Write On 4 Cornersauthor Carolyn Howard Johnson is up to her old tricks. Go Carolyn!
Green Book Pavilion features award-winning author Carolyn Howard-Johnson as host to publishers, literary agents, authors--anyone who considers themselves Greenies! Kindle readers and e-books, bring on the video interview!
The series of Green New Media Life Expo will include Book Pavilions at all venues of the expo. Anyone in the publishing world who considers themselves green may feature themselves at the expo and the new media technology that is part of the Expo package will continue to broadcast their books and services online long after the trappings of the festivities have been swept away. And, of course, that New Media technology will reduce their promotional footprint to help keep the environment green.
Award winning author Carolyn Howard-Johnson plays host to the exhibitors and guests and will interview many of the participating authors, publishers, printers and more. Carolyn, the author of the HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers, has been interested in the environment since the 1970s and is an official blogger for the Green New Media Life Expo (www.greennewmedialifeexpo.com). She often features green tips for authors in her Sharing with Writers online newsletter (www.hotodoitfrugally.com) and on her blog (www.sharingwithwriters.blogspot.com), which was picked as at Writer's Digest 101 Best Website. Howard-Johnson is an instructor for UCLA Extension's Writers' Program and the award-winning author of literary fiction and poetry and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV stations nationwide.
Expos will be held at the Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, CA; the Cal Expo Fairgrounds in Sacramento, CA, and the Pomona Fairgrounds, Pomona, CA--all this fall. The first is Sept. 12-13 at the Ontario venue. Well-known TV and Los Angeles radio host Rey Ybarra is producing the event. Sought-after Randy Detroit (www.cameraforhire.net) will coordinate the filming. Author Patricia Kokinos is coordinating publicity.
To get a green publishing message world wide contact
Rey Ybarra, 818-464-3726, rybarra106@aol.com
Gerry Fisher, 760-961-2728, 702-467-9411 cell, gefisher39@aol.com
To keep up with all things green and the coming Expos visit:
To follow my Green Expo and Green Book Pavilion blogs: http://www.greennewmedialifeexpo.com/content/writers-can-be-fantastically-green
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rio Grande Books News
Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns through the Artist’s Eye
by Lois Manno
Published in collaboration with
The National Speleological Society (www.caves.org)
ISBN 978-1-890689-95-7
8” x 10”softcover $19.99 192 pages 142 illustrations
Cover art courtesy of Alexander Dux and Ranger Doug Enterprises
Scheduled for review on July 26 in Albuquerque Journal
What was the most challenging photographic subject of Ansel Adams’ career? Many would agree that it was Carlsbad Caverns. At one point during his work at the Caverns, Adams wrote a letter to friend and fellow photographer Alfred Stieglitz, asking him to “pray for me.” Did he succeed or fail? The previously unpublished Adams images in this book will allow lovers of photographic art to come to their own conclusions.
For more info on this book CLICK HERE.
Lois Manno has been a caver for thirty years. She is a fine artist and graphic designer who has volunteered at Carlsbad Caverns National Park for more than fifteen years. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Visions Underground is a well-written and easily read book that will appeal to a wide audience. General readers as well as artists, photographers, and cave historians will all find something of interest here. In fleshing out this historical portrait of a century of creative expression at Carlsbad Caverns, Manno offers readers a rarely glimpsed vision of subterranean art and culture -- NSS News, Summer 2009
Lois Manno’s wonderful new book, Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns through the Artist’s Eye, is a ground-breaking look at cave art. Visions Underground is well-researched, well-written, well-illustrated and can be summed up in one word: “Wow!” -- New Mexico Breeze, June 12, 2009
When one thinks about natural beauty, one thinks of pristine green fields. But there is beauty in darker areas as well. “Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns Through the Artist’s Eye” photographically and artistically chronicles an artist’s journey through the Carlsbad Caverns, a simply beautiful series of caverns in New Mexico. Combining painting with photography, “Visions Underground” is a visual treat and fine coffee table book. -- MidWest Book Reviews, June 2009
For more on this book CLICK HERE.
Booksignings and Talks
Monday, July 20, 2009 - 11am-1pm
Author Talk and booksigning at 15th International Congress of Speleology, Kerrville, TX
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Author Talk and booksigning at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlbad, NM
Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 1-3pm
Author Talk and booksigning at Borders Cottonwood Crossing, 10420 Coors Bypass NW, Albuquerque, NM
Friday, August 28, 2009 - 5-7pm
Author Talk and opening of Carlsbad Caverns exhibit, Steve Elmore Indian Art Gallery, 839 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
85th Anniversary Exhibit and Celebration, featuring artwork by Ansel Adams and others; curated by Lois Manno, Director, Cavern Arts Project, and Author of “Visions Underground,” Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, NM
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
by Lois Manno
Published in collaboration with
The National Speleological Society (www.caves.org)
ISBN 978-1-890689-95-7
8” x 10”softcover $19.99 192 pages 142 illustrations
Cover art courtesy of Alexander Dux and Ranger Doug Enterprises
Scheduled for review on July 26 in Albuquerque Journal
What was the most challenging photographic subject of Ansel Adams’ career? Many would agree that it was Carlsbad Caverns. At one point during his work at the Caverns, Adams wrote a letter to friend and fellow photographer Alfred Stieglitz, asking him to “pray for me.” Did he succeed or fail? The previously unpublished Adams images in this book will allow lovers of photographic art to come to their own conclusions.
For more info on this book CLICK HERE.
Lois Manno has been a caver for thirty years. She is a fine artist and graphic designer who has volunteered at Carlsbad Caverns National Park for more than fifteen years. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Visions Underground is a well-written and easily read book that will appeal to a wide audience. General readers as well as artists, photographers, and cave historians will all find something of interest here. In fleshing out this historical portrait of a century of creative expression at Carlsbad Caverns, Manno offers readers a rarely glimpsed vision of subterranean art and culture -- NSS News, Summer 2009
Lois Manno’s wonderful new book, Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns through the Artist’s Eye, is a ground-breaking look at cave art. Visions Underground is well-researched, well-written, well-illustrated and can be summed up in one word: “Wow!” -- New Mexico Breeze, June 12, 2009
When one thinks about natural beauty, one thinks of pristine green fields. But there is beauty in darker areas as well. “Visions Underground: Carlsbad Caverns Through the Artist’s Eye” photographically and artistically chronicles an artist’s journey through the Carlsbad Caverns, a simply beautiful series of caverns in New Mexico. Combining painting with photography, “Visions Underground” is a visual treat and fine coffee table book. -- MidWest Book Reviews, June 2009
For more on this book CLICK HERE.
Booksignings and Talks
Monday, July 20, 2009 - 11am-1pm
Author Talk and booksigning at 15th International Congress of Speleology, Kerrville, TX
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Author Talk and booksigning at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlbad, NM
Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 1-3pm
Author Talk and booksigning at Borders Cottonwood Crossing, 10420 Coors Bypass NW, Albuquerque, NM
Friday, August 28, 2009 - 5-7pm
Author Talk and opening of Carlsbad Caverns exhibit, Steve Elmore Indian Art Gallery, 839 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM
85th Anniversary Exhibit and Celebration, featuring artwork by Ansel Adams and others; curated by Lois Manno, Director, Cavern Arts Project, and Author of “Visions Underground,” Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, NM
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
LPD PRess Wins Award
LPD Press/ Grande Books of Los Ranchos, New Mexico, has announced a new book to go with the blockbuster exhibit at the Museum of International Folk Art that opens July 19, 2009, A Century of Masters. The book and exhibit shows the work and the biographies of fifteen New Mexican masters who were honored by the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington, D.C.:
George López of Córdova, Cleofas Vigil of Arroyo Hondo, Helen Cordero of Cochiti Pueblo, Esther Martínez of Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, Charlie Carrillo of Santa Fe, Ramón José López of Santa Fe, Irvin Trujillo of Chimayó, Eliseo & Paula Rodríguez of Santa Fe, Frances Varos Graves of Arroyo Seco, Emilio & Senaida Romero of Santa Fe, Margaret Tafoya of Santa Clara Pueblo and Lorenzo & Roberto Martínez of Albuquerque.
