflections on Motherhood a Prize Winner

Award-winning Poets From Two Hemispheres Awarded for Chapbook

"a different kind of future
airy and permanent
the dry bliss of yellow bows
and shiny shoes"

She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood was conceived by Californian Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Aussie Magdalena Ball as part of their poetry chapbook series designed to commemorate holidays; their efforts were rewarded October 19 when it was named as a finalist for poetry book by USA Book News.

They believe that many need an alternative to the cloying greeting cards usually available for mothers' birthdays, Mother's Day and other holidays in card shops for about the same price as a card but--being poetry--with a high perceived sentimental and monetary value..

Howard-Johnson's first chapbook, Tracings (Finishing Line Press) was honored for excellence by the Military Writers Society of America and named to Compulsive Reader's Ten Best Reads. Her poetry has also been published in journals like Pear Noir, Montana State University's literary magazine, Writings from the River, Mt. St. Mary’s College journal Mary, The Pedestal magazine and in the soon-to-be released anthology by UCLA’s own Suzanne Lummis. She is the author of several other award-winning books. She is also an instructor for the UCLA Extension Writers' Program.

Ball’s novel Sleep Before Evening received unanimous 5-star reviews for its linguistic beauty and the intensity of its plot. She is also the author of an award-winning poetry chapbook Quark Soup, and a nonfiction book The Art of Assessment: How to Review Anything. Her website The Compulsive Reader,, has become a benchmark for high quality online literary criticism.

Artwork for She Wore Emerald Then is by May Lattanzio. She is a freelance writer/photographer, and author of Waltz on the Wild Side -- An Animal Lover's Journal and contributor to Native West's anthology Least Loved Beasts of the Really Wild West - A Tribute".

Learn more about Magdalena Ball at

Learn More about Carolyn Howard-Johnson in the Media Room at

Find a catalog of Lattanzio's writing at and her photographs at or

Find She Wore Emerald Then is available on Amazon at:
Support materials are available on request.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Bilingual children's Book from Rio Grande Books

New Bilingual Children's Books Released
LPD Press and Rio Grande Books are pleased to announce the release of its two newest books just in time for the holiday season. The Tale of the Pronghorned Cantaloupe, a bilingual children's story for readers 3 and up, by award-winning Albuquerque author Sabra Brown Steinsiek with illustrations by Noel Chilton, is now available for shipping to stores all across the Southwest.
The trade soft cover book is 48 pages with 49 color illustrations. ISBN 978-1-890689-85-8; retail $17.95
More information on this new release is available by clicking HERE!

Shoes for the Santo Nino, a bilingual children's story for readers 8 and up, by famed New Mexico author Peggy Pond Church with illustrations by award-winning Santa Fe artist Charles M. Carrillo, is now available for shipping to stores all across the Southwest.
The story was written in the 1930s and lost for almost seven decades. It was recently re-discovered by Church's family.
The trade soft cover book is 64 pages with 32 color illustrations. ISBN 978-1-890689-64-3; retail $19.95
More information on this new release is available by clicking HERE!

The books are available from Ingram, Baker & Taylor, or directly from the publisher.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Mexico Book CoOp News

