Friday, October 26, 2007

Former Prison Warden, Tekla Miller To Give Talk. Author of the Memoir The Warden Wore Pink

Former prison warden Tekla Dennison Miller will address San Juan College students and the community from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Tuesday, November 6, in room 9012 of the Henderson Fine Arts Center. Her talk will focus on prison life, who goes to prison and the death penalty. She relates stories of when she was a warden and some of the prisoners she had to deal with.

Miller is unusual in that she ran both a man and a woman’s maximum security prison in Michigan at the same time. She is the author of three books and is a frequent speaker at corrections conferences across the United States.

Her published memoir, The Warden Wore Pink, is about her 20-year career in corrections. Miller also taught children in South Central LA after the riots, worked with mentally challenged enlisted men while employed with the U.S. Special Services in Germany, was the first female probation officer in Oakland County, Michigan, and the supervisor of the first prison camp for women in Michigan. Miller is a social activist, writer and national speaker focusing on women's issues, juvenile and criminal justice reform.

At the talk, her books will be available for sale and signing.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hampton Sides to Appear on KSJE FM Write On Four Corners November 7 to Discuss Blood and Thunder Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for November, 2008 KSJE FM

11/7 Hampton Sides Blood and Thunder Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West University of New Mexico Press. Mr. Sides takes examines the good and bad in Kit Carson.

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Write On Four Corners KSJE Farmington New Schedule

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for November, 2008 KSJE FM

11/7 Hampton Sides Blood and Thunder Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West University of New Mexico Press. Mr. Sides takes examines the good and bad in Kit Carson.

11/14 Lynn Cline Literary Pilgrims, The Santa Fe and Taos Writers Colonies 1917-1950 University of New Mexico Press This is the story of the writers who came to Taos in the 1920s and 1930s

11/21 Pip Howard Acronisity Chap Book Aztec Poet Pip Howard lives in Aztec and is a regular at Andrea Kristina’s poetry readings.

11/28 Sylvia Rodriguez Acequia Water Sharing Sanctity and Place School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe. Ms. Rodriguez examines the history and future of water allotment and its affect on culture in New Mexico.

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Western Writer John Duncklee on Write on Four Corners this Week, KSJE Farmington New Mexico

On Wed. Oct. 24 at 10:30 Mountain Time and Fri. Oct. 26 at 2:30 enjoy writer John Duncklee talking about "Disowned," his latest novel, published by Pipers Willow Press.

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going to Public Arts, then to podcasts, and then to Write On Four Corners. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Take a Quiz on Your Manuscript \ Editing Skills! Caroyln Howard-Johnson's New Writers' Newsletter Out

Subscribe to Carolyn Howard-Johnson's newsletter, Sharing with Writers. Lear about her books: The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't, and The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Foot Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success. If you're a writer these books will be a boon, ans will Carolyn's Sharing with Writers. If you've got some other kind of business, the Frugal Editor The Frugal Book Promoter, and Sharing with writers will help because guess what? Good writing and good promotion are just that for any situation. You can find the linke to Sharing with writers on this blog and also Carolyn Howard Johnson's web site.

Shes also written an award winning novel, This is the Place, and pearsonal essays called Harkening, and poetry

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Dear Authors' Coalition Members and SWW Subscribers;

This isn't really an ad for the Frugal Editor.
It's better.
It's a quiz.
As a quiz it's an example of a way you might promote your book and a way
for you to ascertain that you definitely ( - : NEED the Frugal Editor: Put
Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success.
I promise that you will learn much from the Frugal Editor? about editing,
about making your word program spell checker work for you, about agents
peeves, about formatting, about avoiding editing scams and a whole lot
And I promise you will get no other issue of Sharing with Writers
dedicated solely to my book (though to assuage my conscience it also has
that nifty aspect of being an example of using quizzes in your handouts,
fliers, etc.).
So here it is!

Happy, happy writing and promoting and, yes, EDITING, too.
Carolyn Howard - Johnson

Friday, October 19, 2007

Western author John Duncklee on Write On Four Corners KSJE Farmington for Western Novel Disowned

10/24 10/26 John Duncklee Disowned This is his latest Novel

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going to Public Arts, then to podcasts, and then to Write On Four Corners. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Avenging Vittorio Featured at Book Signing in Albuquerque


Avenging Victorio, a new novel by best-selling author Dave DeWitt, will be featured at a book signing vent at Borders Cottonwood in Albuquerque on Saturday, October 27 from 3-4pm. The Borders at Cottonwood Crossing is located at 10420 Coors Bypass NW on Albuquerque's Westside.