The book highlights the careers of extraordinary New Mexican artists: storytellers, santeros, musicians, oral historians, potters, and linguists. New Mexico has been blessed with fifteen awardees - highest per capita of any other state. The book has letters by Governor Richardson, Cultural Affairs Secretary Stuart Ashman, and MOIFA Director Marsha Bol. The exhibit is curated by Nicolasa Chávez. The exhibit runs until 2011.
The book in color sells for $19.95 and is available on July 19, 2009, from the Museum of International Folk Art Store, New Mexico Museum of History Book Store, Las Golondrinas Store in Santa Fe, Hispaniae in Old Town, Borders Cottonwood, and many other stores or online at nmsantos.com
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
George López of Córdova, Cleofas Vigil of Arroyo Hondo, Helen Cordero of Cochiti Pueblo, Esther Martínez of Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, Charlie Carrillo of Santa Fe, Ramón José López of Santa Fe, Irvin Trujillo of Chimayó, Eliseo & Paula Rodríguez of Santa Fe, Frances Varos Graves of Arroyo Seco, Emilio & Senaida Romero of Santa Fe, Margaret Tafoya of Santa Clara Pueblo and Lorenzo & Roberto Martínez of Albuquerque.
The book highlights the careers of extraordinary New Mexican artists: storytellers, santeros, musicians, oral historians, potters, and linguists. New Mexico has been blessed with fifteen awardees - highest per capita of any other state. The book has letters by Governor Richardson, Cultural Affairs Secretary Stuart Ashman, and MOIFA Director Marsha Bol. The exhibit is curated by Nicolasa Chávez. The exhibit runs until 2011.
The book in color sells for $19.95 and is available on July 19, 2009, from the Museum of International Folk Art Store, New Mexico Museum of History Book Store, Las Golondrinas Store in Santa Fe, Hispaniae in Old Town, Borders Cottonwood, and many other stores or online at nmsantos.com
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Carolyn Howard Johnson News
Those of you who follow my regular newsletter know that recently I became infatuated with the power of the law of attraction and the book and CD (I prefer the CD)called 'The Secret'. I'm not on Rhonda Byrne's payroll but I should be. ( - :
I keep relating the age - old principles of the law of attraction to my own life, my own career and it's working so well I want to share its power with my writing friends. But then that's my M.O. That sharing business. If I could have a daily dose of power - of - the - universe coaching, I'd sure get it.
Did I say that? Well I can and so can you. It can come right to your e - mail box and, yes, you know me. It's more frugal than those high - priced weekends, etc.
It's from my friend, Elizabeth Grant, “The Quantum Coach.” It’s called Quantum Power Sessions . It's an innovative tool to help you awaken to your inner happiness and even propel your writing career. Her plan is simple. You spend a few minutes every single weekday morning with one of the most effective mentors in North America (that's Elizabeth) and she keeps you on track. That's essential when you're first learning a new way to think and to be.
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser window to watch a 1 - minute video and listen to a sample:
Elizabeth’s story of personal transformation is remarkable. A talented executive by her mid - 20s, she felt unfulfilled and out of sync, and spent most of the next 15 years in a state of major depression and anxiety, at times unable to even hold a job.
Then, she experienced a spiritual awakening, and realized that she didn’t have to suffer; that her outer life was just a reflection of the inner her – not the other way around! She discovered the power of living in the now, and she stumbled upon a way of life she now calls Quantum Living– living in harmony with the universe, and developing the thoughts, mindset, habits and consciousness to help you tap into your own inner happiness and create unlimited prosperity in your life. It was only later that she learned there was something called the Law of Attraction, and that this was the reason her life had become so effortless.
Elizabeth has now emerged as one of the most effective spiritual mentors and Law of Attraction teachers in the world.
A few months ago, she wondered, “If I could spend just five minutes every day with everyone who was seeking inner happiness and outer abundance, imagine the shifts they could make in just a few months! And what if I could make this affordable for virtually anyone seeking this kind of help?”
And so she came up with Quantum Power Sessions. Here’s what they’re about:
Each weekday morning, you’ll receive a powerful five - minute mp3 in your inbox personally created by Elizabeth. It will be filled with the highest quality mentoring available, helping you to permanently integrate key concept into your life, such as:
The Law of Attraction
The Power of Now
Wealth Consciousness
The Art of Allowing
The Power of Thought
… and more!
Elizabeth has completely transformed her own life, which is why she understands what you’re going through. She cuts through the fluff and presents complicated concepts like Wealth Consciousness in a simple, easy - to - understand manner. And each day, she’ll give you a simple action you can integrate into your day!
Gradually, you’ll be able to experience the huge shifts you hear others experience. And these powerful sessions cost only about $5 a week! In addition, Elizabeth will help you reinforce what you’ve learned through a FREE monthly group coaching call!
And the time is right. Many are so enthused they're offering free bonus gifts when you decide to help yourself. So if Quantum Power Sessions resonates with you, you can access $8,000 in gifts from people like Marci Shimoff, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, and me!
PS Here’s the link again for your convenience. You'll learn how to sign up and receive your gifts, too:
Website: http://www.HowToDoItFrugally.com E - mail: HoJoNews@aol.com
Award - winning author of the HowToDoItFrugally Series of Books for writers, including USA Book News' award winners The Frugal Editor http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0978515870/
The Frugal Book Promoter http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/193299310X/
The Great First Impression Book Proposal http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YG6O5U/
Love LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/carolynhowardjohnson
Squidooing at: http://www.squidoo.com/HowToDoItFrugallyforAuthors
My iFOGO Page: http://www.ifogo.com/1Authors/Carolyn%20Howard - Johnson/howard - johnson.html Twittering at: http://www.twitter.com/frugalbookpromo
Socializing with Readers at:
Blogs for Writers: http://www.SharingWithWriters.blogspot.com
Now blogging on War. Peace. Tolerance and Our Soldiers at:
Visit Carolyn HowardJohnson at:
Click here to unsubscribe:
Powered by AuthorsDen
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
I keep relating the age - old principles of the law of attraction to my own life, my own career and it's working so well I want to share its power with my writing friends. But then that's my M.O. That sharing business. If I could have a daily dose of power - of - the - universe coaching, I'd sure get it.
Did I say that? Well I can and so can you. It can come right to your e - mail box and, yes, you know me. It's more frugal than those high - priced weekends, etc.
It's from my friend, Elizabeth Grant, “The Quantum Coach.” It’s called Quantum Power Sessions . It's an innovative tool to help you awaken to your inner happiness and even propel your writing career. Her plan is simple. You spend a few minutes every single weekday morning with one of the most effective mentors in North America (that's Elizabeth) and she keeps you on track. That's essential when you're first learning a new way to think and to be.
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser window to watch a 1 - minute video and listen to a sample:
Elizabeth’s story of personal transformation is remarkable. A talented executive by her mid - 20s, she felt unfulfilled and out of sync, and spent most of the next 15 years in a state of major depression and anxiety, at times unable to even hold a job.