October 13, 2009
New Mexico Book Coop
NEW MEXICO FALL BOOK FIESTA Over 30 New Mexico authors & publishers Saturday, October 24th, 10 am to 4 pm
Clear Light Book Gallery and the New Mexico Book Co-Operative are presenting a New Mexico Book Fiesta on Saturday, October 24th, from 10 am to 4 pm at the Clear Light Book Gallery Annex, 851 West San Mateo Road (the space formerly occupied by Open Hands).
Meet over 30 New Mexico authors, who will be on hand to greet the public and sign copies of their books. In an adjacent area, authors will take turns speaking and reading from their works. A schedule will be available at the event.
Dear Author:
We are launching the Clear Light Gallery Fall event schedule in conjunction with the NM Book Coop and would like to invite you to participate in a day long festival for literacy and the book.
If you would like to Participate, Sign, or give a talk, please contact
If you have any ideas for special presentations please give me a call ASAP 989-9590
If you would like to participate, please email us your contact info along with a list of Title(s) you would to present, your web site and any other relevant links.
We will post them on the emailing and promotional material
As of 10/12/09 the following authors have confirmed an interest:
Mark David Gerson
Craig Smith
Viola White
LPD Press
Elaine Pinkerton Coleman
Dolores Pong
Sandy Benson
Jack Hudson
Margaret Nava
Susan McDuffie
As in the past there is no charge for the table, and you will receive 75% of the proceeds for all sales made during the event.
The only proviso that we have is that you forward our event email to your list of friends and supporters.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Harmon Houghton, Publisher
. Ample parking is available for this free event. Refreshments will be served.
For additional information please contact:
Paul Rhetts, NM Book Coop 505.344-9382
Clear Light Book Gallery 505-424-9090
Clear Light Book Gallery
Cookbooks, Children’s, Native American, Hispanic, Southwest & Holistic Books,
Special Order Desk, Discount Books & Posters, Southwest Gift Items & Art, Holiday and Note Cards, Hispanic Retablos & Handmade Straw-Inland Crosses, CDs from Local Musicians & More
• Bookstore offering over 2,000 titles— Native American, Hispanic and Southwest culture, children’s books, cookbooks, history and fiction books from over 250 local and regional publishers. A special order desk makes it possible to obtain any book in print.
Clear Light Book Gallery offers a wide selection of books, posters, cards and gift items. The books cover subjects from Native American, Hispanic and Southwestern culture, children’s books, cookbooks, history and fiction from over 250 local and regional publishers. A special order desk makes it possible to obtain any book in print.
• Poster gallery and gift shop featuring gifts with a Southwestern flair,
Hispanic retablos and handmade straw inlaid crosses from the local community; Huichol Indian art; mini-posters; greeting and note cards; and a wide variety of unique gift items. The Gallery also features fine art posters by well-known artists.
Clear Light Book Gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 to 4.
• Ongoing special sales, events and book signings.
Check the announcement board in the front of the store.
• 20% off storewide winter specials on now! Buy two, get one free!
Clear Light Book Gallery
851 West San Mateo, Unit 7 (formerly Open Hands)
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Open Tuesday - Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Bookstore Events

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Sharing with Writers Special Edition

This is a special edition newsletter and is not available in .pdf because it is only one message and so good ol' plain text is probably enough.

October 12, 2009

Sharing with Writers
A newsletter that is also a community. Share your ideas. Learn from theirs! Associated with the multi award - winning series of HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers,

From the Desks of
Carolyn Howard - Johnson
and Sharing with Writers Subscribers

~ ~ ~:. ~ ~ ~.: ~ ~ ~.: ~ ~ ~:. ~ ~ ~.: ~ ~ ~.: ~ ~ ~:. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:. ~ ~
~.: ~ ~ ~

Dear Subscribers:

I have been working with Denise Cassino and Dr. Anna Maria Prezio on book launches for some time. I have been impressed with their program but didn't recommend it to you because it wasn't exactly frugal to have them do it for you (though certainly worth the expense!).

Now they have made this program available to you in a do - it - yourself format to help you turn your books, products, and services into #1 bestsellers on Amazon and, because it teaches you to do it yourself, it costs a fraction of what their full service program costs.

I've also followed Anna Maria's writing career from its inception and can see what this program has done for her (she explains below).

I knew you'd want to find out more about the program and about Anna Maria's success, so I've copied her note below!

Dear Friends,

My co - creator, Denise Cassino, and I have been teasing you on Twitter, Facebook and other social media about our new exceptional program on how to become a #1 Bestseller on Amazon. Well, the time has come to unveil this happy and extraordinary event. I know you’re busy but take a look at how your passion, your talent, and your vision can become a reach their full potential…

*You’ve dreamed of becoming a #1 Bestseller

*You’ve thought to yourself, My book should be a #1 Bestseller!

