The Write On Four Corners Schedule for May, 2008 KSJE FM
May 28 May 30 Max Evans Bluefeather Fellini and For Love of a Horse University of New Mexico Press
Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
New Mexico Book CoOp News
NM BOOK CO-OP NEWS -- May 27, 2008
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching and we have already received over 100 entries. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. Application forms are available at
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and, of course, lavender books! If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
Announcing a new book review site for New Mexico books -- READING NEW MEXICO
Sabra Brown Steinsiek, former book reviewer for POSH New Mexico Magazine, published author, and freelance writer, is launching a new online book review site for books by New Mexico Authors, books with a New Mexico illustrator, books with a New Mexico setting, and books from a New Mexico Publisher. Sabra expects to launch the website on September 1st and will be accepting books for review at the June meeting of the New Mexico Book Coop*. A mailing address will announced at a later time. Please contact Sabra at if you have questions. Sabra will not be the only reviewer… she’s building a team. If you’re interested in reviewing, please contact her at the above e-mail. You must love books and be willing to work for free!
About your review:
- Reviewers will choose which books they want to review
-Your book will receive an unbiased review
-Your review will not necessarily be positive
- any book receiving a negative review will be reviewed again by second reviewer before publication. If it receives one negative and one positive review, a third reviewer will be asked to review the book and the majority opinion will rule.
- If you have a negative review, your book will not be trashed (unlike certain newspaper reviews!)
- Reviewers will have the right to remain anonymous.
- Your review will include a link to your website, Amazon, and/or the co-op bookstore and a thumbnail picture of your book cover.
- Once reviewed, your book will remain on the review site unless you request in
writing that it be removed. Once removed, it will not be reinstated or reviewed again.
- Your book will NOT be returned. The reviewer may add it to their personal library or it will be donated to a library.
*While the New Mexico Book Co-op supports this endeavor, it is not an official Book Co-op activity.
They are not responsible for the content of the reviews.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching and we have already received over 100 entries. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. Application forms are available at
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and, of course, lavender books! If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
Announcing a new book review site for New Mexico books -- READING NEW MEXICO
Sabra Brown Steinsiek, former book reviewer for POSH New Mexico Magazine, published author, and freelance writer, is launching a new online book review site for books by New Mexico Authors, books with a New Mexico illustrator, books with a New Mexico setting, and books from a New Mexico Publisher. Sabra expects to launch the website on September 1st and will be accepting books for review at the June meeting of the New Mexico Book Coop*. A mailing address will announced at a later time. Please contact Sabra at if you have questions. Sabra will not be the only reviewer… she’s building a team. If you’re interested in reviewing, please contact her at the above e-mail. You must love books and be willing to work for free!
About your review:
- Reviewers will choose which books they want to review
-Your book will receive an unbiased review
-Your review will not necessarily be positive
- any book receiving a negative review will be reviewed again by second reviewer before publication. If it receives one negative and one positive review, a third reviewer will be asked to review the book and the majority opinion will rule.
- If you have a negative review, your book will not be trashed (unlike certain newspaper reviews!)
- Reviewers will have the right to remain anonymous.
- Your review will include a link to your website, Amazon, and/or the co-op bookstore and a thumbnail picture of your book cover.
- Once reviewed, your book will remain on the review site unless you request in
writing that it be removed. Once removed, it will not be reinstated or reviewed again.
- Your book will NOT be returned. The reviewer may add it to their personal library or it will be donated to a library.
*While the New Mexico Book Co-op supports this endeavor, it is not an official Book Co-op activity.
They are not responsible for the content of the reviews.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Reminder of Word Harvest Activities for Summer 2008
Summer Writing Workshops begin July 12
July 12, Turn Your Adventures Into Travel Writing, Ellen Barone
July 19, Break Into Print Now with Children's Books, Shirley Raye Redmond
July 26, The Fearless Heart: Research-based Prose, Sharman Apt Russell,
August 2, Screenwriting: Dialog and more, Rick Reichman
August 9, Make it a Grand First Grand The First 1,000 Words, Sandi Ault
All workshops are held in Santa Fe at writer's home near the Plaza (directions on registration) from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. The fee for each workshop, $140 plus tax, includes a tasty lunch, snacks and handouts. For more information click here.