Then, she experienced a spiritual awakening, and realized that she didn’t have to suffer; that her outer life was just a reflection of the inner her – not the other way around! She discovered the power of living in the now, and she stumbled upon a way of life she now calls Quantum Living– living in harmony with the universe, and developing the thoughts, mindset, habits and consciousness to help you tap into your own inner happiness and create unlimited prosperity in your life. It was only later that she learned there was something called the Law of Attraction, and that this was the reason her life had become so effortless.
Elizabeth has now emerged as one of the most effective spiritual mentors and Law of Attraction teachers in the world.
A few months ago, she wondered, “If I could spend just five minutes every day with everyone who was seeking inner happiness and outer abundance, imagine the shifts they could make in just a few months! And what if I could make this affordable for virtually anyone seeking this kind of help?”
And so she came up with Quantum Power Sessions. Here’s what they’re about:
Each weekday morning, you’ll receive a powerful five - minute mp3 in your inbox personally created by Elizabeth. It will be filled with the highest quality mentoring available, helping you to permanently integrate key concept into your life, such as:
The Law of Attraction
The Power of Now
Wealth Consciousness
The Art of Allowing
The Power of Thought
… and more!
Elizabeth has completely transformed her own life, which is why she understands what you’re going through. She cuts through the fluff and presents complicated concepts like Wealth Consciousness in a simple, easy - to - understand manner. And each day, she’ll give you a simple action you can integrate into your day!
Gradually, you’ll be able to experience the huge shifts you hear others experience. And these powerful sessions cost only about $5 a week! In addition, Elizabeth will help you reinforce what you’ve learned through a FREE monthly group coaching call!
And the time is right. Many are so enthused they're offering free bonus gifts when you decide to help yourself. So if Quantum Power Sessions resonates with you, you can access $8,000 in gifts from people like Marci Shimoff, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, and me!
PS Here’s the link again for your convenience. You'll learn how to sign up and receive your gifts, too:
Website: http://www.HowToDoItFrugally.com E - mail: HoJoNews@aol.com
Award - winning author of the HowToDoItFrugally Series of Books for writers, including USA Book News' award winners The Frugal Editor http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0978515870/
The Frugal Book Promoter http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/193299310X/
The Great First Impression Book Proposal http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000YG6O5U/
Love LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/carolynhowardjohnson
Squidooing at: http://www.squidoo.com/HowToDoItFrugallyforAuthors
My iFOGO Page: http://www.ifogo.com/1Authors/Carolyn%20Howard - Johnson/howard - johnson.html Twittering at: http://www.twitter.com/frugalbookpromo
Socializing with Readers at:
Blogs for Writers: http://www.SharingWithWriters.blogspot.com
Now blogging on War. Peace. Tolerance and Our Soldiers at:
Visit Carolyn HowardJohnson at:
Click here to unsubscribe:
Powered by AuthorsDen
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
New mexico Book Association News
Cindy Bellinger, Richard Harris and Karen Villanueva were elected to three-year terms on the NMBA board of directors at the Gala Annual Meeting last Friday. Publisher Ron Duncan-Hart was selected to fill a vacant seat and writer Barbara Harrelson was chosen to be our At-Large member. Cindy was elected our new Secretary by the board. Jim Mafchir, Paula Lozar and Barbara Beasley Murphy round out the executive team as president, vice-president and treasurer respectively.
We must have your news and events for THE print edition of the July-August Libro by this Thursday, June 18. Fill in the Events Form online at www.nmbook.org
Dorothy Massey received NMBA's coveted Book-in-Hand Honor at our Gala Meeting on the very day her Collected Works Bookstore opened at its spacious new location at Galisteo St. and Water St. in Santa Fe! Dorothy and daughter Mary Wolf have served New Mexico readers and authors with dedication and professionalism since buying the store in 1996. Karen Villanueva received NMBA's Special Recognition for her diligent work as our publicist and FlashNews email coordinator. Outgoing Executive Director Richard Polese (now our Senior Advisor) surprised former President Richard Harris and retiring Secretary Ruthie Francis with framed Certificates of Appreciation for their contributions above and beyond the call of duty to members of our non-profit association of book professionals.
Our venerable and widely-recognized Libro newsletter seeks a new editor, beginning with the first issue of fall. It's published and mailed six times a year and posted on our NMBA website as well. Richard Polese and Sunny Elliot are composing the July-August issue, but a fresh hand is needed to write and edit Libro from this point forward. You'll be the next "voice" of NMBA! It's a very satisfying role. Contact info@nmbook.org or reach Richard at (505) 231-1755 to learn details.
June 18: NMBA Round Table Happy Hour, Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, 5:30pm. Just come!
June 19: New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Annual Meeting. Nativo Lodge, Albuquerque, 8am-4pm. Nancy Pearl (Book Lust) keynote speaker! Zara Raab, (505) 982-3997, (800) 233-7587.
June 26: N.M. Book Coop Luncheon: "Pitch Your Book." at Golden Corral, 3401 Hwy 528, Albuquerque. 11:30 pm. www.nmbookcoop.com
June 30: DEADLINE! Sin Fronteras / Writers without Borders literary contest. See www.zianet.com/lunarosity/sinfronteras.html
June 30: DEADLINE! SouthWest Writers Quarterly Writing Competition. Cash prizes! See www.southwestwriters.com/swwcontest.php
Book Readings and Signings:
June 18: David Sedaris, When you Are Engulfed In Flames, (paperback release), Collected Works, new location! 202 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, 6pm. (505) 988-4226.
June 19: Barbara Bonfigli, Café Tempest: Adventures on a Small Greek Island, Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 5-6pm.
June 20: Nancy K. Morrison, M.D. and Sally Severino, M.D., Sacred Desire: Growing in Compassionate Living, Page One Books, Albuquerque, 2pm.
June 24: Patricia Greathouse, Mariachi, Mesilla Cultural Center, 3-7pm. bbf@zianet.com
June 26: Arthur Sze (first Poet Laureate of Santa Fe), The Ginkgo Light, Collected Works, Santa Fe, 6pm mary@collectedworksbookstore.com
June 27: Jillian Brasch, The Last Gifts: Creative Ways to Be with the Dying, Garcia Street Books, 2-3 pm. jillian@jillianbrasch.com
June 29: Janine Pommy Vega, poetry reading at Penasco Theater, Penasco, NM, 7:30pm free. (505) 228-8872.
On the Air:
"Write On 4 Corners" Connie Gotsch, KSJE-FM 90.9, Farmington, and streaming on the web: www.ksje.com
June 17: Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw, My Travelin’ Eye, 10:30am.
June 19: Sandi Ault reads from Wild Inferno, Wild Indigo, Wild Sorrow, 2:30pm.
June 20: Barbara Mayfield reads Green Knees for Fathers Day 7 - 8 a.m.
June 24: Rebecca Reppert, Aztec on the Theme, 10:30am.
June 26: Gene Gurin, The Song of Jonah, 2:30pm.
June 20: Barbara Mayfield, The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me, a Father's Day Special, 7-8am.
June 27: Final "Green Knees" broadcast after 10 years on the air!, 7-8 am.
On the Horizon:
July 1: DEADLINE! Mexico Book Awards. nmbookcoop.com or call (505) 344-9382.
July 3-5: Independence Day Border Festival Book Sale, Mesilla Cultural Center, 10am to 5pm each day!