Dave DeWitt is the author of 32 books. Drawing on his uncanny grasp and sensibility of Apache customs, traditions, rituals (and humor), best-selling author Dave DeWitt, the world¹s authority on the Southwest¹s hottest food, has woven a fast-paced and engaging saga of death and revenge. Using guerilla warfare, evading the Cavalry and Buffalo Soldiers, the Apache won!

³Swiftly moving tale of death and revenge needed to be told² ‹ True West Magazine ³Dynamic narrative format builds suspense² ‹ New Mexico Magazine ³An enthralling book, which grabs you quickly and does not let go² ‹ ReaderViews ³This book is a winner² ‹ BellaOnline ³Bound to entertain and educate at the same time² ‹ MidWest Book Reviews
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Avenging Vittorio Featured at Book Signing in Albuquerque


Avenging Victorio, a new novel by best-selling author Dave DeWitt, will be featured at a book signing vent at Borders Cottonwood in Albuquerque on Saturday, October 27 from 3-4pm. The Borders at Cottonwood Crossing is located at 10420 Coors Bypass NW on Albuquerque's Westside.

Dave DeWitt is the author of 32 books. Drawing on his uncanny grasp and sensibility of Apache customs, traditions, rituals (and humor), best-selling author Dave DeWitt, the world¹s authority on the Southwest¹s hottest food, has woven a fast-paced and engaging saga of death and revenge. Using guerilla warfare, evading the Cavalry and Buffalo Soldiers, the Apache won!

³Swiftly moving tale of death and revenge needed to be told² ‹ True West Magazine ³Dynamic narrative format builds suspense² ‹ New Mexico Magazine ³An enthralling book, which grabs you quickly and does not let go² ‹ ReaderViews ³This book is a winner² ‹ BellaOnline ³Bound to entertain and educate at the same time² ‹ MidWest Book Reviews
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129

Monday, October 15, 2007

KSJE Farmington New Mexico Features author W. C. Jameson's Hot Coffee and Cold Truth Essays about the West Oct. 17

10/17 10/19 W. C. Jameson Hot coffee and Cold Truth Essays about the west

10/24 10/26 John Duncklee Disowned This is his latest Novel

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going to Public Arts, then to podcasts, and then to Write On Four Corners. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

New Mexico Book Award Banquet Sold Out

I am sorry to announce that the New Mexico Books Awards Banquet honoring Tony Hillerman and Rudolfo Anaya and the winners of the 2007 Book Awards is totally sold out! There was a rush on tickets and all 232 seats are now sold.

The complete list of 2007 NM Book Awards winners will be posted on the website on November 10.

We would like to thanks all those who reserved tickets, all entrants, finalists and winners. A special thanks to all the judges who helped make this a satisfying recognition program. We also want to thank all our sponsor organizations without whom this would not have been possible:
abqArts Magazine
Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library System Albuquerque The Magazine Around 505 Magazine Borders New Mexico Book Association New Mexico Humanities Council New Mexico State Library Portales Public Library and Portales Chapter of the Friends of the Library Rio Rancho Public Library Santa Fe Public Library/Friends of Santa Fe Public Library Sunbelt Shows/Fiery Foods WordHarvest Writers Workshop

Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tony Hillerman Conference/ Bill O'Hanlon/Word Harvest News/Mystery Writing/Tips for Writers

Dear Writers,

We hope you can join us in Albuquerque Nov. 1-4 for the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery. (If you’ve already registered, thanks again!)

Author and motivational speaker Bill O’Hanlon will teach the pre-conference workshop, “Getting Published: A Bootcamp for Writers.” He’ll focus on the marketing and selling your book. Class topics include: Understanding the editor/publisher mindset; Understanding the agent mindset; Get the right agent; Re-working your manuscript; Secrets to a compelling query letter and Expanding your platform.

