Friday, August 29, 2008

Write On Four Corners KSJE Farmington September Schedule

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for September, 2008 KSJE FM

Sept. 3 and Sept. 5 Rudolfo Anaya The First Tortilla UNM Press

Sept. 10 and Sept. 12 Martha Egan Coyota Papalote Press The story of a young woman who gets caught up in a smuggling operation

Sept. 17 and Sept. 19 Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz Roots of Resistance A History of Land Tenure in New Mexico University of Oklahoma Press.

Sept. 24 and Sept. 26 Dave de Witt Avenging Vittorio LPD Press

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Mexico Book Op News

The NM Book Co-op with leadership from Jill Lane is hosting a Book Sale Emporium at the Zia Art & Crafts Show at the State Fairgrounds in Albuquerque, November 21- 23. This is an opportunity to have your book at a large holiday show and we hope it is seen and bought for holiday gift giving. If you are interested in having your title there for three days the fee is $15 for the 1st title and $5 for each additional title if you sign up and reserve space before September 15. The price goes up on September 15. You are not expected to be there except to deliver and pick up your books. We will have a sales staff. To sign up email us your Name/Email/Phone/Address/Title and author for each book. To pay for your space for this event go to

The finalists in the 2008 NM Book Awards will be announced in less than a month. The winners will be announced at the Banquet on November 21. Cost is $36 per person if reserved before Oct 15 (cost is $46 after that date). RSVP 505-344-9382. 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107 You can make and pay for your reservation online at Don’t wait too long to make your reservation as the banquet was sold out last year by October 1.

The Weekly Alibi newspaper in Albuquerque has started up again on its Local Lexicon column. Five New Mexico women authors were featured in the column on August 21. Take a look at the column at

The new Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo will have its Grand Opening Labor Day weekend in Bernalillo August 30, 31 and September 1, 2008. The New Mexico Book Co-op is having a Book Fair/Store to celebrate the New Mexico Wine Festival and the opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo. The new Flying Star Cafe is located directly across the street from the NM Wine Festival and they anticipate 30,000 people coming, many walking down from the Road Runner station which is a block behind the new Flying Star Cafe. Flying Star Café has given us a store front next to the café and we will feature loads of local books, especially children’s books and cookbooks/food books. There will also be 25 book signings over the three days. Check out the schedule of signings at

About 100 local authors will be participating in the New Mexico Author & Publisher Showcase at the Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers annual meeting in Colorado Springs on September 19-20. The Showcase is sponsored by the New Mexico Book Association and the New Mexico Book Co-op. A special catalog will also be handed out to book buyers who come to the meeting. You can see more info on this at

Our guest at the September 26 Co-op lunch meeting will be Anne Hillerman, author and organizer of the annual Hillerman Mystery Conference. The meeting begins at 11:30 and will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Email to reserve a seat at the meeting.

The recent New Mexico Book Coop catalog will be prominently featured at the upcoming National Book Festival in Washington, DC. The New Mexico State Library will be handing out the catalog to the 100,000 visitors who will be coming through the New Mexico State Pavilion tent at the book festival on the Mall on September 27. This is an added bonus distribution for the New Mexico Books catalog that 75 co-op members participated in this year. You can get your copy of the catalog at


New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

New Mexico Author Linda Jacobs

New Mexico Author Linda Jacobs will sign her novels Summer of Fire, Rain of Fire, and Lake of Fire this weekend. in the following places:

Yellowstone National Park
August 30 - Old Faithful's Yellowstone General Store - morning. Old Faithful Inn Lobby - afternoon.
August 31 - Lake Hotel Lobby - afternoon
September 1 - Canyon Area Yellowstone General Store - morning.

September 5 - Valley Bookstore, Jackson Hole, Wyoming , 3-5 p.m.