July 10: NMBA Networking Luncheon at The Writers Room, upstairs at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30-1:15pm, free. Our Board Meeting follows at 1:15pm. info@nmbook.org
July 10-July 12: Rick Reichman Weekend Screenwriting Workshop, Santa Fe Community College. Friday 7pm-9:pm. Saturday & Sunday 9am-4:30pm. Cost $105. Contact Santa Fe Community College (505) 428-1270 or email rmreichman@earthlink.net.
July 10-12: "Lavender in the Village" (bookselling event), Los Ranchos de Albuquerque. www.nmbookcoop.com
July 11-14: American Library Association Annual Conference. McCormick Place, Chicago.(630) 434-7779, ala@heiexpo.com
July 3rd - Sept. 7: Garcia Street: Great Books on Opera and Music: Exhibition/sale, features a rare collection of first edition piano vocal scores of eighty-five operas, including the operas being performed by the Santa Fe Opera this season.
More Garcia Street Events: 376 Garcia Street, 986 0151, open daily 9:00 to 6:00, For more information visit : www.garciastreetbooks.com
July 17: The Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal, Survival of an Imperiled Culture in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Dolores Sloan, 5 – 6pm. Sloan is editor of the Journal of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Crypto Jews, a member of the English and sociology faculty at Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, and a public speaker. She lives in Santa Monica, California. Contact: Karl-Heinz Roseman, bcox@mcfarlandpub.com
July 18: NMBA Round Table Happy Hour, Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, 5:30pm. Bring a friend!
July 18 and 25: Embracing Your Right Livelihood - Introductory Class, Soul Resources, at The Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, 11am to 1pm, free. (505) 271- 4612, soulresources@gmail.com www.IntuitiveLearningCircle.com/classesJ
July 19: Bestselling authors and part time Santa Fe residents, Faye Kellerman and Jonathan Kellerman will sign and discuss their recent books at 3:00 pm Garcia St. Contacts: For Faye Kellerman: Sharyn Rosenblum, sharyn.rosenblum@harpercollins.com For Jonathan Kellerman: Brian McLendon, mclendon@randomhouse.com
July 25: Book Launch and celebration at Garcia St. for Santa Fe Dreamhouse, Encounters in the Land of Enchantment, Reed Stevens. Reed Stevens was born in Hartford, Connecticut. She has been a real estate licensee in New Mexico and California since 1993. She is the author of Treasure of Taos, Tales of Northern New Mexico, and Mariposa Press (1992). 2-3pm, Contact: Reed Stevens reedstevens@earthlink.net
Aug. 1: Right Livelihood Workshop Series, Soul Resources, The Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, 11am - 2pm, $290. (505) 271-4612, soulresources@gmail.com, www.IntuitiveLearningCircle.com/classes.
Aug. 7: Internet Marketing with Ellen Barone, sponsored by Wordharvest and Santa Fe Community College, SFCC Jemez Room, Santa Fe, 9am - 4pm, $130 (free to a limited number of SFCC students with advance reservations). (505) 471-1565, wordharvest@wordharvest.com, www.wordharvest.com
August 7: K. J. Fraser, Taos Book Launch for A Journey, A Reckoning, and a Miracle. Moby Dickens Book Shop. 2-4pm, 124-A Bent St. (505) 758-3050. mobyop@newmex.com
Aug. 8: K. J. Fraser, Albuquerque Book Launch for A Journey, A Reckoning, and a Miracle. Barnes & Noble, Coronado Center,Refreshments. 6600 Menaul NE, 2-4pm.(505) 883-8200, (505) 764-8323, authorcare@aol.com, www.jrmstory.com
Aug. 14: NMBA Monthly Networking Luncheon, The Writers Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am, free! Paula, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com.
Aug. 15: SouthWest Writers Conference: "The Novel." Albuquerque. southwestwriters.com/conferencespeaker2.php
Aug. 31-Sept. 5: River Writing and Sculpting Adventure for Women with Roxanne Swetzell. Canyonlands National Park in Utah, $1550. Page Lambert, (303) 842-7360, page@pagelambert.com
Sept. 23-26: Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Denver International Airport. Lisa Knudsen or Kyle Larson, (800) 752-0249, www.mountainsplains.org
Sept. 26: New Mexico Woman Authors Book Festival, Milner Plaza (Museum Hill), Santa Fe. John Stafford, Museum of New Mexico Foundation, john@museumfoundation.org.
Oct. 15-17: "The Printed Page and Beyond." Southwest Literary Center conference, The Writers Room, Santa Fe. Contact Lisette at southwestliterary@recursos.org
Nov. 11-14: PubWest National Publishing Conference, Tucson. www.pubwest.org
February 15, 2010: DEADLINE! Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence. Final entry deadline for books published in 2008-2009. Read more about this new competition at www.nmbook.org
The new NMBA Book Events Submission Form is easy to use!
We’ve made it easier for you (and us)! From now on, you must submit your forthcoming book and literary events online. Go to www.nmbook.org then click on event submission logo in the upper right corner of our home page. The form is simple and it takes just a click to submit!
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Cindy Bellinger, Richard Harris and Karen Villanueva were elected to three-year terms on the NMBA board of directors at the Gala Annual Meeting last Friday. Publisher Ron Duncan-Hart was selected to fill a vacant seat and writer Barbara Harrelson was chosen to be our At-Large member. Cindy was elected our new Secretary by the board. Jim Mafchir, Paula Lozar and Barbara Beasley Murphy round out the executive team as president, vice-president and treasurer respectively.
We must have your news and events for THE print edition of the July-August Libro by this Thursday, June 18. Fill in the Events Form online at www.nmbook.org
Dorothy Massey received NMBA's coveted Book-in-Hand Honor at our Gala Meeting on the very day her Collected Works Bookstore opened at its spacious new location at Galisteo St. and Water St. in Santa Fe! Dorothy and daughter Mary Wolf have served New Mexico readers and authors with dedication and professionalism since buying the store in 1996. Karen Villanueva received NMBA's Special Recognition for her diligent work as our publicist and FlashNews email coordinator. Outgoing Executive Director Richard Polese (now our Senior Advisor) surprised former President Richard Harris and retiring Secretary Ruthie Francis with framed Certificates of Appreciation for their contributions above and beyond the call of duty to members of our non-profit association of book professionals.
Our venerable and widely-recognized Libro newsletter seeks a new editor, beginning with the first issue of fall. It's published and mailed six times a year and posted on our NMBA website as well. Richard Polese and Sunny Elliot are composing the July-August issue, but a fresh hand is needed to write and edit Libro from this point forward. You'll be the next "voice" of NMBA! It's a very satisfying role. Contact info@nmbook.org or reach Richard at (505) 231-1755 to learn details.
June 18: NMBA Round Table Happy Hour, Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, 5:30pm. Just come!
June 19: New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Annual Meeting. Nativo Lodge, Albuquerque, 8am-4pm. Nancy Pearl (Book Lust) keynote speaker! Zara Raab, (505) 982-3997, (800) 233-7587.
June 26: N.M. Book Coop Luncheon: "Pitch Your Book." at Golden Corral, 3401 Hwy 528, Albuquerque. 11:30 pm. www.nmbookcoop.com
June 30: DEADLINE! Sin Fronteras / Writers without Borders literary contest. See www.zianet.com/lunarosity/sinfronteras.html
June 30: DEADLINE! SouthWest Writers Quarterly Writing Competition. Cash prizes! See www.southwestwriters.com/swwcontest.php
Book Readings and Signings:
June 18: David Sedaris, When you Are Engulfed In Flames, (paperback release), Collected Works, new location! 202 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, 6pm. (505) 988-4226.
