Tuesday, September 30, 2008

KSJE FM Write On Four Corners Schedule

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Wed. Oct. 1 and Fri. Oct. 3 Jean Campion Minta Forever Western Reflections Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Wed. Oct. 8 and Fri. Oct. 10 Lynn Doxon Rainbows from Heaven Artemesia Press

Wed. Oct. 15 and Fri. Oct. 17 Beverly Eschberger The Elephants Visit London Artemesia Press

Wed. Oct. 22 and Fri. Oct. 24 Barbara Bergin Endings Sunstone Press Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Wed. Oct. 29 and Fri. Oct. 31 Geoff Habiger Dinosaur Activity Book Artemesia Press

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

New Mexico Book Association Workshop

For Immediate Release:
Red Hot Internet Marketing for Authors & Publishers
with Penny Sansevieri
Presented by SouthWest Writers (SWW)
and New Mexico Book Association (NMBA)
Saturday, October 18, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
New Life Presbyterian Church
5540 Eubank NE
Click Here for Map

Cost: $79 for SWW/NMBA members, $99 for nonmembers
Fees include a box lunch and Penny's book "Red Hot Internet Publicity"
Call to reserve your spot: SWW office, 265-9485 or email Rob Spiegel: robspiegel@comcast.net, or for more information go to www.southwestwriters.org or www.nmbook.org
Have you written a book and now realize that marketing it is as hard – or even harder? Marketing professional Penny Sansevieri is dynamic, exciting and informative. She knows that marketing your book in today’s saturated market (800 books are published every day) can leave you frustrated. She will turn your frustration into determination and optimism – and make you laugh all the way.
Penny says that what once worked (traditional press kits and press releases) no longer work. And newspapers, radio and TV are reducing or eliminating the time and space devoted to authors and book reviews. The INTERNET is now the best road to your book’s success. But how? When? (Hint: Long before you think.) Why? Penny will tell you.
Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. Her company researched, developed and implemented the first comprehensive Internet publicity campaign called The Virtual Author Tour.
9:00 - 9:30 am Book Marketing in a Web 2.0 World: how the Internet has changed how we market books
9:30 - 10:30 am Getting ready to go to market: book reviews, press rooms, press kits and media
10:45 - noon Press Releases: The new rules of press release writing.
1:00 - 1:30 pm Creating a web site that ROCKS!
1:30 - 2:15 pm Internet marketing overview: the ins and outs of marketing yourself online
2:15 - 2:45 pm Creating a blogging campaign that sells books!
3:15 - 4:00 pm Using Social Networking Sites to get noticed: which ones are the best sites to use, should you be on all the social networking sites? Is Facebook still just for college kids?
4:00 - 4:30 pm Putting it all together, developing your Internet marketing plan

All welcome, bring a friend!

Thank you for posting, listing, or passing along any or all of this information!