*I want to tell the world about how powerful my book is but I don’t know where to begin.

Forget your frustration because the answer to fulfilling your vision is here, and now…Take a listen to our intro to ‘8 Keys to Your #1 Bestseller’
and learn how to move forward! It’s a free intro to our 9 - PART AUDIO SERIES, YOUR #1 BESTSELLER, and it will tell you how we can help you press that Bestseller sticker onto your book covers. This short overview will help you create Your #1 Bestseller Campaign! Check out the SYLLABUS, too, and you’ll see how comprehensive this program is! Go to

to learn more.

Denise Cassino has launched numerous authors, products and services to a
#1 bestseller status on Amazon. It's not rocket science; it's a formulated plan that, when followed, will position you to hit #1 on your launch day.

You know that being a #1 Bestseller can open doors. My own #1 Bestseller (the campaign took place on May 12 and was coordinated by Denise) for Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost - Buster has opened so many doors for me.
I will soon be announcing a television series on a major network as a result of becoming a #1 Bestselling author. And that’s just one example of what the campaign has done for me. I’ve been asked to partner up with the top internet celebrities in my field. I’ve been asked to speak, have done TV interviews and major am radio shows - - which are sometimes even more than I can actually handle - - and my expert status has shot through the roof. Last week I shot a 15 minute segment for a brand new TV Pilot in Newport Beach.

Yes. All of this has happened since I became a #1 Bestselling author so I am proof that it works. Other #1 Bestselling authors have received immediate offers from major publishers both domestic and international when they hit #1 status. Waiting for you is the amazing Rock Star Recognition that most of us crave. Each day that you wait, you are losing money, speaking engagements, publicity, visibility and most importantly, the ability to touch people’s lives.

Now is your time! Anyone with a vision and a plan can have a #1 Bestseller! Let us help you get there.

Let us show you right now how it can be done and the exciting ways that having a #1 Bestseller can change your life! We will give you the secrets and tools you need to achieve your dream!

This program is a 9 - week program that walks you through the campaign, step - by - step, teaching you how to choose your categories, build your website, find partners, write press releases, maximize your Amazon profile and page and much, much more! Each week you'll receive homework and personalized coaching to answer all of your questions as you go. We want you to have the same amazing success that others have achieved at the affordable price of $297!

Take the plunge! You'll never be sorry!

Big Blessings,
Dr. Anna Maria Prezio
Bestselling author of Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost - Buster, Marketing Guru and Feng Shui Master and Denise Cassino, JV Specialist and Book Launch Specialist

Happy Writing, Promoting and Editing, too.
Carolyn Howard - Johnson

PS: You'll note that I am one of those who offer bonuses for those who buy this launch program. You know I do not take this kind of endorsement lightly. Do let me know how you progress with it and do know that your copy of The Frugal Book Promoter can also help you with essentials of the program - - essentials like writing professional media releases, mini releases, pitches and even some techniques for making Amazon work for you.
My book and this program are perfectly compatible.

PPS: Don't think that because your book is not new that it cannot be launched again. There are approaches to a launch other than being new.
Think 2nd edition, e - book edition, Kindle edition, a celebration of a holiday associated with the theme of your book. Only you know the details of your book. Think! You can find a reason for a marketing putsch!


Essential Book and Record Keeping:

This is a place to share with others and learn from others.

Although I do attempt to verify information used within this newsletter's pages, Sharing with Writers does not guarantee entities or information.
Subscribers should research resources.

To submit information articles, tips or other information, e - mail Carolyn at Please put "Submission: Sharing with Writers"
in the subject line.

If you do not care to receive this newsletter, send an e - mail to with "Unsubscribe” in the subject line, but please, please don't tell me you've given up writing or promoting!