June 19: Barbara Bonfigli, Café Tempest: Adventures on a Small Greek Island, Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 5-6pm.
June 20: Nancy K. Morrison, M.D. and Sally Severino, M.D., Sacred Desire: Growing in Compassionate Living, Page One Books, Albuquerque, 2pm.
June 24: Patricia Greathouse, Mariachi, Mesilla Cultural Center, 3-7pm. bbf@zianet.com
June 26: Arthur Sze (first Poet Laureate of Santa Fe), The Ginkgo Light, Collected Works, Santa Fe, 6pm mary@collectedworksbookstore.com
June 27: Jillian Brasch, The Last Gifts: Creative Ways to Be with the Dying, Garcia Street Books, 2-3 pm. jillian@jillianbrasch.com
June 29: Janine Pommy Vega, poetry reading at Penasco Theater, Penasco, NM, 7:30pm free. (505) 228-8872.
On the Air:
"Write On 4 Corners" Connie Gotsch, KSJE-FM 90.9, Farmington, and streaming on the web: www.ksje.com
June 17: Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw, My Travelin’ Eye, 10:30am.
June 19: Sandi Ault reads from Wild Inferno, Wild Indigo, Wild Sorrow, 2:30pm.
June 20: Barbara Mayfield reads Green Knees for Fathers Day 7 - 8 a.m.
June 24: Rebecca Reppert, Aztec on the Theme, 10:30am.
June 26: Gene Gurin, The Song of Jonah, 2:30pm.
June 20: Barbara Mayfield, The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me, a Father's Day Special, 7-8am.
June 27: Final "Green Knees" broadcast after 10 years on the air!, 7-8 am.
On the Horizon:
July 1: DEADLINE! Mexico Book Awards. nmbookcoop.com or call (505) 344-9382.
July 3-5: Independence Day Border Festival Book Sale, Mesilla Cultural Center, 10am to 5pm each day!
July 10: NMBA Networking Luncheon at The Writers Room, upstairs at 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30-1:15pm, free. Our Board Meeting follows at 1:15pm. info@nmbook.org
July 10-July 12: Rick Reichman Weekend Screenwriting Workshop, Santa Fe Community College. Friday 7pm-9:pm. Saturday & Sunday 9am-4:30pm. Cost $105. Contact Santa Fe Community College (505) 428-1270 or email rmreichman@earthlink.net.
July 10-12: "Lavender in the Village" (bookselling event), Los Ranchos de Albuquerque. www.nmbookcoop.com
July 11-14: American Library Association Annual Conference. McCormick Place, Chicago.(630) 434-7779, ala@heiexpo.com
July 3rd - Sept. 7: Garcia Street: Great Books on Opera and Music: Exhibition/sale, features a rare collection of first edition piano vocal scores of eighty-five operas, including the operas being performed by the Santa Fe Opera this season.
More Garcia Street Events: 376 Garcia Street, 986 0151, open daily 9:00 to 6:00, For more information visit : www.garciastreetbooks.com
July 17: The Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal, Survival of an Imperiled Culture in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, Dolores Sloan, 5 – 6pm. Sloan is editor of the Journal of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian Crypto Jews, a member of the English and sociology faculty at Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, and a public speaker. She lives in Santa Monica, California. Contact: Karl-Heinz Roseman, bcox@mcfarlandpub.com
July 18: NMBA Round Table Happy Hour, Santa Fe Bar & Grill, DeVargas Mall, 5:30pm. Bring a friend!
July 18 and 25: Embracing Your Right Livelihood - Introductory Class, Soul Resources, at The Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, 11am to 1pm, free. (505) 271- 4612, soulresources@gmail.com www.IntuitiveLearningCircle.com/classesJ
July 19: Bestselling authors and part time Santa Fe residents, Faye Kellerman and Jonathan Kellerman will sign and discuss their recent books at 3:00 pm Garcia St. Contacts: For Faye Kellerman: Sharyn Rosenblum, sharyn.rosenblum@harpercollins.com For Jonathan Kellerman: Brian McLendon, mclendon@randomhouse.com
July 25: Book Launch and celebration at Garcia St. for Santa Fe Dreamhouse, Encounters in the Land of Enchantment, Reed Stevens. Reed Stevens was born in Hartford, Connecticut. She has been a real estate licensee in New Mexico and California since 1993. She is the author of Treasure of Taos, Tales of Northern New Mexico, and Mariposa Press (1992). 2-3pm, Contact: Reed Stevens reedstevens@earthlink.net
Aug. 1: Right Livelihood Workshop Series, Soul Resources, The Source, 1111 Carlisle Blvd. SE, Albuquerque, 11am - 2pm, $290. (505) 271-4612, soulresources@gmail.com, www.IntuitiveLearningCircle.com/classes.
Aug. 7: Internet Marketing with Ellen Barone, sponsored by Wordharvest and Santa Fe Community College, SFCC Jemez Room, Santa Fe, 9am - 4pm, $130 (free to a limited number of SFCC students with advance reservations). (505) 471-1565, wordharvest@wordharvest.com, www.wordharvest.com
August 7: K. J. Fraser, Taos Book Launch for A Journey, A Reckoning, and a Miracle. Moby Dickens Book Shop. 2-4pm, 124-A Bent St. (505) 758-3050. mobyop@newmex.com
Aug. 8: K. J. Fraser, Albuquerque Book Launch for A Journey, A Reckoning, and a Miracle. Barnes & Noble, Coronado Center,Refreshments. 6600 Menaul NE, 2-4pm.(505) 883-8200, (505) 764-8323, authorcare@aol.com, www.jrmstory.com
Aug. 14: NMBA Monthly Networking Luncheon, The Writers Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am, free! Paula, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com.
Aug. 15: SouthWest Writers Conference: "The Novel." Albuquerque. southwestwriters.com/conferencespeaker2.php
Aug. 31-Sept. 5: River Writing and Sculpting Adventure for Women with Roxanne Swetzell. Canyonlands National Park in Utah, $1550. Page Lambert, (303) 842-7360, page@pagelambert.com
Sept. 23-26: Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Denver International Airport. Lisa Knudsen or Kyle Larson, (800) 752-0249, www.mountainsplains.org
Sept. 26: New Mexico Woman Authors Book Festival, Milner Plaza (Museum Hill), Santa Fe. John Stafford, Museum of New Mexico Foundation, john@museumfoundation.org.
Oct. 15-17: "The Printed Page and Beyond." Southwest Literary Center conference, The Writers Room, Santa Fe. Contact Lisette at southwestliterary@recursos.org
Nov. 11-14: PubWest National Publishing Conference, Tucson. www.pubwest.org
February 15, 2010: DEADLINE! Southwest Book Design & Production Awards for Excellence. Final entry deadline for books published in 2008-2009. Read more about this new competition at www.nmbook.org
The new NMBA Book Events Submission Form is easy to use!
We’ve made it easier for you (and us)! From now on, you must submit your forthcoming book and literary events online. Go to www.nmbook.org then click on event submission logo in the upper right corner of our home page. The form is simple and it takes just a click to submit!