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book Association News

Networking Luncheon October 10, then on October 18:
A Full Day with Penny Sansevieri
Makes You an Internet Market Leader!
>> Our NMBA Second Friday Networking Luncheon takes place October 10, upstairs in the Writers Room at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe. Bring a friend at 11:30am. We’ll have drinks and cookies and take a good look at of today’s writing and publishing issues. Reservations never necessary. The October NMBA board meeting follows at 1:30pm. Following our success at the Mountains & Plains Booksellers Trade Show in Colorado Springs, pick up a copy of the New Mexico Publishers & Authors Showcase catalog at lunch.
>> Penny Sansevieri Day-long "Red Hot Internet Marketing" Intensive, in Albuquerque’s New Life Presbyterian Church. Now is the time to reserve your seat for this superb workshop while there’s still some room! Call Rob Spiegel (505) 275-2556, robspiegel@comcast.net or Karen Villanueva (505) 764-8323, authorcare@aol.com right away. Cost for NMBA and SouthWest Writers members is just $79 ($99 for non-members), includes Penny’s great book and lunch! This professional event is a must for every New Mexico publisher and author!
>> Round Table Happy Hour for writers and people in publishing, at Santa Fe Bar & Grill on Thursday, October 23, 5:30-7pm. Come join our small crowd for great sharing. Look for us in the room on the left. All welcome!
>> NMBA Membership Dues. It’s time for your membership renewal. Bring your check to lunch or the happy hour, or send $62 to NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe 87504.
+ OCTOBER Book Events
Oct. 1: DEADLINE! PubWest National Conference "early bird" pricing for NMBA members. See the Nov. 3-15 announcement below!
Oct. 3-4: Santa Fe Antiquarian Book Fair, Museo Cultural, Santa Fe. Authors Marc Simmons, Jack Loeffler, Kathryn Flynn, and many rare books sellers! See www.santafebookshow.com, (505) 983-0088.
Oct. 3-5: "The Mind of Your Story," weekend writing intensive with author Lisa Lenard-Cook, Narrative Art Center, Carson, NM. Apply at www.narrativeartscenter.com. Call Cinny Green for details: (505) 988-5185
Oct. 4: First Saturday Art Walk, Madrid, NM. Diana Johnson, (505) 471-1054.
Oct. 4: SOMOS Book Sale, 229 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Taos. Books, CDs, DVD, VCRs, priced from $1-$3, Call (505) 758-0081, somos@laplaza.org.
Oct. 4: Page One Self-Published Author Fair, at the store’s cafe, Albuquerque, 3-5pm. www.page1books.com
Oct. 10: NMBA Networking Luncheon, The Writer’s Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am, free. (505) 231-1755.
Oct. 10: NMBA Board Meeting. Writers’ Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 1:30pm.
Oct. 15: DEADLINE: NMBA Libro for November monthly online Events Calendar and Nov/Dec print edition. Include basic details in your email or letter (no attachments, please). Send entries to NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe 87504, or (505) 231-1755, or email richard@oceantree.com
Oct. 15: DEADLINE: New Mexico Book Awards Banquet "early bird" tickets ($36), RSVP: (505) 344-9382.
Oct. 18: Penny Sansevieri: "Red Hot Internet Marketing for Authors & Publishers," professional development workshop, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank N.E., Albuquerque, 9am-4:30pm. NMBA and SouthWest Writers members $79, including lunch and Penny's book, Red Hot Internet Publicity! (non-members pay $99). Reserve your place right away: Rob Spiegel (505) 275-2556, robspiegel@comcast.net or Karen Villanueva (505) 764-8323, authorcare@aol.com
Oct. 23: NMBA "Round Table Happy Hour" for all book people at Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, Santa Fe, Thursday 5:30-7pm. Come join the fun. Call Jim Mafchir if you need directions: (505) 988-7214.
Oct. 11: Poetry at Paul White's, Chupadero, NM, 4:30pm. Potluck and open mike. Call Paul, (505) 988-1082.
Oct. 25: "The Value and Care of Out of Print Books," workshop with John Randall, Mesilla, NM. bbf@zianet.com
Oct. 25: DEADLINE: DIY Book Festival Awards. 17 categories, $1500 first prize includes ticket to Los Angeles. (323) 665-8080
+ On the Horizon
Nov. 1-2: PaperBack Dreams, film documentary about two well-known indie bookstores, with discussion led by its director, Guild Theater, Albuquerque. See www.keepitquerque.org.
Nov. 5-9: Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: "Focus on Mystery" in Albuquerque. www.hillermanconference.com, (505) 471-1565.
Nov. 13-15: Pubwest National Publishing Conference and Book Industry Trade Show, Portland, Oregon. Early bird discount for NMBA members ends Tuesday! Register as "Attendee," select "Reference," and enter NMBA on the Reference Code field. www.pubwest.org
Nov. 21: N.M. Book Awards Banquet, Albuquerque. Tickets $36 (before Oct. 15), $46 afterwards. Paul Rhetts, (505) 344-9382.
Nov. 21-23: Zia Arts & Crafts Book Sale Emporium at State Fairgrounds, Albuquerque. Jill Lane (see www.nmbookcoop.com/page14/page104/page104html)
Jan 15, 2009: DEADLINE! ForeWord’s Book of the Year Awards. $1500 for best fiction and non-fiction, 61 categories. Register online with ForeWord Connections: www.forewordmagazine.com.
+ On the Air
Write On Four Corners: Connie Gotsch hosts "Write on Four Corners" every Wednesday at 10:30am and Friday at 2:30pm on KSJE FM 90.9 in Farmington and on the internet in real time at www.ksje.com. Oct. 1&3: Jean Champion Mina (Forever Western Reflections); Oct 8&10: Lynn Doxon (Rainbows from Heaven); Oct. 15&17: Beverly Eschnberger (The Elephants Visit London); Oct. 22&24: Barbara Bergin; Oct. 19-31: Geoff Habiger.
+ Booksigning & Readings Sampler:
Page One Books, Albuquerque: Oct. 1: Christine Barber (The Replacement Child), Oct. 7: Aimee & David Thurlow (Coyote’s Wife); Oct. 10: Nancy Whitney-Reiter (Unplugged); Oct. 19: Ken Orth; Oct. 23: Greg Shapiro; Oct. 24: Stan Sager; Oct. 28: Karen Tascheck. Visit: www.page1books.com
Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe: Oct. 6: Joan Tapper (Shear Spirit: Ten Fiber Forms); Oct. 18: Denys Cope (Dying: A Natural Passage); Oct.24: Laura E. Gómez, Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race softcover release 5-6pm.
Bookworks: Albuquerque, Oct. 5: Christine Barber, (The Replacement Child) A Mystery Winner of the Tony Hillerman Prize, 3pm; Oct: 7, Carolyn Flynn & Anne Ihnen (The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mindfulness) 7pm; Oct.12: Terry Tempest Williams, (Finding Beauty in a Broken World), 3pm; Oct. 26: Laura E. Gómez, (Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race) 5-6pm. Visit: www.bkwrks.com
Oct. 12: Group Poetry Reading, Johnsons of Madrid Galleries, Madrid, NM, 1-3:30pm. Contact Mary, (505) 982-1026, mmcginnis@newvistas.org.

Libro Calendar of Events items must be sent to us in this simple style:
Date, Name of the event, Sponsor, location, time, cost (if any), and contact.
Email to richard@oceantree.com or mail@nmbook.org. Thank you!