Good news from our faculty
Award-winning non-fiction writer Sharman Apt Russell will sign her newest book "Standing in the Light: My Life as a Pantheist" (Basic Books, 2008) on Friday, July 25 at 5 p.m. at Garcia Street Books, 376 Garcia St., Santa Fe. Another award winner, Sandi Ault, received the prestigious 2008 Mary Higgins Clark award for the first in her Wild series of mysteries, "Wild Indigo." In addition to her summer workshop, Sandi will offer a pre-conference workshop as part of the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference
Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery
The early registration fee is still $395---no change since we started the conference in November, 2004. We'll have agent appointments again this year and announce the winner of the 2008 Hillerman Prize for best first mystery. We're pleased to have New Mexico's own Michael McGarrity on our faculty this year. The charming Craig Johnson will be back with us along with Sandi Ault, Judith Van Gieson, Pari Noskin Taichert and many others. We have pre-conference workshops on editing and marketing, and a variety of practical nuts-and-bolts breakout sessions. Please join us. To learn more.
Writing Contests
The deadline for the Hillerman Prize for best first mystery novel is July 1, fast approaching! The $10,000 advance from St. Martin's Press, our partner is this endeavor, will be awarded at the Tony Hillerman Conference, Focus on Mystery, Nov. 4-9 in Albuquerque. And Sept. 15 is the deadline for the Tony Hillerman Mystery Short Story Contest we co-sponsor with Cowboys & Indians magazine. For the details
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
July 12, Turn Your Adventures Into Travel Writing, Ellen Barone
July 19, Break Into Print Now with Children's Books, Shirley Raye Redmond
July 26, The Fearless Heart: Research-based Prose, Sharman Apt Russell,
August 2, Screenwriting: Dialog and more, Rick Reichman
August 9, Make it a Grand First Grand The First 1,000 Words, Sandi Ault
All workshops are held in Santa Fe at writer's home near the Plaza (directions on registration) from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. The fee for each workshop, $140 plus tax, includes a tasty lunch, snacks and handouts. For more information click here.
Good news from our faculty
Award-winning non-fiction writer Sharman Apt Russell will sign her newest book "Standing in the Light: My Life as a Pantheist" (Basic Books, 2008) on Friday, July 25 at 5 p.m. at Garcia Street Books, 376 Garcia St., Santa Fe. Another award winner, Sandi Ault, received the prestigious 2008 Mary Higgins Clark award for the first in her Wild series of mysteries, "Wild Indigo." In addition to her summer workshop, Sandi will offer a pre-conference workshop as part of the Tony Hillerman Writers Conference
Tony Hillerman Writers Conference: Focus on Mystery
The early registration fee is still $395---no change since we started the conference in November, 2004. We'll have agent appointments again this year and announce the winner of the 2008 Hillerman Prize for best first mystery. We're pleased to have New Mexico's own Michael McGarrity on our faculty this year. The charming Craig Johnson will be back with us along with Sandi Ault, Judith Van Gieson, Pari Noskin Taichert and many others. We have pre-conference workshops on editing and marketing, and a variety of practical nuts-and-bolts breakout sessions. Please join us. To learn more.
Writing Contests
The deadline for the Hillerman Prize for best first mystery novel is July 1, fast approaching! The $10,000 advance from St. Martin's Press, our partner is this endeavor, will be awarded at the Tony Hillerman Conference, Focus on Mystery, Nov. 4-9 in Albuquerque. And Sept. 15 is the deadline for the Tony Hillerman Mystery Short Story Contest we co-sponsor with Cowboys & Indians magazine. For the details
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Write On Four Corners Schedule May 21-31, 2008
May 21 May 23 Hector Torrez Conversations with Chicano and Chicana Writers.University of New Mexico Press
May 28 May 30 Max Evans Bluefeather Fellini and For Love of a Horse University of New Mexico Press
Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.
May 28 May 30 Max Evans Bluefeather Fellini and For Love of a Horse University of New Mexico Press
Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.