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Write On Four Corners Calendar KSJE FM June
The Write On Four Corners Schedule for June 2009 KSJE FM
You can listen at the appointed times by going to 90.9, FM if you are within reach of KSJE’s air signal. By computer go to www.ksje.com and click on listen live. You can also listen to archived programs at ksje.com mp3 archives write on four corners. Then beginning in April you can listen to two different authors on Write On Four Corners, one at 10:30 Wednesday morning and one at 2:30 Friday afternoon
6/17 Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw My Travelin’ Eye Henry Holt
6/19 Sandi Ault wild Inferno, Wild Inferno, Wild Sorrow Berkley Prime Crime
6/24 Rebecca Reppert Performance Poet Aztec on the Theme of Time
6/26 Gene Gurin The Song of Jonah UNM Press
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
You can listen at the appointed times by going to 90.9, FM if you are within reach of KSJE’s air signal. By computer go to www.ksje.com and click on listen live. You can also listen to archived programs at ksje.com mp3 archives write on four corners. Then beginning in April you can listen to two different authors on Write On Four Corners, one at 10:30 Wednesday morning and one at 2:30 Friday afternoon
6/17 Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw My Travelin’ Eye Henry Holt
6/19 Sandi Ault wild Inferno, Wild Inferno, Wild Sorrow Berkley Prime Crime
6/24 Rebecca Reppert Performance Poet Aztec on the Theme of Time
6/26 Gene Gurin The Song of Jonah UNM Press
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Monday, June 8, 2009
Barbara Mayfield and Mrs. Iptweet's Schedule of Signings
A Personal Note from Barbara Mayfield
UPCOMING Readings of The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me, Interviews and Puppet Shows
Saturday, June 6 at 3 p.m. ALBUQUERQUE / CORRALES
Reading & Talk Event with FIVE local children's' book authors at BOOKWORKS in Corrales
"Bookworks is happy to welcome these amazing local authors to the store to read from and sign their great books:
Neecy Twinem, Giggly Wiggly Worms
Kimberley Griffiths Little, The Last Snake Runner
Barbara Mayfield, Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me
Kersten Hamilton, Red Truck
Carolee Dean, Comfort
Flying Star Plaza at 4022 Rio Grande NW. Store phone: (505) 344-8139.
Saturday, JUNE 13 at 2:30 p.m. ALBUQUERQUE
Children’s Event at Page One Bookstore
A reading, signing of The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me and a performance with Mayfield and Beauty, the Pink Flamingo marionette. Free event.
11018 Montgomery (SW corner of Montgomery and Juan Tabo)
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Contact: randi@page1book.com (for children's event info)
Saturday, June 20, 7 - 8 a.m. RADIO
Interview and Reading on Green Knees for Fathers Day.
101.1 KSFR FM, Santa Fe’s Public Radio, streams live on the web at www.ksfr.org
Mayfield will be reading Chapter 8 - The Visit of Dad.
Saturday and Sunday, July 11 & 12 CHESTNUT HILL / PHILADELPHIA
Reading, Signing and workshops at the Chestnut Hill Book Festival
Puppeteering, too.
Locations and times TBA
Sunday June 28 at 2pm and 3:15pm SANTA FE
Puppet Shows at Jackalope with Beauty the Flamingo teaching Life Skills, How to Read a Book and Counting to 100, and a Sports Commentary.
Thursday July 16, 1 - 3 p.m. ELDORADO / SANTA F E
Reading, Signing and Marionette Performance
Reading at 1pm. Marionettes at 2:15pm
Vista Grande Public Library
7 Avenida Vista Grande, B7-192
Santa Fe (Eldorado), NM 87508
Contact Pamela Monaghan-Geernaert, Children’s Librarian, children@vglibrary.org 505-466-2896 Free and Open to the Public.
Saturday, September 26 NM Women Authors Book Festival SANTA FE
Mayfield will read and sign at the NM Women Authors Book Festival at Museum Plaza in Santa Fe as one of 66 women authors.
Children's Pavilion at 11:45am
Museum Plaza
Camino Lejo
Santa Fe, NM
Barbara Mayfield
Author /Illustrator, The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me.
P.O. Box 2
Glorieta, NM 87535
505-231-4774 bjmayfield@cybermesa.com
Visit www.AzroPress.com
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
UPCOMING Readings of The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me, Interviews and Puppet Shows
Saturday, June 6 at 3 p.m. ALBUQUERQUE / CORRALES
Reading & Talk Event with FIVE local children's' book authors at BOOKWORKS in Corrales
"Bookworks is happy to welcome these amazing local authors to the store to read from and sign their great books:
Neecy Twinem, Giggly Wiggly Worms
Kimberley Griffiths Little, The Last Snake Runner
Barbara Mayfield, Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me
Kersten Hamilton, Red Truck
Carolee Dean, Comfort
Flying Star Plaza at 4022 Rio Grande NW. Store phone: (505) 344-8139.
Saturday, JUNE 13 at 2:30 p.m. ALBUQUERQUE
Children’s Event at Page One Bookstore
A reading, signing of The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me and a performance with Mayfield and Beauty, the Pink Flamingo marionette. Free event.
11018 Montgomery (SW corner of Montgomery and Juan Tabo)
Albuquerque, NM 87111
Contact: randi@page1book.com (for children's event info)
Saturday, June 20, 7 - 8 a.m. RADIO
Interview and Reading on Green Knees for Fathers Day.
101.1 KSFR FM, Santa Fe’s Public Radio, streams live on the web at www.ksfr.org
Mayfield will be reading Chapter 8 - The Visit of Dad.
Saturday and Sunday, July 11 & 12 CHESTNUT HILL / PHILADELPHIA
Reading, Signing and workshops at the Chestnut Hill Book Festival
Puppeteering, too.
Locations and times TBA
Sunday June 28 at 2pm and 3:15pm SANTA FE
Puppet Shows at Jackalope with Beauty the Flamingo teaching Life Skills, How to Read a Book and Counting to 100, and a Sports Commentary.
Thursday July 16, 1 - 3 p.m. ELDORADO / SANTA F E
Reading, Signing and Marionette Performance
Reading at 1pm. Marionettes at 2:15pm
Vista Grande Public Library
7 Avenida Vista Grande, B7-192
Santa Fe (Eldorado), NM 87508
Contact Pamela Monaghan-Geernaert, Children’s Librarian, children@vglibrary.org 505-466-2896 Free and Open to the Public.
Saturday, September 26 NM Women Authors Book Festival SANTA FE
Mayfield will read and sign at the NM Women Authors Book Festival at Museum Plaza in Santa Fe as one of 66 women authors.
Children's Pavilion at 11:45am
Museum Plaza
Camino Lejo
Santa Fe, NM
Barbara Mayfield
Author /Illustrator, The Magical Mrs. Iptweet and Me.
P.O. Box 2
Glorieta, NM 87535
505-231-4774 bjmayfield@cybermesa.com
Visit www.AzroPress.com
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Carolyn Howard Johnson Poem in Literary Journal Dash
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
E-mail: HoJoNews@aol.com
New Literary Journal Features Novelist's Poetry
Editors of the new literary journal Dash chose Carolyn Howard-Johnson's poem "Long Before They Closed the Napster Down" for their just-published spring edition. The new book is sponsored by the Creative Writing Club and the Department of English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics at California State University, Fullerton.
Howard-Johnson says, "My pleasure at being published by this journal doubled because the poem is based on memories of my father, an avid and thoroughly addicted smoker who loved jazz. His time was a different time and this poem evokes those times, the music of his time . . . and him. That it was chosen for a journal like this--one with a yourthful edge--renews my faith that there is not so much difference between generations after all."
The journal is dedicated to "publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, criticism, art, and hybrids that push the boundaries of short, open-ended expression."
Howard-Johnson's poem poetry has appeared in literary journals like the Mochila Review, Banyan Review, the new Pear Noir, and Poetic Voices. One of her poems won a reader award at The Pedestal Magazine.