Lake of Fire has now finaled in the Spur Awards, taken third place in the National Federation of Press Womwn 2008 National Communication ContesluncheonConnie Gotsch and in Las Cruces, the Branigan Friends of the Library have just selected it as their book of the year from a local author out of a field of thirteen authors' entries. I will be appearing at a luncheon at the Farm and Ranch Museum on Sunday September 21. Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.nett

New Mexico Book CoOp News

This is an all-call to anyone who wants to sell some books Labor Day weekend — and best of all it does not cost anything!!!!!!
The new Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo will have its Grand Opening Labor Day weekend in Bernalillo August 30, 31 and September 1, 2008 and you can have your books there to sell. It costs nothing and you don’t have to be there all weekend. The New Mexico Book Co-op is having a Book Fair/Store to celebrate the New Mexico Wine Festival and the opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo. The new Flying Star Cafe is located directly across the street from the NM Wine Festival and they anticipate 30,000 people coming, many walking down from the Road Runner station which is a block behind the new Flying Star Cafe. Flying Star Café has given us a store front next to the café and we will feature loads of local books.
If you want to participate here is what you do:
1. bring 10 copies (only 10 and no more) on Friday August 29 between 9am and 11am, the space is locked so do not come before or after these times as there is no place to leave them except in the space when it is open.
2. all books must have a price on them — and we suggest that books be at a discount to help things sell. Take all books out of shrink wrap so people can browse through them.
3. bring an invoice with your name, phone, address and the title and sales price of your books and quantity. You will get 100% of the sales price minus a fee for any sales by credit card (about 4%)
4. if you have any blowups or posters of your book cover (minimum of 11x17) please bring them to help decorate the space.
5. pick up all your books on Monday Sept 1 between 4:30pm and 6:30pm. Books not picked up at these times may not get returned.
The space is located at 240 South Camino del Pueblo in Bernalillo (Main St) across from the San Lorenzo Church and the NM Wine Festival grounds. It is also right next to the new Flying Star Café and the Obama headquarters. The space is right in front of the marquee sign for the Las Huertas Plaza. See the flier on this events at

CALLING ALL BOOKS FOR REVIEW goes live on Monday, September 1, 2008. Almost all of the books we have received will be reviewed with the next batch of reviews coming October 1. Thanks to our speedy group of reviewers, we need more books. If you have a book you’d like reviewed, please visit the website http://www.readingnewmexico for guidelines and address. For those of you participating in the Book Co-op store at Bernalillo Labor Day weekend, you can leave a copy of your book with the staff to be sent on to Reading New Mexico for review. Review copies will not be returned. They will be donated to a library or nursing home or other charitable organization.

The NM Book Co-op with leadership from Jill Lane is hosting a Book Sale Emporium at the Zia Art & Crafts Show at the State Fairgrounds in Albuquerque, November 21- 23. This is an opportunity to have your book at a large holiday show and we hope it is seen and bought for holiday gift giving. If you are interested in having your title there for three days the fee is $15 for the 1st title and $5 for each additional title if you sign up and reserve space before September 15. The price goes up on September 15. You are not expected to be there except to deliver and pick up your books. We will have a sales staff. To sign up email us your Name/Email/Phone/Address/Title and author for each book. To pay for your space for this event go to

New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

voices of the Southwest Lecture Series

WHAT: Voices of the Southwest lecture #1
WHO: Anne Weaver, author of The Voyage of the Beetle, talks about evolution.
DATE/TIME: September 3, 2008, 7pm.
WHERE: National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th Street SW, Albuquerque.

Anthropologist Anne Weaver Kicks Off Voices of the Southwest at National Hispanic Cultural Center

ALBUQUERQUE, NM-On September 3, 7pm, award-winning author Anne Weaver will be the first speaker in the recently resurrected Voices of the Southwest lecture series at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. An hour-long talk will precede a question-and-answer period and book signing.

Weaver's book, THE VOYAGE OF THE BEETLE, explores Charles Darwin's "mystery of mysteries" by taking young readers on a scientific ride that helps answer the questions of why so many different species exist on Earth and why each is uniquely fitted for its environment.