Visit www.nmbook.org for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book CoOp News

September 29, 2008

Congratulations to all the finalists in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards In just the first two days we have over 150 reservations. If you are thinking of going to the biggest gala for New Mexico Books in 2008 act quickly or all the seats will be gone. Cost is $36 per person if reserved before Oct 15 (cost is $46 after that date). If you use the link below and pay for tickets on PayPal you are guaranteed a seat and you do not need to do anything else to reserve your space. If you are sending a check also RSVP at 505-344-9382 so we can hold your seats. You can make and pay for your reservation online at http://nmbookcoop.com/page5/page105/page105.html. Or mail a check to the address below. Don’t wait too long to make your reservation as the banquet was sold out last year by October 1. The winners will be announced at the Banquet on November 21. You can check out the entire list of Finalists at http://nmbookcoop.com/page5/page108/page108.html. The Banquet will be at the MCM Elegante at 2020 Menaul in Albuquerque, one block East of Menaul and University Blvd. Attire is New Mexico casual (bolos, boots, and broomstick skirts). It starts at 5:30pm and dinner will be at 6:30.

You've written the initial draft(s) of your short story. Now what? Bring your work to this class and hone your storytelling skills further through the process of honest and positive peer review. The first class will focus on constructive critiquing techniques. We will then critique one another's stories, and time will be available to discuss any topics of interest to the class. Requirement: Participants must have at least one short story (5,000 words or less) completed and ready to turn in by the first session Lead by David J. Corwell (his short fiction has appeared in Dead in Th13teen Flashes and Cloaked in Shadow: Dark Tales of Elves. His writing has won seven national writing awards, including a SouthWest Writers (SWW) Storyteller Award. He received his M.A. in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. David is a member of the New Mexico Book Coop and SWW, as well as a graduate of the Odyssey Writing Workshop and the Borderlands Press Writer's Boot Camp.). Five Thursday evenings-- October 2, 9, 16, 23 (skipping October 30), and November 6 -- 6:30 - 9:00 PM; SWW Conference Room -- 3721 Morris NE -- Albuquerque, NM 87111; $75.00 (SWW members) $85.00 (nonmembers). Only 4 spaces remain - register today! Call 265-9485, or visit http://www.southwestwriters.org/classes.php.

The New Mexico Book Co-op and the New Mexico Book Association have produced a catalog of New Mexico books. It was originally distributed at the Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers meeting in Colorado Springs. It is available online. Please note that as this is a 7.3 MB file it may take several minutes to download, especially if you are on a dial-up service (it takes approximately 45 seconds at cable or DSL speeds and considerably longer at dial-up speeds). It can be downloaded at http://nmbookcoop.com/NMPub-AuthorsCat.pdf.

New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107


Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book CoOp News

September 26, 2008
The Finalists in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards were announced at the Co-op lunch meeting today. 68 judges from all across New Mexico and Colorado (library and bookstore personnel, teachers, museum and art experts, and general avid readers) reviewed some 250 entries in 33 categories. Every book was judged by at least 2 people and some books received reviews by as many as 8 judges. 62% of the entries were rated with a score of 80 or better (out of 100) and 26% got scores of 90 or better. You can check out the entire list of Finalists at http://nmbookcoop.com/page5/page108/page108.html. Congratulations to all who entered and to the Finalists! The winners will be announced at the banquet (see below).

The finalists in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards have been announced (see above). The winners will be announced at the Banquet on November 21. Cost is $36 per person if reserved before Oct 15 (cost is $46 after that date). RSVP 505-344-9382. 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107 You can make and pay for your reservation online at http://nmbookcoop.com/page5/page105/page105.html. Don’t wait too long to make your reservation as the banquet was sold out last year by October 1.

The NM Book Co-op with leadership from Jill Lane is hosting a Book Sale Emporium at the Zia Art & Crafts Show at the State Fairgrounds in Albuquerque, November 21- 23. This is an opportunity to have your book at a large holiday show and we hope it is seen and bought for holiday gift giving. If you are interested in having your title there for three days the fee is $25 for the 1st title and $10 for each additional title. You are not expected to be there except to deliver and pick up your books. We will have a sales staff. To sign up email us your Name/Email/Phone/Address/Title and author for each book. To pay for your space for this event go to http://nmbookcoop.com/page18/page104/page104.html

The next lunch meeting of the NM Book Coop is set for Friday, October 17 at HomeTown Buffet. Our guest will be Christina Westbrook, executive producer of the Good Day New Mexico (KOB-TV) program and she will talk about a new opportunity for local authors to appear on her daily tv show. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to info@nmsantos.com to reserve a seat at the meeting.

New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107


Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Write On Four Corners Schedule for october

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Wed. Oct. 1 and Fri. Oct. 3 Jean Campion Minta Forever Western Reflections Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Wed. Oct. 8 and Fri. Oct. 10 Lynn Doxon Rainbows from Heaven Artemesia Press

Wed. Oct. 15 and Fri. Oct. 17 Beverly Eschberger The Elephants Visit London Artemesia Press

Wed. Oct. 22 and Fri. Oct. 24 Barbara Bergin Endings Sunstone Press Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

Wed. Oct. 29 and Fri. Oct. 31 Geoff Habiger Dinosaur Activity Book Artemesia Press

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dave De Witt Avenging Vittorio on KSJE-FM Write On Four Corners

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Sept. 24 and Sept. 26 Dave de Witt Avenging Vittorio LPD Press

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at www.ksje.com in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Hal Simmons Book Signings

Calendar of Events for Hal Simmons

Mystery & Adventure in the New West, by Hal Simmons
Clear Light Publishing, ISBN 13: 978-1-57416-094-9 and ISBN 10: 1-57416-094-X, 320 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, $14.95,
September 2008