Howard-Johnson studied at UCLA with Suzanne Lummis, editor of Speechless the Magazine http://www.speechlessthemagazine.org/ where her chapbook Tracings (Finishing Line Press), winner of Military Writers Society of America’s Award of Excellence was featured in 2005.
The poet's literary novel, This Is the Place, has won eight awards. Her book of creative nonfiction has won three. Her newest chapbook She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1438263791/), was coauthored by Magdalena Ball and proudly self published in the tradition of poets for centuries. She is also an authors’ advocate and author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers (www.howtodoitfrugally.com).
Learn more about the Dash Literary Journal at www.dashliteraryjournal.com.
Learn more about Carolyn Howard-Johnson's creative work at http://carolynhoward-johnson.com.
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
Contact: Carolyn Howard-Johnson
E-mail: HoJoNews@aol.com
New Literary Journal Features Novelist's Poetry
Editors of the new literary journal Dash chose Carolyn Howard-Johnson's poem "Long Before They Closed the Napster Down" for their just-published spring edition. The new book is sponsored by the Creative Writing Club and the Department of English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics at California State University, Fullerton.
Howard-Johnson says, "My pleasure at being published by this journal doubled because the poem is based on memories of my father, an avid and thoroughly addicted smoker who loved jazz. His time was a different time and this poem evokes those times, the music of his time . . . and him. That it was chosen for a journal like this--one with a yourthful edge--renews my faith that there is not so much difference between generations after all."
The journal is dedicated to "publish poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, criticism, art, and hybrids that push the boundaries of short, open-ended expression."
Howard-Johnson's poem poetry has appeared in literary journals like the Mochila Review, Banyan Review, the new Pear Noir, and Poetic Voices. One of her poems won a reader award at The Pedestal Magazine.
Howard-Johnson studied at UCLA with Suzanne Lummis, editor of Speechless the Magazine http://www.speechlessthemagazine.org/ where her chapbook Tracings (Finishing Line Press), winner of Military Writers Society of America’s Award of Excellence was featured in 2005.
The poet's literary novel, This Is the Place, has won eight awards. Her book of creative nonfiction has won three. Her newest chapbook She Wore Emerald Then: Reflections on Motherhood (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1438263791/), was coauthored by Magdalena Ball and proudly self published in the tradition of poets for centuries. She is also an authors’ advocate and author of the multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers (www.howtodoitfrugally.com).
Learn more about the Dash Literary Journal at www.dashliteraryjournal.com.
Learn more about Carolyn Howard-Johnson's creative work at http://carolynhoward-johnson.com.
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
New mexico Book CoOp
June 7, 2009
June Lunch Meeting -- Pitch Your Book
At the next lunch meeting of the NM Book Coop, everyone will have an opportunity to "pitch your book." Friday, June 26, 11:30 a.m. Golden Corral Buffet, 3401 NW Hwy 528 (just west of the intersection of Coors and Alameda) Cost is $7.49 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email info@nmbookcoop.com to reserve a seat.
Anyone attending will have an opportunity to pitch their book; participants will be given 2 minutes to make a presentation on selling or pitching their book. This is a practice session which will help everyone attending on making the sales pitch to book stores.
Bring 1 copy of your newest book and make a 2-minute pitch on what the book is about and why it might be a good book for a bookstore to have and sell. The group will then offer suggestions on helping the author make a better sales presentation to bookstores. All presentations will be timed so anyone making a presentation should know exactly what they want to say about their book.
Only Four Spaces Left For This Great Selling Event!
Lavender in the Village -- July 10-12
There are only a few spaces left for your books in the 2009 Lavender in The Village this July. The event is in the Village of Los Ranchos at the Barn off Rio Grande Blvd. Last year the event drew over 15,000 people. The best books for this show are cookbooks, children's books, novels, and history. There is a $10 fee per title (it goes up to $20 per title on April 15). More detailed information and application on all this event is available HERE! If you are interested in this event sign-up right away so you can get on the list.
This was a huge sell-out last year and it is expected to do the same again this year! Don't delay!
Final Deadline Approaches for New Mexico Book Awards
You have just a few weeks left to get your entries in for the 2009 awards program which will recognize the best books published in 2008 and 2009. The deadline for entries is July 1! For complete information on the awards program and how to enter go to NM BOOK AWARDS.
REMEMBER -- this is the only book awards program that recognizes the best books produced in New Mexico!
SPECIAL NOTE TO UNM PRESS AUTHORS: UNM Press does not and will not send in your books for the book awards. If you want your book(s) considered you will have to send it in. Remember, July 1 is the deadline.
Enter Your Material for New Book Project
Voices of New Mexico -- An Anthology for the Centennial Celebration of New Mexico
Entry deadline for inclusion in this new book is December 31. Theme is "Voices of New Mexico."
Essay submissions have to have some aspect of New Mexico, funny, history, biography, life in New Mexico, fiction, nonfiction. Suggestions: What was it like growing up in New Mexico? Why are New Mexicans/Santa Feans/Albuquerqueans different? Why are aliens so Roswell? A New Mexico character in New Mexico history. Why do we like green/red chile? Why were the Native Americans and Hispanics so important to New Mexico? Do you have a favorite family cuento? Do you have to get up early to enjoy the Balloon Fiesta, Indian or Spanish Markets? What part of living in New Mexico hasn’t been done to death? Entry Information ($10 fee per entry) is available HERE!
Meet the Author Benefit at Cathedral of St. John
Meet the Authors Benefit for Title I Outreach
June 27, 1:30PM
Cathedral of St. John, 318 Silver SW, Albuquerque, NM
Authors from the NM Book Coop are partnering with St. John’s Cathedral Outreach Ministry to present a Meet the Authors Benefit for Title I Outreach. The event will be on June 27 at 1:30PM in Kaseman Hall of St. John’s Cathedral, 318 Silver SW, Albuquerque, NM. Meet authors representing a variety of genres, learn why they write, purchase books, and help some of the thousands of Albuquerque school children helped by Title One.
Authors include:
David J. Corwell (fantasy)
Cynthia Davis (Biblical fiction & history)
Jill Lane (Oso Bear children’s books and bears)
Sabra Brown Steinsek (romance)
Lela Belle Wolfert (romance & poetry)
LPD Press (NM History and Santero books)
And Others...
Contact Cynthia Davis for more information cdavis@CynthiaDavisAuthor.com
November 7 Book Fair in Rio Rancho
The Holiday Fair at the Rio Rancho Inn on Saturday, November 7, 10am to 4pm in the Ballroom, will be one of the first opportunities to sell books and crafts for the holidays. With an emphasis on New Mexico authors and crafts this fair will stand out as a home grown way to buy locally made and written presents.
The event is a benefit for ReadWest, a Rio Rancho literacy organization, celebrating their 20th anniversary. Michael McGarrity, Jill Lane, and Don Bullis will be featured and signing copies of their new books. Already signed up are: Reading New Mexico, LPD Press/Rio Grande Books, Enchantment Lane, Sabra Brown Stienseick, Jim Thompson, Peter Graham, Karen Walker, Cynthia Davis, and many more. Books and crafts will appeal to children and adults.
The night event at the Rio Rancho Inn features Anne Hillerman with her new book Flavors of Santa Fe and her father’s new book. Contact ReadWest at 505/892-1131 for more information and tickets.
To sign up for the Book Fair is $30 a table or $15 for half a table and forms are available online HERE!
To sign up for the Craft Fair in the same location is $35 a table and forms are available HERE. All sign ups are first come and there are limited spaces and the price goes up later in the summer.