To subscribe to Sharing with Writers send an e - mail with "Subscribe" in the subject line to::

Please pass this newsletter to friends or e - groups. It needn't be pasted in its complete form, but please credit this newsletter, and the individual contributors with anything you snip and paste.

Ordering Information:
Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't - 1/ The e - book at

The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success

The Great First Impression Book Proposal: Everything You Need To Know About Selling Your Book in 20 Minutes or Less, - First - Impression - Book - Proposal/dp/B000YG6O5U/

A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In - Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques

To learn more about This Is the Place,
Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered, Tracings, and She Wore Emerald Then: www.carolynhoward -

She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood, a chapbook of poetry coauthored with Magdalena Ball. - Wore - Emerald - Then - Reflections/dp/1438263791/

Tracings, a chapbook of poetry (Finishing Line Press) - 1/

Contact Information
http://carolynhoward - (literary) (all things about writing)

Blogs:, a blog on all things publishing, all things grammatical and ungrammatical, a blog focused on YOUR reviews, a blog focused on editing, formatting and craft War. Peace. Tolerance. And Our Soldiers., a blog where you can learn to get some mojo behind your own booth by learning from the successes and mistakes of others.

Tweeting at:

Squidooing at: - johnson

Visit Carolyn HowardJohnson at:

Click here to unsubscribe:

Powered by AuthorsDen

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Mexicvo Book CoOp News

October 12, 2009
WEB Marketing for Authors
The New Mexico Book Co-op will feature Web marketing for authors at its October 23 lunch meeting. Jan Zimmermann, author of Web Marketing for Dummies, will be our speaker. The meeting begins at 11:30 and is open to anyone interested in books. The meeting will be held at the Golden Corral at 3401 Hwy 528 (just west of the intersection of Coors Blvd and Alameda Blvd). The meeting is free and the buffet lunch costs about $8 plus tax and tip.
Everyone who is interested in books in New Mexico is welcome (and encouraged) to attend this event!
Email or call 505/344-9382 for reserve a seat at the lunch.

Honoring the Best in NM Books
Join us at the 3rd annual New Mexico Book Awards banquet on Friday, November 20 at the MCM Elegante Hotel in Albuquerque in honoring the best books of 2008 and 2009. The winners in over 30 categories will be announced at the dinner.
To get tickets for the banquet CLICK HERE!
Finalists may order stickers for their books HERE!
The entire list of finalists is available by clicking on the image at the right or by clicking HERE!
In addition to the winners in the 33 categories, the New Mexico Book Co-op will honor four people who have made special contributions to books in New Mexico:
Michael McGarrity
Joe Sando
Howard Bryan
Joe Wesbrook
Everyone who is interested in books in New Mexico is welcome (and encouraged) to attend this gala event!
Holiday Book Buying -- Stressing Local Books
The Holiday Fair at the Rio Rancho Inn on Saturday, November 7, 10am to 4pm in the Ballroom, is sold out, but it will be the perfect place to shop locally this year!!! Over 100 local authors are signed up tio participate. Mark your calendar and come by and shop for local books by local authors..
This is the largest book selling event of the year!
Enter Your Material for New Book Project
Voices of New Mexico -- An Anthology for the Centennial Celebration of New Mexico
Entry deadline for inclusion in this new book is December 31. Theme is "Voices of New Mexico."
Essay submissions have to have some aspect of New Mexico, funny, history, biography, life in New Mexico, fiction, nonfiction. Suggestions: What was it like growing up in New Mexico? Why are New Mexicans/Santa Feans/Albuquerqueans different? Why are aliens so Roswell? A New Mexico character in New Mexico history. Why do we like green/red chile? Why were the Native Americans and Hispanics so important to New Mexico? Do you have a favorite family cuento? Do you have to get up early to enjoy the Balloon Fiesta, Indian or Spanish Markets? What part of living in New Mexico hasn’t been done to death? Entry Information ($10 fee per entry) is available HERE!

