Monday, January 11, 2010

Lois Manno News Vuisions Underground.

I wanted to let you know that "Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns through the Artist's Eye" has won another award, this one from the Border Regional Library Association—the Southwest Book Award. I'm thrilled to be included in such company as the Yale University Press!

I'll be presenting a talk about the art exhibit at Carlsbad Caverns in Hobbs on May 1 as part of the NM History Association's annual conference. If there might be an opportunity for me to do a presentation somewhere in the Four Corners area near the time the interview will be aired, I'd appreciate any suggestions. I have a really nice 20-30 minute Powerpoint presentation in the can.

Thanks, I look forward to hearing how our interview turned out. I'm confident that you managed to edit me into the erudite, witty person I aspire to be!

Best regards,

Lois Manno

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

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