Weaver, who graduated from UNM with a Ph.D. in anthropology, will talk about teaching evolution. She has taught at Santa Fe Community College and will continue her quest to make evolution accessible with a book on hominid children through time, forthcoming from UNM Press. Weaver's The Voyage of the Beetle won the New Mexico Press Women's 2008 Zia Award for best children's book and will also be the New Mexico State Library's selection to represent the state at the National Book Festival in Washington DC September 27.

Voices of the Southwest was begun in 2003 by then UNM Associate Provost Dr. David Stuart, in conjunction with UNM Press. Employing UNM Press authors, the series has covered a broad range of topics-from New Mexico history and culture to world archaeology to literature and poetry-and proven a forum for the public to mingle with recognized authors and learn about a specific subject. KUNM will simulcast the lectures on 89.9FM and online at For more information about the Voices of the Southwest or to view the complete lineup, visit or contact Christina Frain at 505-272-7183 or

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Friday, August 22, 2008

Write On Four Corners Schedule KSJE Farmington

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for August, 2008 KSJE FM

August 27 and August 29 V. B. Price Broken and Reset Selected Poems 1966 to 2006, UNM Press.

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at
August 22, 2008


This is an all-call to anyone who wants to sell some books Labor Day weekend — and best of all it does not cost anything!!!!!!

The new Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo will have its Grand Opening Labor Day weekend in Bernalillo August 30, 31 and September 1, 2008. The New Mexico Book Co-op is having a Book Fair/Store to celebrate the New Mexico Wine Festival and the opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo. The new Flying Star Cafe is located directly across the street from the NM Wine Festival and they anticipate 30,000 people coming, many walking down from the Road Runner station which is a block behind the new Flying Star Cafe. Flying Star Café has given us a store front next to the café and we will feature loads of local books.

See the flier on this events at

This event does not cost you anything!!!
And anyone who has a book can participate!!!
We have a sales staff for this event so you do not need to even be there!

The space that Flying Star Café has given us is even bigger than we thought so we are taking any and all books. If you want to participate here is what you do:
1. bring 10 copies (only 10 and no more) on Friday August 29 between 9am and 11am, the space is locked so do not come before or after these times as there is no place to leave them except in the space when it is open.
2. all books must have a price on them — and we suggest that books be at a discount to help things sell. Take all books out of shrink wrap so people can browse through them.
3. bring an invoice with your name, phone, address and the title and sales price of your books and quantity. You will get 100% of the sales price minus a fee for any sales by credit card (about 4%)
4. if you have any blowups or posters of your book cover (minimum of 11x17) please bring them to help decorate the space.
5. pick up all your books on Monday Sept 1 between 4:30pm and 6:30pm. Books not picked up at these times may not get returned.

The space is located at 240 South Camino del Pueblo in Bernalillo (Main St) across from the San Lorenzo Church and the NM Wine Festival grounds. It is also right next to the new Flying Star Café and the Obama headquarters. The space is right in front of the marquee sign for the Las Huertas Plaza

There will also be 25 book signings over the three days — all the time slots are filled at this time. Check out the schedule of signings at

New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Write On Four Corners KSJE FM Schedule for August, 2008

The Write On Four Corners Schedule for August, 2008 KSJE FM

August 20 and August 22 David Feela Cortez Writer Articles, flash fiction, and poetry written for local media

August 27and August 29 V. B. Price Broken and Reset Selected Poems 1966 to 2006, UNM Press.

Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

New Mexico Writer Hal Simmons Has New Publication

Book Release Announcement

Please contact Karen Villanueva for review copies, interviews,
or further information: (505) 764-8323,

Calendar of Events for Hal Simmons

Mystery & Adventure in the New West, Hal Simmons
Clear Light Publishing, ISBN 13: 978-1-57416-094-9 and ISBN 10: 1-57416-094-X, 320 pages, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, $14.95, September 2008

“In this mystery-adventure, Magic Lance author Hal Simmons presents a collision of forces: the dream of a casino-enriched Indian tribe to form a Native American state, and the dream of a small landowner named Lance Burnett to live the traditions of the West. The tribe’s land ambitions send hot signals all the way to Washington, D.C. Powerful politicians, a billionaire landholder, environmentalists and anti-gambling groups join the fray.
“Along the way, Lance Burnett is entranced with two beautiful women, one his wife, who wants to leave him, the other a sensual young ranch manager who wants to join him.
“Magic Lance is more than an exciting read. It’s an inside look at the complex worlds of tribal gambling casinos and Indian country land rights. Besides, it is beautifully written.”
—Tony Hillerman

Thursday, September 18, 7pm
Book Launch! Reading& Signing
Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Albuquerque NM 97107
(505) 344-8139, Events: Sien Cunningham,

Saturday, September 20, 4 – 6pm
Santa Fe Book Launch! Reading & Signing
Collected Works, 208-B West San Francisco St., Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 988-4226,

Thursday, September 25, 7pm
Reading & Signing
Barnes & Noble Coronado Center, 6600 Menaul Blvd., NE, Albuquerque NM 87110
(505) 883-8200, CRM, Rob Cotton:

More events to come...

Magic Lance will be available from your favorite bookstore by September 2008,,, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Popular Voices of the Southwest Lecture Series

Popular Voices of the Southwest Lecture Series Resurrected

ALBUQUERQUE--The University of New Mexico Press has resurrected the popular Voices of the Southwest lecture series. Beginning September 3 and continuing into October, the series will feature authors speaking on topics as diverse as evolution, immigration, medicine, archaeology, and the writing process.

The Voices of the Southwest was founded in 2003 by then UNM Associate Provost Dr. David Stuart, in conjunction with UNM Press, and has featured prominent writers such as Rudolfo Anaya, N. Scott Momaday, Tony Hillerman, Ursula LeGuin, and Demetria Martínez.

"I conceived of the Voices of the Southwest series to provide UNM's summer session with a world class educational and cultural event that would interest a broad spectrum of both students and off-campus citizens," says Voices founder Dr. David Stuart.

Employing UNM Press authors, the series has covered a broad range of topics-from New Mexico history and culture to world archaeology to literature and poetry-and proven a forum for the public to mingle with recognized authors and learn about a specific subject.

"We teamed up with UNM Press to present the series because no other division of UNM had given such a wide voice to Southwest culture,"
explains Stuart.

Another campus resource, KUNM radio, broadcast the series and will do so again this year at 89.9FM and online at

"KUNM gives speakers a live voice, substantially adding to the series' legend and appeal," says Stuart.

The series format entails an hour-long talk, followed by a question-and-answer period and a book signing. This year's line-up

* Santa Fe anthropologist Dr. Anne Weaver discussing evolution.
Her award-winning children's book THE VOYAGE OF THE BEETLE explains the fascinating concepts of evolution through the voice of a beetle accompanying Darwin on his voyages

* Los Angeles Times reporter Sam Quinones examining stories of
Mexican migration that inspired his book ANTONIO'S GUN AND DELFINO'S DREAM, which was the focus of "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" and other national media

* UNM Health Sciences Center administrator and professor Dr. David
Sklar talking about emergency medicine in rural Mexico-the subject of his memoir, LA CLINICA

* Renowned Harvard historian of religion and Mesoamericanist Dr.
Davíd Carrasco addressing the significant rediscovery of an ancient Mexican codex that explains important aspects of post-conquest native society documented in the book CAVE, CITY, AND EAGLE'S NEST

* Dr. David Stuart, UNM Professor and Associate Provost Emeritus
and Voices creator, shares the results of writing from personal experience, as he has done with his experiences as an anthropologist in Latin America in his books FLIGHT OF SOULS, THE ECUADOR EFFECT, ZONE OF TOLERANCE, and THE GUAYMAS CHRONICLES

Lectures begin at 7 p.m. at the Bank of America Auditorium at the National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th St SW, Albuquerque. The auditorium will open at 6 p.m. for a UNM Press exhibit and book sales.