New Co-op Book Catalog is Coming!
The New Mexico Book Co-op will be announcing a new book catalog project in a few weeks. The catalog last year was extremely successful and we are going to do it again. Last year we mailed out a 48-page catalog to every bookseller and library in the region. We will announce the process for everyone to be involved in this year's catalog in the email newsletter. When you get the info do not delay. We expect that it will sell out in very short order.
Santa Fe Book Market
The Santa Fe Book Market will be starting up again this month. The event is on Saturday, October 24 at Clear Light Books at 823 Don Diego in Santa Fe. It will run from 10am to 3pm. All authors are welcome.
As of this email the following have signed up to participate:
Mark David Gerson
Craig Smith
Viola White
LPD Press
Elaine Pinkerton Coleman
Dolores Pong
Sandy Benson
Jack Hudson
Margaret Nava
Anyone who is interested in signing up should contact Paul Rhetts at or Harmon Houghton at

Upcoming Calendar
October 23 - Coop lunch
October 24 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
November 7 - Rio Rancho Book Fair
November 20 - NM Book Awards banquet
November 21 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 11 - Coop Holiday Party
December 12 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 31 - Voices Anthology deadline

Barbara Mayfield and The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me

This week The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me has been awarded its first national book award - a Moonbeam!! Barbara and Mrs. Iptweet will visit Write On Four Corners on KSJE FM Farmington NM in early 2009.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.


Related to La Ranfla and Other New Mexico Stories

Thursday, October 15, 5:45 pm
Interview on KUNM Radio 89.9

Saturday, October 17, 3:00 pm
Signing/reading at Bookworks
4022 Rio Grande Blvd./Dietz Plaza, Albuquerque
A couple of ranflas (colloquial for “the ride,” a vintage car, often a lowrider)

Friday, October 23, Time TBD
UNM Bookstore
2301 Central NE, Albuquerque

Saturday, October 24, 2:00 pm
Borders Bookstore/Westside
10420 Coors Bypass, NW, Albuquerque
An animal adoption clinic to honor the animal characters in many of Egan’s stories

Tuesday, October 27, 8:00 am
Interview on KSFR Radio 101.1
With Mary Charlotte Domandi

Friday, October 30, 6:00 pm
Collected Works Bookstore
202 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe
Ranflas on display. Café. Refreshments. Music.

Saturday, November 7, 10:00 am-4:00 pm
Holiday Book Fair
Rio Rancho Inn in Rio Ranch, NM

Wednesday, November 11, 9:00 am
Live radio interview KFUN 1230 AM
Las Vegas, NM

Saturday, November 14, 4:00 pm
Tome on the Range
158 Bridge Street, Las Vegas, NM
Ranflas on view

Sunday, November 22, 1:00 pm
Singing Wind Bookshop
700 Singing Wind Road, Benson, AZ

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Friday, October 9, 2009

WEB Marketing for Authors New Mexico Book CoOp

WEB Marketing for Authors
The New Mexico Book Co-op will feature Web marketing for authors at its October 23 lunch meeting. Jan Zimmermann, author of Web Marketing for Dummies, will be our speaker. The meeting begins at 11:30 and is open to anyone interested in books. The meeting will be held at the Golden Corral at 3401 Hwy 528 (just west of the intersection of Coors Blvd and Alameda Blvd). The meeting is free and the buffet lunch costs about $8 plus tax and tip.
Everyone who is interested in books in New Mexico is welcome (and encouraged) to attend this event!
Email or call 505/344-9382 for reserve a seat at the lunch.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