“In this mystery-adventure, Magic Lance author Hal Simmons presents a collision of forces: the dream of a casino-enriched Indian tribe to form a Native American state, and the dream of a small landowner named Lance Burnett to live the traditions of the West. The tribe’s land ambitions send hot signals all the way to Washington, D.C. Powerful politicians, a billionaire landholder, environmentalists and anti-gambling groups join the fray.
“Along the way, Lance Burnett is entranced with two beautiful women, one his wife, who wants to leave him, the other a sensual young ranch manager who wants to join him.
“Magic Lance is more than an exciting read. It’s an inside look at the complex worlds of tribal gambling casinos and Indian country land rights. Besides, it is beautifully written.”
—Tony Hillerman

(two earlier events just finished, but more to come)

Thursday, September 25, 7pm
Reading & Signing
Barnes & Noble Coronado Center, 6600 Menaul Blvd., NE, Albuquerque NM 87110
(505) 883-8200, CRM, Rob Cotton: CRM2049@bn.com

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cosmic Raccoon September

Gwynne Spencer's September Cosmic Raccoon is up at her web site. Check the home page of this blog to find it. I's a neat news letter for writers, nature lovers, and dog lovers.

Connie Gotsch
Imagination on Board

Author of "A Mouth Full of Shell" and "Snap Me a Future"
Featured in "The Complete Writer's Journal" --www.redenginepress.com
Find out more at www.conniegotsch.com
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/002-4469439-7241627?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=snap+me+a+future&x=0&y=0


Friday, September 19, 2008

Sunday Sept 21st . 10 am . 505 Blues Band . La Entrada Park in Corrales
This is Bob’s band -- please check w/him (bdcook@earthlink.net) for more info.

Friday Sept 26th – Sunday Sept 28th . Friends of Corrales Library Annual Book Sale
(in conjunction w/Corrales Harvest Festival) . La Entrada Park in Corrales
Our shed runneth over, & our prices are lower than Savers & Salvation Army. Unbelievable selection. Come early, come often.
Friday noon – 5 pm . Members only (indiv membership is $10—well worth the price for 1st pickings)
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am – 4 pm
* 1 – 3 pm . All books half price
* 3 – 4 pm . Fill one of our boxes for $10

Saturday September 27th . New Mexico Women Authors’ Book Festival . Museum Hill . Santa Fe
I’ll be leading off in the fiction tent at 10 am. Other authors include the wonderful poets Judyth Hill, Miriam Sagan, Renee Gregorio, & Joan Logghe; Corrales novelist & children’s book author Ana Baca; the infamous Valerie Plame Wilson; Ghost Ranch chronicler Lesley Poling-Kempes; Willa Cather Award winning Santa Fe memoirist Lucy Moore; & PEN award-winning Rabbi Malka Drucker.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Write On Four Corners Schedule KSJE Farmington

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Sept. 17 and Sept. 19 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Roots of Resistance A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico University of Oklahoma Press.

Sept. 24 and Sept. 26 Dave de Witt Avenging Vittorio LPD Press

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at www.ksje.com in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Tony Hillerman Conference

News flash from
Tony Hillerman Writers Conference:
Focus on Mystery

Early Registration Deadline Extended

Good news for procrastinators! We've extended the early registration price of $395 for the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery from Sept. 15 to Sept. 30. The fee includes the option of a pitch session with a literary agent looking for new thrillers and mysteries. Learn more. Don't forget our two pre-conference workshops, "Re-visioning: Getting from Good to Great" and "Marketing and Public Relations for Authors." We're pleased to have Michael McGarrity back with us this year and a bright new talent, Louis Bayard, author and book reviewer for Salon.com among our distinguished faculty.

Anne Hillerman and Jean Schaumberg

Women Writers in the Spotlight

Author and Hillerman Conference co-organizer Anne Hillerman and faculty member Judith Van Gieson are among the participants in the inaugural New Mexico Women Authors Book Festival. If you're in the Santa Fe area, stop by on Saturday, Sept. 27 and say hi! Modeled after the Library of Congress' National Book Festival in Washington, D.C. this celebration is at Milner Plaza on Museum Hill. The 75 featured authors write everything from poetry to history. Festival admission is free, and includes complimentary admission to the adjoining Museum of International Folk Art and Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. To lean more

Looking for another good conference?

In Tucson, AZ, the Wrangling with Writing conference, now in its 36th year, runs September 27 & 28 at the Holiday Inn Palo Verde. Their keynote faculty include Taylor Mali, a teacher and poet; Corey Blake, who has created a dozen national commercial campaigns and played key role in the development of more than 300 screenplays and manuscripts; and Deborah LeBlanc, award-winning author and licensed death scene investigator. Pari Noskin Taichert, who joins us in November in Albuquerque, is also on their faculty. For information:

Quick Links...
Our Website
Register for the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery
Learn about spouse/Friend Tours of AcomaPueblo, Santa Fe and Sandia Peak Tram
Find out More About Us

We are sending our newsletter because we think it has information of interest to you. If you wish to be removed from our e-mail list, please use the unsubscribe link below. We never share your e-mail address with any third parties. We'd love your input or comments at wordharvest@wordharvest.com

Anne Hillerman and Jean Schaumberg

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Wordharvest Writers Workshops
Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery
November 5-9, 2008 Albuquerque, N.M.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Write On Four Corners Schedule KSJE Farmington

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Sept. 17 and Sept. 19 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Roots of Resistance A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico University of Oklahoma Press.