Voices of the Southwest Schedule

* Sept. 3: Anne Weaver, teaching evolution to children
* Sept. 10: Sam Quinones, immigration and the US-Mexico border

* Sept. 17: David Sklar, emergency medicine in the developing
* Sept. 24: Davíd Carrasco, religion and archaeology in Mexico
* Oct. 1: David Stuart, writing from personal experience

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Book Fair Celebrates Grand Opening of Flaying Star in Bernalillom, New Mexico

Book Fair Celebrates Grand Opening of Flaying Star in Bernalillo

The new Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo will have its Grand Opening Labor Day weekend in Bernalillo August 30, 31 and September 1, 2008. The New Mexico Book Co-op is having a Book Fair/Store to celebrate the New Mexico Wine Festival and the opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo.

The new Flying Star Cafe is located directly across the street from the NM Wine Festival and they anticipate 30,000 people coming, many walking down from the Road Runner station which is a block behind the new Flying Star Cafe. The space for the book fair has been donated by Flying Star Café.

There will be twenty-five book signings during the three-day event:
12noon - 1pm
Charlie Carrillo - Saints of the Pueblos, Novena to the Santo Nino de Atocha, Charlie Carrillo: Tradition & Soul, A Tapestry of Kinship Virginia Ortiz - Tradition & Heritage: A History of the Parish in Pena Blanca, New Mexico Anne Lux - Historic New Mexico Churches

Sabra Steinsiek - Annie¹s Song, Red Velvet Shoes, Timing is Eveything, When That Times Comes, and ŒTil the End of Time Lela Belle Woffert - Deception and Desire, Wishes in the Wind David Corwell - Cloaked in Shadow Jerry Davis - Home on the Farm, Tales of the Road, Leafing Through My Family Tree Margaret Tessler - Black Widow White Lies, Life in the Slow Lane

Beverly Eschberger - Elephants Visit London Lynn Doxon - Rainbows from Heaven Geoff Habinger - Dinosaur Adventure Learning Activity Book Laura Stamp - The Year of the Cat Sue Houser- Hot Foot Teddy

Dave Dewitt - Avenging Victorio, Cuisines of the Southwest, DaVinci¹s Kitchen, Spicy Food Lovers Bible Richard Melzer - Buried Treasures, Coming of Age Don Bullis - New Mexico: A Biographical Dictionary, BullsEye, Bloodville, 99 New Mexicans

Jim Hammond - Enchantment of Wine
Ana Baca - Mama Fela¹s Girls, Benito¹s Sopapillas

Amador Publishers
Harry Willson - Duke City Tales, A World For The Meek, Souls And Cells Remember, Vermin And Other Survival Stories, Freedom From God, Myth And Mortality, Little Brown Roadrunner Adela Amador - Twelve Gifts, More Gifts, Undercurrents, Southwest Flavor Zelda Gatuskin - Ancestral Notes, Zelda's Cosmic Coloring Book, Castle Lark, The Time Dancer

Lexi Petronis - Our Favorite Recipes, Albuquerque The Magazine (and Willem Blom, Mia Maes, Erin Young and other chefs featured in the book) Frank Murphy - Spirit of Tea

Napoleon Garcia & Analinda Dunn - The Genizaro & The Artist

Contact the New Mexico Book Co-op for more information at 505.344-9382.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129


August 11, 2008
Contact: Paul Rhetts, Rio Grande Books, 505/344-9382


Albuquerque The Magazine (ATM) and Rio Grande Books have partnered to release Our Favorite Recipes: Tried and True Recipes From the First Four Years of Albuquerque The Magazine. The book carries over forty recipes from local chefs, celebrities, authors, and culinary teachers. Featured are: Jim White, Thelma Domenici, Willem Blom of Flying Star, Jane Butel, Mia Maes, Mike Keller, Joyce Woodward of CNM, and many more. The book is edited by Lexi Petronis, editor of ATM.