New Mexico Book Association Flashnotes

Networking Luncheon Friday at NMBA Book Forum!
+ Same Place, New Space for 10/9 "Brown Bag"
NMBA’s October Networking Brown Bag Luncheon is tomorrow, Friday 10/9 at the usual address: 826 Camino del Monte Rey in Santa Fe, starting at 11:30am. Our gathering space is now downstairs with our new office. It’s more intimate, but also more convenient -- no stairs! Come to the brown Recursos door on the west side of the building. We’ve named this meeting space the NMBA Book Forum. As always, there’s no charge and juices and cookies provided. Bring a friend and talk about your publishing or writing project. (NMBA Board of Directors meets at 1:30, following the Networking Luncheon.)
+ Book Review Professional Workshop Next Thursday
There’s still a seat for you at Book Reviews: The Inside Story next Thursday evening, October 15. Location will be St. Bede’s Episcopal Church, just off St. Francis Drive with entrance on San Mateo. Seasoned regional book reviewers Erin Adair-Hodges, Cindy Bellinger and Sabra Brown-Steinsiek will help you get that priceless review in a variety of publications. Contact Paula to reserve your place: (505) 473-3479,
+ Design Awards Early Bird Deadline October 31
It’s coming up fast -- your chance to save by entering early in NMBA’s Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence competition. The fee for members is only $25, if your form and payment come in by Saturday, October 31 (see for the Entry Form). Competition is open to all titles produced in 2008 and 2009. You may enter in more than one of the several well-planned categories.
NMBA is New Mexico’s Only Nonprofit Serving All Book Professionals!
Visit for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gwynne Spencer's Cosmic Raccoon is up. To Subscribe, find Gwennye's link on this blog or go to

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

Southwest Book Design Contest

Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence
Jim Mafchir, President, New Mexico Book Association:
(505) 988-7214, e-mail:
Mail: Post Office Box 1285, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Office PH: (505) 231-1755, Fax: (505) 983-0899
NMBA Website:

Calling all Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and
West Texas Publishers, Book Designers, and Authors!

Santa Fe, NM. October, 2009 -- Many contests judge books by content; few credit the look of a book. The First Annual “Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence” is looking for a few good books.
Hoping to raise the bar and set standards of book excellence, this new contest will recognize creativity and quality of book design, and production. A panel of long-standing professionals in the industry will judge the entries.
Books must be published, designed or produced in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah or West Texas.
Entry fee is $30 first category and $15 for each additional category for NMBA members; $45 first category and $20 for each additional category for non-members—send two copies of each title submitted. There are ten categories (see brochure attached). Deadline for receipt of books, entry form and check, no later than February 15, 2010. Early Bird discount if mailed by October 31, 2009.
This contest takes to task the old adage “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” How a book looks and feels is what captures potential buyers. Having a book recognized for an award helps establish credibility among industry professionals.
Download our brochure and entry form (attached in this email), or go to Finalists to be announced April 30, 2010.
Wouldn’t “Winner, Best Cover and Jacket Design, 2008-2009” be a nice addition to the accolades for your book?

Send books, form and fees to:

Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence
New Mexico Book Association
PO Box 1285
Santa Fe NM 87504


Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.

New Mexico Book Association Book Reviews

New Location!
NMBA Book Forum: Book Reviews: The Inside Story
An NMBA Professional Development Workshop
Thursday, October 15, 2009, 6 to 8 PM

A reputable review (or two) of your book is a gold mine for successful marketing – and they are free. How do you get your book reviewed? Our experts will discuss
 what they look for when choosing books to review
 what authors and publishers can do to make a reviewer’s job easier
 what authors should keep in mind before they have a book reviewed
Speakers are:
 Cindy Bellinger, reviewer for “Book Chat,” the respected and popular review column in enchantment magazine
 Erin Adair-Hodges, book reviewer and editor for Albuquerque’s weekly Alibi
 Sabra Brown-Steinsiek, founder, editor, and chief reviewer of

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time: 6 to 8 PM
Cost: $15 NMBA members, $20 everyone else (cash or check only)
Location:Change: LIibrary of St. Bede's, 1601 St. Francis Drive S., entrance is on San Mateo Drive, just east of St. Francis.
Don't miss this workshop opportunity to gain an insider's look at how to garner reviews that are so important to your publishing career!

Reservations: Paula Lozar, 505-473-3479, or
Space is limited – reserve now!

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

And now out! Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at and, and through your local book store.