Sept. 24 and Sept. 26 Dave de Witt Avenging Vittorio LPD Press

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at www.ksje.com in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book CoOp News

September 12, 2008
The finalists in the 2008 NM Book Awards will be announced in less than a month. The winners will be announced at the Banquet on November 21. Cost is $36 per person if reserved before Oct 15 (cost is $46 after that date). RSVP 505-344-9382. 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107 You can make and pay for your reservation online at http://nmbookcoop.com/page5/page105/page105.html. Don’t wait too long to make your reservation as the banquet was sold out last year by October 1. Finalists will ne announced by the end of September. The winners will be announced at the banquet.

The NM Book Co-op with leadership from Jill Lane is hosting a Book Sale Emporium at the Zia Art & Crafts Show at the State Fairgrounds in Albuquerque, November 21- 23. This is an opportunity to have your book at a large holiday show and we hope it is seen and bought for holiday gift giving. If you are interested in having your title there for three days the fee is $15 for the 1st title and $5 for each additional title if you sign up and reserve space before September 27. We have extended the discount fee period by two weeks. The price goes up on September 27. You are not expected to be there except to deliver and pick up your books. We will have a sales staff. To sign up email us your Name/Email/Phone/Address/Title and author for each book. To pay for your space for this event go to http://nmbookcoop.com/page18/page104/page104.html

The next lunch meeting of the NM Book Coop is set for Friday, September 26 at HomeTown Buffet. Our guests will be Anne Hillerman and Jean Schaumberg, founders of the Hillerman Writers Conference. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to info@nmsantos.com to reserve a seat at the meeting.

ReadingNewMexico.com went live on Monday, September 1, 2008. Almost all of the books they receive will be reviewed with the next batch of reviews coming October 1. Thanks to a speedy group of reviewers, they need more books If you have a book you’d like reviewed, please visit the website http://www.readingnewmexico for guidelines and address. Review copies will not be returned. They will be donated to a library or nursing home or other charitable organization.

The Reading Albuquerque radio show is looking for local children's authors who are interested in being a guest on the show on KKOB AM (770 AM). The show is hosted by Margaret Aragon de Chavez. The show is live every Sunday evening, 6-7pm, starting in late September through the school year. Each Sunday the show has students from local elementary schools read selections. The show also likes to highlight New Mexican authors, having them read their books, or a selection from their book (approximately 10 minutes) on the air. This is a good way to promote our local authors as the station has a 17 state range. If interested in being a guest on the Reading Albuquerque Show contact Paula Delap-Padilla, 767-5849 (505) or at pdelappadilla@cabq.gov

Will Steinsiek has left his job as book manager at the Wyoming Hastings to become Executive Director for the Read West literacy program in Rio Rancho. A new book manager will be named soon for the Wyoming store. Will wants all of the authors to know that it has been a pleasure working with you and reminds anyone who has consignment books at the store that Hastings' official policy is that authors are required to check on their books every thirty days. If a book has not been checked on after 60 days, it's considered abandoned and may be discarded.

There will be a Roaring 20s costume party and book signing festival in Chama, NM, on September 19th. Please register with Lilah Westrick at (505) 670-7417 or 800-481-9064. Any authors wishing to participate, please be prepared to supply your own table. Space is limited to 5 authors. Cost for authors space is $25 per space. There will be a buffet at the Elkhorn Lodge outdoors Pavilion. The buffet is $20.00 per person, as well as lots of fun-filled dancing and singing on the Chama river. You can also register for lodging at the Elkhorn Lodge. That number is 1-800-532-8874. The Karaoke Entertainment is set for Friday, September 19 from 5:00PM to 9:00PM at The Elkhorn Lodge Pavillion. Oh, yeah, it’s Zoot suits gentlemen and for you ladies, Flapper dresses, shimmy dresses and finger wave hairdo’s. Best dressed and lip sync and live karaoke singers will win a prize of $75.

New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107


Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Monday, September 8, 2008

Write On Four Corners Author Carolyn Howard Johnson to Give Talk

For Immediate Release
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
E-Mail: HoJoNews@aol.com

Author to Advise Boomers Seeking New Careers

Author advocate Carolyn Howard-Johnson will appear with Paul Bruno on his Career Czar talk radio program on January 30, 2009. This unique Internet talk radio program focuses on all aspects of the world of careers.

The two will chat will about something dear to the hearts of baby-boomers--reinventing yourself at retirement. The subject will be writing. Howard-Johnson was selected because her writing career spans everything from journalism to poetry and writing movie reviews to writing novels. The first segment of Paul's hour-long show will be about careers in freelance and journalism. The second segment will be about forging a career in fiction (novels and short stories). The third segment will cover the joys of poetry. And the fourth segment will be about nonfiction. It will include how Howard-Johnson's nonfiction books for writers have helped her career and those of others and how some similar how to books or books of inspiration can work for yours.

The Career Czar, dedicated to discussing the world of careers and work in an informative and entertaining way, premiered on Alltalkradio.net on October 26, 2007. The show, is hosted by Paul Bruno, and certified career coach Christine Wunderlin, and produced by Millian. It focuses on helping listeners improve their career choices by providing information on various careers, how to choose a career, searching for a job, life skills such as financial management, and tips and techniques that will help listeners balance work and play.