The book signing schedule is:
Saturday, August 30
3pm at Borders at Cottonwood Corners, 10420 Coors Bypass (next to Circuit City), Albuquerque Lexi Petronis Thelma Domenici Mia Maes Erin Young Ann Beyke Sally Moore

Sunday, August 31
3pm at Bookworks at 4022 Rio Grande Blvd NW (next to Flying Star), Albuquerque Lexi Petronis Willem Blom Mia Maes Erin Young Ann Beyke Sally Moore

Monday, September 1
12noon at new Flying Star Café Shopping Center at 200 Paseo del Pueblo in Bernalillo (across the street from the NM Wine Festival) Lexi Petronis Willem Blom Mia Maes Erin Young

For more information call Rio Grande Books at 505/344-9382.

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at


August 11, 2008
Contact: Paul Rhetts, Rio Grande Books, 505/344-9382


Albuquerque The Magazine (ATM) and Rio Grande Books have partnered to release Our Favorite Recipes: Tried and True Recipes From the First Four Years of Albuquerque The Magazine. The book carries over forty recipes from local chefs, celebrities, authors, and culinary teachers. Featured are: Jim White, Thelma Domenici, Willem Blom of Flying Star, Jane Butel, Mia Maes, Mike Keller, Joyce Woodward of CNM, and many more. The book is edited by Lexi Petronis, editor of ATM.

Books are available at Borders in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, Bookworks, Unique Cakes by Karyn, NHCC La Tienda, Las Golondrinas Gift Store, Page One, Hastings, UNM Bookstore, Sandia Tram Gift Shop, Treasure House,, and many more outlets.

Signings for the book include:

Saturday, August 30, Borders Cottonwood, from 3-4pm; Sunday, August 31, Bookworks, from 3-4pm; Saturday-Monday, August 30 ­ Sept. 1, The Grande Opening of Flying Star in Bernalillo for the New Mexico Wine Festival Friday, October 10, Treasure House in Old Town, from noon - 2pm; Saturday, December 6, National Hispanic Cultural Center La Tienda 10am- 3pm;

For more information call Rio Grande Books at 505/344-9382. Also the book is on, and

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Monday, August 11, 2008

Write On Four Corners Author Pauline Chavez Bent Summer Reading Picks

Paula Chavez Bent author of Atarque Now All is Silent, Rio Grande Press, and Write On Four Corners Author picks her favorite summer books

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini

Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson & David Oliver Relin

Bel Canto, Ann Patchet

La Mano de Dios (in Spanish) Charles Tempelton


Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Albuquerque Magazine And RioGrande Books Cook It Up

August 6, 2008
Contact: Paul Rhetts, Rio Grande Books, 505/344-9382


Albuquerque The Magazine (ATM) and Rio Grande Books have partnered to release Our Favorite Recipes: Tried and True Recipes From the First Four Years of Albuquerque The Magazine. The book carries over forty recipes from local chefs, celebrities, authors, and culinary teachers. Featured are: Jim White, Thelma Domenici, Willem Blom of Flying Star, Jane Butel, Mia Maes, Mike Keller, Joyce Woodward of CNM, and many more. The book is edited by Lexi Petronis, editor-in-chief of ATM.

Books are available at Borders in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, Bookworks, Unique Cakes by Karyn, NHCC La Tienda, Las Golondrinas Gift Store, Page One, Hastings, UNM Bookstore, Sandia Tram Gift Shop, Treasure House,, and many more outlets.