Jean Schaumberg and Anne Hillerman
Tony Hillerman Conference: Focus on Mystery
Nov. 1-4 Albuquerque, N.M.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Write On Four Corners for 10/17 KSJE Farmington New Mexico W. C. Jamespn Hot Coffee and Cold Turth

10/17 10/19 W. C. Jameson Hot coffee and Cold Truth Essays about the west published by The University of New Mexico Press

10/24 10/26 John Duncklee Disowned This is his latest Novel

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going to Public Arts, then to podcasts, and then to Write On Four Corners. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Dr. Tom Chaves with New Mexico Past and Present

Dr. Chavez' Write On Four Corners Interview is on KSJE FM's Web Site! Go to Click on MP3 Podcast Click on Write On Four Corners. Choose the program for this week.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Monday, October 8, 2007

New Mexico Book Awards Finalists in the Write On Four Corners Family


Best Arts Book (includes art, music, or photography)

Trimble, Stephen - Lasting Light: 125 Years of Grand Canyon Photography - Northland
Walker, Hollis - Zink: The Language of Enchantment - New Mexico Magazine

Best Cookbook
Fenzl, Barbara Pool - Seasonal Southwest Cooking - Northland Publishing

Best Southwest History Book
Bauver, Robert - Navajo and Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945 - Rio Grande Books
Blake, Michael - Indian Yell - Northland Publishing

Best Book on Native American Subject
Bauver, Robert - Navajo and Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945 - Rio Grande Books
Blake, Michael - Indian Yell - Northland Publishing

Best Novel, historical fiction
Baca, Ana - Mama Fela's Girls - UNM Press
DeWitt, Dave - Avenging Victorio - Rio Grande Books

Best Novel, mystery
Van Gieson, Judith - The Wolf Path - ABQ Press

Best Novel, romance
MacQuigg, Donna - The Price of Pride - Thomson/Gale
Storme, Sarah - The Long Way Home - Thomson/Gale

Best Book, Other Fiction
Paul, Paula - Crazy Quilt - UNM Press

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

New Mexico BookCoOp New Mexoico Book Awards Harry Wilson Amador Press

OCTOBER 19 CO-OP MEETING — What I as a Writer Learned by Becoming a Publisher
Our guest at the October 19 Co-op lunch meeting will be Harry Willson, publisher and author, Amador Publishers. The publishers seemed to like Harry Willson's work - even as they rejected it. So he decided to take a chance on his own writing and publish it himself. Soon he was publishing the work of others as well. Twenty years later the company Harry started with his wife Adela Amador, Amador Publishers, has published more than 30 books by 15 authors. Still, Harry is first and foremost a writer, and he's learned a lot about both the craft and business of writing from being on the other side of the desk. He will share some of those insights in his talk: What I as a Writer Learned by Becoming a Publisher.

The meeting begins at 11:30 and will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Email to reserve a seat at the meeting.

The winners of the New Mexico Book Awards will be announced at the Banquet on November 9, honoring all 2007 winners. The banquet will be at the MCM Elegante Hotel in Albuquerque (2020 Menaul Blvd) starting at 5pm. Casual Dress. Special guests for the event will be Tony Hillerman and Rudy Anaya, who will both be honored for their contributions to New Mexico's books. Cost is $34 per person. RSVP 505-344-9382. 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107 You can make and pay for your reservation online at

As of today, 150 people have reserved a space at the banquet — don’t wait too long or all the seats will be gone!

The finalists in the 2007 NM Book Awards have been announced and are posted on the Book Awards website at

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Friday, October 5, 2007

Write On Four Corners, KSJE Farmington schedule for Oct. 10 2007

10/10 10/12 Tom Chavez New Mexico Past and Future This is a compilation of lectures Dr. Chavez gave during his years as the Director of the Palace of the Governors in Santa Fe

10/17 10/19 W. C. Jameson Hot coffee and Cold Truth Essays about the west

10/24 10/26 John Duncklee Disowned This is his latest Novel

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going to Public Arts, then to podcasts, and then to Write On Four Corners. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

And watch for Hampton Sides and Blood and Thunder the first week in November on Write On.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Carolyn Howard Johnson's The Frugal Editor Hits Amazon PreSales Top 10


For Immediate Release

Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson


Or Publicist at

ISBN: 9780978515874

Publisher: Red Engine Press

Wholesaler: Baker & Taylor

Release Date: October 1, 2007

Editor/Author/Publicist Newest Book Reaches Amazon's Top Ten in PreSales

The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward To Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success reached the top ten in its category (editing) on Amazon in presale efforts.

The Frugal Editor is the second in the HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers after The Frugal Editor: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't which is a USA Book News Best Professional Book and Irwin Award Winner. The Frugal Editor helps writers jigger their computers to work with them instead of against them to produce everything from picture-perfect query letters to full manuscripts. It also includes advice from 20 of the nation's top agents on how to avoid appearing like an amateur and a appendices that include contact information for those agents.