Howard-Johnson instructs at UCLA Extension's world renown Writers' Program. Her first novel, This Is the Place, won eight awards. Her second book, Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered, creative nonfiction, won three. She is also an award-winning poet. Her how-to book for writers, The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't is recommended reading for her classes, was named USA Book News' "Best Professional Book" and is an Irwin Award winner. Her second book in the How To Do It Frugally series is The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success. It, too, is a USA Book News award-winner as well as the winner of the Reader View's Literary Award.

She is the recipient of both the California Legislature's Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment Award and the Glendale American Business Women's Association's Woman of the Year award. Her community's Character and Ethics Committee honored her for promoting tolerance with her writing. She was also named to Pasadena Weekly's list of 14 "San Gabriel Valley women who make life happen." She is a popular speaker and actor.

Check out the show’s websites at www.alltalkradio.net\careerczar and www.careerczar.com.

After the broadcast, the show will be available for download to those thinking about a career change at www.alltalkradio.net\careerczar\career013009.mp3 or at www.careerczar.com by clicking on the download show button.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Sandi Ault New Write On Four Corners Author

Sandi Ault will be reading her books on KSJE FM's Write On Four Corners on 2009. Here are some of her activities around the Colorado Area.

Aurora is near Denver

Author Sandi Ault is the speaker for the Big Finish of The Big Read. Ms. Ault features a wolf, Mountain, in her WILD mystery series, which includes WILD INDIGO and WILD INFERNO. She will speak about her love and experience with wolves to compliment the book selection, CALL OF THE WILD. The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum & Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest & the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. Borders booksellers will be on site with copies of Ms. Ault’s works.
Friday, October 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
Community College of Aurora
16000 East Centre Tech Parkway
Aurora, CO 80011


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 4
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Borders Books
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Books
543 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625


Sandi Ault will participate in the Mystery Authors Night
Friday, October 17
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
9370 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80030


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble SW
8136 West Bowles Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123


Sandi Ault will appear at the Berthoud Public Library
Charles Kane from Reader’s Cove will supply books
Saturday, October 25

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Author Sandi Ault is the speaker for the Big Finish of The Big Read. Ms. Ault features a wolf, Mountain, in her WILD mystery series, which includes WILD INDIGO and WILD INFERNO. She will speak about her love and experience with wolves to compliment the book selection, CALL OF THE WILD. The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum & Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest & the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. Borders booksellers will be on site with copies of Ms. Ault’s works.
Friday, October 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
Community College of Aurora
16000 East Centre Tech Parkway
Aurora, CO 80011


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 4
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Borders Books
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Books
543 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625


Sandi Ault will participate in the Mystery Authors Night
Friday, October 17
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
9370 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80030


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble SW
8136 West Bowles Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123


Sandi Ault will appear at the Berthoud Public Library
Charles Kane from Reader’s Cove will supply books
Saturday, October 25
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Author Sandi Ault is the speaker for the Big Finish of The Big Read. Ms. Ault features a wolf, Mountain, in her WILD mystery series, which includes WILD INDIGO and WILD INFERNO. She will speak about her love and experience with wolves to compliment the book selection, CALL OF THE WILD. The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum & Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest & the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. Borders booksellers will be on site with copies of Ms. Ault’s works.
Friday, October 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
Community College of Aurora
16000 East Centre Tech Parkway
Aurora, CO 80011


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 4
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Borders Books
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Books
543 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625


Sandi Ault will participate in the Mystery Authors Night
Friday, October 17
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
9370 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80030


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble SW
8136 West Bowles Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123


Sandi Ault will appear at the Berthoud Public Library
Charles Kane from Reader’s Cove will supply books
Saturday, October 25
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Author Sandi Ault is the speaker for the Big Finish of The Big Read. Ms. Ault features a wolf, Mountain, in her WILD mystery series, which includes WILD INDIGO and WILD INFERNO. She will speak about her love and experience with wolves to compliment the book selection, CALL OF THE WILD. The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum & Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest & the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. Borders booksellers will be on site with copies of Ms. Ault’s works.
Friday, October 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
Community College of Aurora
16000 East Centre Tech Parkway
Aurora, CO 80011


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 4
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Borders Books
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Books
543 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625


Sandi Ault will participate in the Mystery Authors Night
Friday, October 17
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
9370 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80030


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble SW
8136 West Bowles Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123


Sandi Ault will appear at the Berthoud Public Library
Charles Kane from Reader’s Cove will supply books
Saturday, October 25
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Author Sandi Ault is the speaker for the Big Finish of The Big Read. Ms. Ault features a wolf, Mountain, in her WILD mystery series, which includes WILD INDIGO and WILD INFERNO. She will speak about her love and experience with wolves to compliment the book selection, CALL OF THE WILD. The Big Read is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts designed to restore reading to the center of American culture. The NEA presents The Big Read in partnership with the Institute of Museum & Library Services and in cooperation with Arts Midwest & the Friends of the Aurora Public Library. Borders booksellers will be on site with copies of Ms. Ault’s works.
Friday, October 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
The Rotunda
Community College of Aurora
16000 East Centre Tech Parkway
Aurora, CO 80011


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 4
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Borders Books
1750 29th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downtown Books
543 Yampa Avenue
Craig, CO 81625


Sandi Ault will participate in the Mystery Authors Night
Friday, October 17
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble
9370 Sheridan Blvd
Westminster, CO 80030


Sandi Ault will sign and read from WILD INFERNO
Saturday, October 18
2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Barnes and Noble SW
8136 West Bowles Avenue
Littleton, CO 80123


Sandi Ault will appear at the Berthoud Public Library
Charles Kane from Reader’s Cove will supply books
Saturday, October 25
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Write On Four Corners Schedule September 2009

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Sept. 10 and Sept. 12 Martha Egan Coyota Papalote Press The story of a young woman who gets caught up in a smuggling operation

Sept. 17 and Sept. 19 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Roots of Resistance A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico University of Oklahoma Press.