Signings for the book include: Borders Cottonwood, Saturday, August 30 from 3-4pm; Bookworks, August 31 from 3-4pm; Treasure House in Old Town, October 10 from noon - 2pm; December 6, National Hispanic Cultural Center La Tienda
10am- 3pm; The Grand Opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo Labor Day Weekend for the New Mexico Wine Festival, and the book will have its official release at the Chef Knockout, August 25, from 5:30-10pm at the Convention Center.

For more information call Rio Grande Books at 505/344-9382. Also the book is on, and

Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

Monday, August 4, 2008

August for the New Mexico Book Association

First and foremost, let us know right way if you’d like to have the bookstore owners throughout our region see and learn about your books at the Mountains and Plains Booksellers Trade Show in Colorado Springs next month. Book copies and your catalog page PDF can come to us by August 22, but we need your list of books now! Contact Richard Polese at or (505) 231-1755.

August 2008 Book Events

Aug. 8: NMBA Networking Luncheon: “Prepare for Holiday Sales,” The Writer’s Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am-1:15pm, bring your lunch and a friend, free. (505) 231-1755.

Aug. 8: NMBA Board Meeting, The Writers Room, 1:30-2:30pm. NMBA’s plans for Fall 2008!

Aug. 9: Sandi Ault: “Make it a Grand First Grand--the First 1,000 Words,” WordHarvest workshop, Santa Fe, 9-4 (505) 471-1565,

Aug. 8-10: “Writing Along the Rim” retreat with Page Lambert and Grand Canyon Field Institute, $525. See

Aug. 14: First NMBA Round Table Happy Hour at Santa Fe Bar and Grill, DeVargas Mall, Santa Fe, 5:30pm. It’s a Thursday. Conversation and author/publisher camaraderie! Call Jim Mafchir at 988-7214 for details if you need them! Otherwise, just come!

Aug. 15: DEADLINE: NMBA Libro for September monthly email Book Events and Sept/Oct print edition. Include basic details in your email or letter (no attachments, please). Send entries to NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe 87504, or call (505) 231-1755, or email

Aug. 17: Local Author Book Fair, Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd, N.W., Albuquerque, 11am to 2pm, no fee! Cain Cunningham, (505) 344-8139.

Aug. 22: DEADLINE! New Mexico Authors & Publishers Showcase at the Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Trade Show. We need a PDF of your page for the catalog and two copies of each title by this date! Contact Jim Mafchir,, (505) 988-7214.

Aug. 30–Sept. 1: Book Fair and Store at Flying Star Casino, Bernalillo, NM.

On the Horizon

Sept. 9: Dan Poynter Professional Development Workshop! “Guerrilla
Marketing for Small Presses and Self-Published Authors,” sponsored by NMBA & SouthWest Writers, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank N.E., Albuquerque, $25 for NMBA and SWW members, $35 non-members. Contact Rob Spiegel in Albuquerque (505) 275-2556, or Jim Mafchir in Santa Fe (505) 988-7214,

Sept. 15: DEADLINE: Tony Hillerman $1,500 Mystery Short Story Contest, sponsored by WordHarvest and Cowboys and Indians magazine. Stories 2,500 words or less, include a Native American character and set in the West. Rules at:

Sept. 19-20: Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Association Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Colorado Springs. Contact NMBA now to make sure your books are shown to bookstore owners in the region! (505) 983-1412 or 231-1755.

Sept. 24-28: “Writing from the River’s Edge” five-day canoe trip with Page Lambert and The Women’s Wilderness Institute, Green River, Utah, $850. Visit, (303) 938-9191.

Sept. 26: N.M. Book Co-op, Home Town Buffet, Albuquerque.

Sept. 27: New Mexico Women Authors Book Festival, Milner Plaza (Museum Hill), Santa Fe. Contact John Stafford, Museum of New Mexico Foundation,

Oct. 18: Penny Sansevieri Professional Workshop! “Red Hot Internet Marketing for Authors & Publishers,” sponsored by NMBA and SouthWest Writers, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank N.E., Albuquerque, 9am–4:30pm. NMBA and SWW members $79 (includes Penny's book, Red Hot Internet Publicity, and lunch!), $99 non-members. Reserve your place now! SWW's Rob Spiegel (505) 275-2556,

Nov. 5-9: Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: “Focus on Mystery” in Albuquerque., (505) 471-1565.