The Frugal Editor will foil the gremlins out there determined to keep authors' works from being published, their books from being promoted. They—resolved to embarrass writers before the gatekeepers who can turn the key of success for them—lurk in their subconscious minds and the depths of their computer programs. With the release of Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s The Frugal Editor writers can take control of their own futures—from first query letter to final galley.

This new how-to book is second in the How To Do It Frugally Series, accessible at

The author says, "This series is the result of a combination of experience gained through trial and error in promoting my own literary works and my professional experience in marketing, PR, journalism, editing and publishing in general."

Howard-Johnson in an instructor for UCLA Extension's Writers' Program and was named Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment by members of the California legislature. In addition to dozens of literary awards and honors, she was also honored by her city's Ethics Committee and the Pasadena Weekly. She was also recently named outstanding woman by American Business Women's Association.

The Frugal Editor is available for pre-orders at Amazon ( Its official release was October 1, 2007M E D I A R E L E A S E

For Immediate Release

Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson


Or Publicist at

ISBN: 9780978515874

Publisher: Red Engine Press

Wholesaler: Baker & Taylor

Release Date: October 1, 2007

Editor/Author/Publicist Newest Book Reaches Amazon's Top Ten in PreSales

The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward To Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success reached the top ten in its category (editing) on Amazon in presale efforts.

The Frugal Editor is the second in the HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers after The Frugal Editor: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't which is a USA Book News Best Professional Book and Irwin Award Winner. The Frugal Editor helps writers jigger their computers to work with them instead of against them to produce everything from picture-perfect query letters to full manuscripts. It also includes advice from 20 of the nation's top agents on how to avoid appearing like an amateur and a appendices that include contact information for those agents.

The Frugal Editor will foil the gremlins out there determined to keep authors' works from being published, their books from being promoted. They—resolved to embarrass writers before the gatekeepers who can turn the key of success for them—lurk in their subconscious minds and the depths of their computer programs. With the release of Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s The Frugal Editor writers can take control of their own futures—from first query letter to final galley.

This new how-to book is second in the How To Do It Frugally Series, accessible at

The author says, "This series is the result of a combination of experience gained through trial and error in promoting my own literary works and my professional experience in marketing, PR, journalism, editing and publishing in general."

Howard-Johnson in an instructor for UCLA Extension's Writers' Program and was named Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment by members of the California legislature. In addition to dozens of literary awards and honors, she was also honored by her city's Ethics Committee and the Pasadena Weekly. She was also recently named outstanding woman by American Business Women's Association.

The Frugal Editor is available for pre-orders at Amazon ( Its official release was October 1, 2007

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Tekla Dennison Miller The Warden Wore Pink Speaks at San Juan College

Tekla Dennison Miller, former prison warden, and now writer, will be speaking at San Juan College in Farmington New Mexico Tuesday, November 6 at 11:30 AM on Prisons and Prisoners. Contact Connie Jacobs, PhD at 505-566-3235 or

Tekla is coming to speak to my English 095 class on the death penalty and the novel, A Place to Stand by Jimmy Santiago Baca. He was in prison, illiterate, and was “saved” through language and poetry. I always invite any other students to attend. I especially target Psychology, Sociology, and Human Service students.

Dr. Jacobs says:

Tekla Dennison Miller

The Warden Wore Pink

A Bowl of Cherries

Life Sentences


Gotsch Discovery

Went to a creative writing workshop, and got "my wrist slapped" for cramming too many internal thoughts, or too much information expressed by dialogue into a story and slowing it down. The instructor suggested that I find all internals or dialogue possible that could be expressed in a gesture, and use expressions and physical movement to express them. Save dialogue and internals for abstract thoughts. I tried it and didConnie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available it shorten my stuff up. That should have been a "duh", but for some reason it wasn't. Have a good day.

Wylie's Writing Tips/Gwynne Spencer's Cosmic Raccoon

Ann Wylie has just published her latest Writing Tips News Letter. Check out her web site on this blog. If you'd like to subscribe to it, you can. Also Gwynne Spencer's Cosmic Raccoon is out. You can follow the adventures of this Write On Four Corners family member as she settles in the Pacfic Northwest after a move from Southern Colorado. Her web site's on this blog, too.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available