Sept. 24 and Sept. 26 Dave de Witt Avenging Vittorio LPD Press

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at www.ksje.com in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book CoOp News

Dan Poynter, America’s Self-Publishing
"Guerrilla Guru," in Albuquerque September 9!
>> Dan Poytner, acclaimed author of The Self-Publishing Manual, will present an intensive evening seminar, "Guerrilla Marketing for Small Presses and Self-Published Authors," Tuesday, September 9. Sponsored by NMBA and SouthWest Writers, this "must go" event takes place from 7 to 9pm at New Life Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque.
The cost is just $25 for NMBA and SWW members ($35 for your non-member friends). Contact Rob Spiegel at SWW in Albuquerque, 275-2556, robspiegel@comcast.net, or Paula Lozar at NMBA in Santa Fe, 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com, or Karen Villanueva, (505) 764-8323 right away to let them know you’re coming.
We’re delighted that Dan included New Mexico on his very full speaking schedule! New Life Presbyterian Church is located conveniently at 5540 Eubank N.E.
>> NMBA Membership Renewal Time! September is annual dues month for every NMBA member (except those who have joined since May of this year). You’ll keep in good standing by reaffirming your membership in New Mexico’s only non-profit organization for book professionals with a check for $62 to: NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe, NM 87504.
>> Networking Luncheon Hiatus in September -- because we want everyone to hear Dan Poynter in Albuquerque on the 9th! Our lively NMBA Round Table Happy Hour brings us together again on Thursday, September 25 at Santa Fe Bar and Grill, 5:30pm. NMBA Networking Luncheons at the Writers Room in Santa Fe resume on October 10.
+ September 2008 Book Events
Sept. 8: New Mexico Coalition for Literacy presents Literacy Day in New Mexico! State Capitol Rotunda, Santa Fe. Barbara Richardson reads proclamation & John Corcoran (The Teacher Who Couldn't Read) will be the keynote speaker.Light refreshments. 10 -11:30 am.1-(800) 233-7587 Website: www.nmcl.org or virginia@nmcl.org
Sept. 9: Dan Poynter Professional Development Workshop: "Guerrilla Marketing for Small Presses and Self-Published Authors," sponsored by NMBA & SouthWest Writers, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank N.E., Albuquerque, only $25 for NMBA and SWW members! Contact Rob Spiegel in Albuquerque (505) 275-2556, robspiegel@comcast.net or Paula Lozar in Santa Fe (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com.
Sept. 12: NMBA Board Meeting. Writers’ Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 1:30pm.
Sept. 13: "Delving into the Body for Story," SOMOS workshop with Ellie Coolidge-Behrstock, Plaza Loft Art Center, Taos, 10am-1pm, &60/$65. (575) 758-0081, www.somos.org
Sept. 15: DEADLINE: Tony Hillerman $1,500 Mystery Short Story Contest, sponsored by WordHarvest and Cowboys and Indians magazine. Stories 2,500 words or less, include a Native American character and set in the West. Rules at: www.wordharvest.com/index.php/contests
Sept: 16: How to Get Your Books into Print with book designer and self- publishing specialist Heidi Connolly. Kit Carson Electric Building, Taos, 7-8:30pm, free. Information: (575) 758-0081, somos@laplaza.org. Registration: (575) 758-4713.
Sept. 19-20: Mountains & Plains Booksellers Association Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Colorado Springs. NMBA organized the New Mexico Publishers and Authors Showcase, with cooperation from New Mexico Book Co-op and MPIBA. www.mountainsplains.org.
Sept. 20: Banned Books Day, with John Nichols, Taos Public Library, free. (Read from your favorite banned books!) (575) 758-0081, somos@laplaza.org
Sept. 20: N.M. Book Co-op Meeting with Anne Hillerman, HomeTown Buffet, 9261 Coors, Albuquerque, $8.29 plus tax. info@nmbookcoop.com
Sept. 24-28: "Writing from the River’s Edge" five-day canoe trip with Page Lambert and The Women’s Wilderness Institute, Green River, Utah, $850. Visit www.pagelambert.com, (303) 938-9191.
Sept. 25: NMBA Round Table Happy Hour, Santa Fe Bar and Grill, DeVargas Mall, Santa Fe, Thursday at 5:30pm. The first one in August was a truly happy and well-attended gathering of book people—so we’re doing it again!
Sept. 26-27: "Writing from the Creative Heart" workshop with John Randall, Mesilla, NM. bbf@zianet.com
Sept. 27: First New Mexico Women Authors Book Festival, Milner Plaza (Museum Hill), Santa Fe. Contact John Stafford at Museum of New Mexico Foundation, john@museumfoundation.org. Many NMBA author members are featured!