+ Booksigning Sampler

Aug. 9: Lisa Dale Norton: Shimmering Images: A Handy Little Guide to Writing Memoir (St. Martin's Press), mini-memoir workshop and booksigning, Garcia Street Books, 376 Garcia Street, Santa Fe, 3-4 p.m., free. Information: (505) 986-0151, or

Aug. 9: Frank Murphy: The Spirit of Tea, booksigning at Tattered Cover, Denver, 2pm. (505) 982-0874 for details.

August 9: John Vollertsen, Cooking with Johnny Vee. Collected Works 9-Noon. See our calendar of events at

Aug. 10: Sue Qinn: Furious Improvisation: How the WPA and a Cast of Thousands Made High Art out of Desperate Times, Garcia Street Books, 2-3pm.

Aug. 15: Joe Nick Patoski: Willie Nelson: An Epic Life, Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 4-5pm.

Aug. 16:- Cheryl Jamison, Around the Word in 80 Dinners, 9 - Noon, Collected Works. See our Calendar at

Aug. 28: Kathryn Walker: A Stopover in Venice, Garcia Street Books, 5pm

Sept. 12: Nancy King: A Woman Walking (Atelier Books), reading and signing at El Museo Cultural, Santa Fe, 5-7pm. Contact Nancy at 986-1040.

Visit for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at

New Mexico Booc CoOp News

August 1, 2008

We are looking for new books published in the last 15 months by New Mexico authors or New Mexico publishers to feature in upcoming book profiles in The Alibi Magazine and Prime Time Magazine in several categories. We are currently looking for:
Books by NM Women
Reference Books
Children's Activity Books
Young Adult Books
Children’s Picture Books

If you have a book in one of the above categories that has been published in the last 15 months (since June 2007) and it has not been submitted before please send us a cover image (300 dpi jpeg, 5x6 inches), and the following info in this format:
Pub date
hard or softcover
a 50-word (maximum length) description of the book

Any entries for books outside the required pub date, with a description over 50 words, or with cover images not as 300 dpi jpegs (5x6) will not be considered for inclusion.

The book listings that are submitted to the newspapers have a maximum of 5 books at a time. Books for consideration must be received no later than Friday, August 12, 2008. Send all submissions by email only to

The new Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo will have its Grand Opening Labor Day weekend in Bernalillo August 30, 31 and September 1, 2008. The New Mexico Book Co-op is having a Book Fair/Store to celebrate the New Mexico Wine Festival and the opening of Flying Star Cafe in Bernalillo. You are invited to participate if you have a children’s book or a book on food or cooking (especially on wines). There is no fee to participate (but you may be assessed a small fee for book purchases that use a credit card). The new Flying Star Cafe is located directly across the street from the NM Wine Festival and they anticipate 30,000 people coming, many walking down from the Road Runner station which is a block behind the new Flying Star Cafe. Flying Star Café has given us a store front next to the café (we are not sure which one yet but we will announce that information as soon as we hear from the sponsors). If you participate you will have to bring your books to the store on Friday August 29 (tentatively). And you will need to pick up your books at the end on Monday afternoon. All books must have a price on them or we will not be able to sell them.

If you want to participate and you have a book on food or cooking or a children’s book, email immediately the following info:

Title, Author, Publisher, Price

We will confirm with you by email how to get your books into the store for the weekend.

The next lunch meeting of the NM Book Co-op is Friday, September 26 at 11:30 at HomeTown Buffet. Our presenter will be Anne Hillerman about the Hillerman Mystery Writers Conference. There will not be a meeting in August due to summer vacations.


New Mexico Book Coop
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos, NM 87107

Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at