One-Day Writers Workshops
WORDHARVEST Writers Workshops
Summer 2009
August 7 – Interactive Internet Marketing, with Ellen Barone
August 8 – Six Degrees of Separation, with Sandi Ault
(505) 471-1565
Book Awards
Mark David Gerson’s The Voice of the Muse: Answering the Call to Write was named a Silver Medalist in the Independent Publisher Book Awards, IPPY Award, in the "writing/publishing" category.
Paul Levitt's Come with Me to Babylon, publsised by UNM Press, received a Bronze Award in Historical Fiction in the Foreword Magazine Awards.
Upcoming Calendar
June 17-20 - Western Writers of America conference
June 26 - Coop lunch
June 27 - Meet the Author Benefit at Cathedral of St. John
July 1 - NM Book Awards deadline
July 11-13 - Lavender Festival
September 18 - Coop lunch
September 24-26 - Mountains & Plains Booksellers meeting
September 26 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
September 26 -- Women Authors Fair at Museum Hill, Santa Fe
October 23 - Coop lunch
October 24 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
November 7 -- Rio Rancho Book Fair
November 20 - NM Book Awards banquet
November 28 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 11 - Coop Holiday Party
December 12 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 31 - Voices Anthology deadline
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
June Lunch Meeting -- Pitch Your Book
At the next lunch meeting of the NM Book Coop, everyone will have an opportunity to "pitch your book." Friday, June 26, 11:30 a.m. Golden Corral Buffet, 3401 NW Hwy 528 (just west of the intersection of Coors and Alameda) Cost is $7.49 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email info@nmbookcoop.com to reserve a seat.
Anyone attending will have an opportunity to pitch their book; participants will be given 2 minutes to make a presentation on selling or pitching their book. This is a practice session which will help everyone attending on making the sales pitch to book stores.
Bring 1 copy of your newest book and make a 2-minute pitch on what the book is about and why it might be a good book for a bookstore to have and sell. The group will then offer suggestions on helping the author make a better sales presentation to bookstores. All presentations will be timed so anyone making a presentation should know exactly what they want to say about their book.
Only Four Spaces Left For This Great Selling Event!
Lavender in the Village -- July 10-12
There are only a few spaces left for your books in the 2009 Lavender in The Village this July. The event is in the Village of Los Ranchos at the Barn off Rio Grande Blvd. Last year the event drew over 15,000 people. The best books for this show are cookbooks, children's books, novels, and history. There is a $10 fee per title (it goes up to $20 per title on April 15). More detailed information and application on all this event is available HERE! If you are interested in this event sign-up right away so you can get on the list.
This was a huge sell-out last year and it is expected to do the same again this year! Don't delay!
Final Deadline Approaches for New Mexico Book Awards
You have just a few weeks left to get your entries in for the 2009 awards program which will recognize the best books published in 2008 and 2009. The deadline for entries is July 1! For complete information on the awards program and how to enter go to NM BOOK AWARDS.
REMEMBER -- this is the only book awards program that recognizes the best books produced in New Mexico!
SPECIAL NOTE TO UNM PRESS AUTHORS: UNM Press does not and will not send in your books for the book awards. If you want your book(s) considered you will have to send it in. Remember, July 1 is the deadline.
Enter Your Material for New Book Project
Voices of New Mexico -- An Anthology for the Centennial Celebration of New Mexico
Entry deadline for inclusion in this new book is December 31. Theme is "Voices of New Mexico."
Essay submissions have to have some aspect of New Mexico, funny, history, biography, life in New Mexico, fiction, nonfiction. Suggestions: What was it like growing up in New Mexico? Why are New Mexicans/Santa Feans/Albuquerqueans different? Why are aliens so Roswell? A New Mexico character in New Mexico history. Why do we like green/red chile? Why were the Native Americans and Hispanics so important to New Mexico? Do you have a favorite family cuento? Do you have to get up early to enjoy the Balloon Fiesta, Indian or Spanish Markets? What part of living in New Mexico hasn’t been done to death? Entry Information ($10 fee per entry) is available HERE!
Meet the Author Benefit at Cathedral of St. John
Meet the Authors Benefit for Title I Outreach
June 27, 1:30PM
Cathedral of St. John, 318 Silver SW, Albuquerque, NM
Authors from the NM Book Coop are partnering with St. John’s Cathedral Outreach Ministry to present a Meet the Authors Benefit for Title I Outreach. The event will be on June 27 at 1:30PM in Kaseman Hall of St. John’s Cathedral, 318 Silver SW, Albuquerque, NM. Meet authors representing a variety of genres, learn why they write, purchase books, and help some of the thousands of Albuquerque school children helped by Title One.
Authors include:
David J. Corwell (fantasy)
Cynthia Davis (Biblical fiction & history)
Jill Lane (Oso Bear children’s books and bears)
Sabra Brown Steinsek (romance)
Lela Belle Wolfert (romance & poetry)
LPD Press (NM History and Santero books)
And Others...
Contact Cynthia Davis for more information cdavis@CynthiaDavisAuthor.com
November 7 Book Fair in Rio Rancho
The Holiday Fair at the Rio Rancho Inn on Saturday, November 7, 10am to 4pm in the Ballroom, will be one of the first opportunities to sell books and crafts for the holidays. With an emphasis on New Mexico authors and crafts this fair will stand out as a home grown way to buy locally made and written presents.
The event is a benefit for ReadWest, a Rio Rancho literacy organization, celebrating their 20th anniversary. Michael McGarrity, Jill Lane, and Don Bullis will be featured and signing copies of their new books. Already signed up are: Reading New Mexico, LPD Press/Rio Grande Books, Enchantment Lane, Sabra Brown Stienseick, Jim Thompson, Peter Graham, Karen Walker, Cynthia Davis, and many more. Books and crafts will appeal to children and adults.
The night event at the Rio Rancho Inn features Anne Hillerman with her new book Flavors of Santa Fe and her father’s new book. Contact ReadWest at 505/892-1131 for more information and tickets.
To sign up for the Book Fair is $30 a table or $15 for half a table and forms are available online HERE!
To sign up for the Craft Fair in the same location is $35 a table and forms are available HERE. All sign ups are first come and there are limited spaces and the price goes up later in the summer.
One-Day Writers Workshops
WORDHARVEST Writers Workshops
Summer 2009
August 7 – Interactive Internet Marketing, with Ellen Barone
August 8 – Six Degrees of Separation, with Sandi Ault
(505) 471-1565
Book Awards
Mark David Gerson’s The Voice of the Muse: Answering the Call to Write was named a Silver Medalist in the Independent Publisher Book Awards, IPPY Award, in the "writing/publishing" category.
Paul Levitt's Come with Me to Babylon, publsised by UNM Press, received a Bronze Award in Historical Fiction in the Foreword Magazine Awards.
Upcoming Calendar
June 17-20 - Western Writers of America conference
June 26 - Coop lunch
June 27 - Meet the Author Benefit at Cathedral of St. John
July 1 - NM Book Awards deadline
July 11-13 - Lavender Festival
September 18 - Coop lunch
September 24-26 - Mountains & Plains Booksellers meeting
September 26 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
September 26 -- Women Authors Fair at Museum Hill, Santa Fe
October 23 - Coop lunch
October 24 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
November 7 -- Rio Rancho Book Fair
November 20 - NM Book Awards banquet
November 28 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 11 - Coop Holiday Party
December 12 - Clear Light Book Market, Santa Fe
December 31 - Voices Anthology deadline
Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!
Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net
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