+ Signings and Readings

Sept. 6: Paul White’s "Fur Stethoscope" poetry gathering in Chupadero, NM. Food at 4:30pm, performances at 6pm. Contact white@grappawireless.com.
Sept. 6: Wendy Johnson, Gardening at the Dragon's Gate, Collected Works, Santa Fe, 9-noon. (505) 988-4226. Visit www.collectedworksbookstore.com for more events.

Sept. 6: Christopher Valen, White Tombs. Acclaimed Minnesota murder mystery author at Barnes & Noble, Coronado Center, (505) 883-8200, Albuquerque. 2-3:30pm. www.christophervalen.com or Karen Villanueva (505) 764-8323.

Sept. 7: Christopher Valen, White Tombs. Borders Sanbusco Center, Santa Fe, meet & greet the author. 2-3:30pm, (505) 954-5707 or (505) 764-8323.
Sept. 7: Nathaniel Tarn, Ins and Outs of the Forest Rivers (poetry), Acequia Booksellers, 4019 4th, N.W., Albuquerque, 3pm. Details: Gary Wilkie (505) 890-5365.
Sept. 7: Malka Drucker, Portraits of Three Jewish American Heroes (juvenile), Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 4-5pm. Allison Verost (212) 444-3442.
Sept. 10: Lori Martinez, Red or Green: The Colors of a Family Tradition, Page One Books, Albuquerque, 6pm.
Sept. 12: Nancy King, A Woman Walking, reading, discussion and signing at El Museo Cultural, 5-7pm. Nancy King, (505) 986-1040.
Sept. 14: Duende Poetry Series: "The Sound a Raven Makes" poetry of Sawnie Morris and others, Anasazi Fields Winery, Placitas, NM, $3. Jim Fish (505) 867-3062, anasazifieldswinery@att.net.
Sept. 14: Gene Baur, Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts about Animals and Food, Garcia Street Books, 2-3pm. Viki Elkey (505) 205-3750. See www.garciastreetbooks.com for more events.
Sept. 18: Hal Simmons, Magic Lance: Mystery & Adventure in the New West, booklaunch and reading at Bookworks, 7pm, (505) 344-8139, www.bkwrks.com. Hal Simmons, Magic Lance Santa Fe book launch will also be held at Collected Works, Santa Fe, 4-6pm.Sept. 25: Hal Simmonsappears at Barnes & Noble, Coronado Center, Albuquerque, 7pm. Details: Karen Villanueva at (505) 764-8323.
Sept. 19: Christopher Paolini’s Brisinger, a book release costume party, Page One, 9pm-midnight. (505) 294-2026. See www.page1books.com for more September and October events!
Sept. 20: Doug Fine, Farewell, My Subaru, Collected Works, 9-noon.
Sept. 22: Barton Gellman, Angler: The Cheney Vice-Presidency, Armory for the Arts, Santa Fe, $15 ($35 with signed book), 7pm. (505) 984-1370.
+ On the Horizon!
Oct. 3-5: "The Mind of Your Story," weekend writing intensive with author Lisa Lenard-Cook, Narrative Art Center, Carson, NM. Apply at www.narrativeartscenter.com. Call Cinny Green for details: (505) 988-5185
Oct. 10: NMBA Networking Luncheon, The Writer’s Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am, free. (505) 231-1755.
Oct. 15: DEADLINE: NMBA Libro for November monthly online Events Calendar and Nov/Dec print edition. Include basic details in your email or letter (no attachments, please). Send entries to NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe 87504, or (505) 231-1755, or email richard@oceantree.com
Oct. 18: Penny Sansevieri: "Red Hot Internet Marketing for Authors & Publishers," sponsored by NMBA and SouthWest Writers, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank N.E., Albuquerque, 9am-4:30pm. NMBA and SWW members just $79, which includes Penny's book, Red Hot Internet Publicity, and lunch! (non-members $99). Reserve your place: Rob Spiegel (505) 275-2556, robspiegel@comcast.net or Karen Villanueva (505) 764-8323, authorcare@aol.com
Oct. 25: "The Value and Care of Out of Print Books," workshop with John Randall, Mesilla, NM. bbf@zianet.com
Oct. 25: DEADLINE: DIY Book Festival Awards. 17 categories, $1500 first prize and ticket to L.A. (323) 665-8080
Nov. 5-9: Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: "Focus on Mystery" in Albuquerque. www.hillermanconference.com, (505) 471-1565.
Nov. 21: N.M. Book Awards Banquet, Albuquerque. Tickets $36 (before Oct. 15), $46 afterwards. Paul Rhetts, (505) 344-9382.
Nov. 21-23: Book Sale Emporium at State Fairgrounds. Sign up by Sept. 15 to get reduced rates to show and sell your titles. See www.nmbookcoop.com/page14/page104/page104html
+ On the Air!
Write On Four Corners. Connie Gotsch hosts "Write on Four Corners" every Wednesday at 10:30am and Friday at 2:30pm on KSJE FM 90.9 in Farmington and on the internet in real time at www.ksje.com. In September Connie features works by Rudolfo Anaya, Martha Egan, Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz, and Dave de Witt. You can find the program you want online by searching MP3 Archives, Write on Four Corners.
Libro Calendar of Events items must be sent in the following simple style in order to appear here. Email in this format to richard@oceantree.com or mail@nmbook.org.

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net