New Mexico Book CoOp News May 17, 2008
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printers right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. His sidekick author will be Taylor Streit, fly fishing guide and author of several fishing books. The author's seminar will take place from Friday, June 6th to Sunday June 8th. Reservations are $99 each. That cost includes: Registration and Welcome Gift, Welcome Reception Tea, a special Friday evening event, a shared table (with one other author) at the Book Fair, 100% retention of all sales at the Book Fair, ticket to the Author's Seminar, which will be presented by John Nichols, and one ticket to the EHL Chuckwagon Suppershow. Guests are welcome to the Chuckwagon for an additional fee. There will be various lodging options available in Chama as well, with discounted author rates. Taylor Streit will also be offering at a cost a fly fishing class on the Rio Chama on Sunday morning, which is an optional event. Of course there are many other optional activities available as well, like the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, horseback riding etc. -- all available in the area either pre or post the Seminar. Application forms are available at
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and of course lavender books! But keep the books family friendly. If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
Over four dozen authors took part in the recent Eldorado Book Fair. There was loads of publicity — notices appeared in Santa Fe Reporter, Rio Grande Sun, Santa Fe New Mexican, Craigslist, Vistas (which went to every household in Eldorado), Eldorado Sun, fliers handed-out at the Eldorado Flea Market, and fliers handed out at the Eldorado Farmers Market. Participating authors sent out notices to their family, friends, and customers. We tried to cover all the bases in the Santa Fe area. The location was nice, but we just did not get the traffic that everyone had hoped for. Some participants did okay, but most did not. The economy, and especially the cost of gas, seems to be having a significant impact on attendance. As discouraging as this event may have been, we will continue to try and arrange new and valuable venues for all of us to sell display and sell our books. If we don’t keep trying we will never be able to make any change. If you have ideas as to how to make these types of events better (or even places where we might try) please me us know. We are willing to try almost any idea at least once.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printers right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. His sidekick author will be Taylor Streit, fly fishing guide and author of several fishing books. The author's seminar will take place from Friday, June 6th to Sunday June 8th. Reservations are $99 each. That cost includes: Registration and Welcome Gift, Welcome Reception Tea, a special Friday evening event, a shared table (with one other author) at the Book Fair, 100% retention of all sales at the Book Fair, ticket to the Author's Seminar, which will be presented by John Nichols, and one ticket to the EHL Chuckwagon Suppershow. Guests are welcome to the Chuckwagon for an additional fee. There will be various lodging options available in Chama as well, with discounted author rates. Taylor Streit will also be offering at a cost a fly fishing class on the Rio Chama on Sunday morning, which is an optional event. Of course there are many other optional activities available as well, like the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, horseback riding etc. -- all available in the area either pre or post the Seminar. Application forms are available at
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and of course lavender books! But keep the books family friendly. If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
Over four dozen authors took part in the recent Eldorado Book Fair. There was loads of publicity — notices appeared in Santa Fe Reporter, Rio Grande Sun, Santa Fe New Mexican, Craigslist, Vistas (which went to every household in Eldorado), Eldorado Sun, fliers handed-out at the Eldorado Flea Market, and fliers handed out at the Eldorado Farmers Market. Participating authors sent out notices to their family, friends, and customers. We tried to cover all the bases in the Santa Fe area. The location was nice, but we just did not get the traffic that everyone had hoped for. Some participants did okay, but most did not. The economy, and especially the cost of gas, seems to be having a significant impact on attendance. As discouraging as this event may have been, we will continue to try and arrange new and valuable venues for all of us to sell display and sell our books. If we don’t keep trying we will never be able to make any change. If you have ideas as to how to make these types of events better (or even places where we might try) please me us know. We are willing to try almost any idea at least once.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
New Mexico Book CoOp News
NM BOOK CO-OP NEWS -- May 17, 2008
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printers right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printers right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Renee Pudunovich Has New Poetry Book
Renee Pudunovich is a Four Corners Poet and has appeared on KSJE's Write On Four Corners on KSJE FM in Farmington New Mexico. She is also part of Growing Voices, a reading, writing, performance poetry project of Southwest Colorado Arts Perspective, Cortez Colorado.
I want to personally let you know about my new book of poetry, If There Is a Center, No One Knows Where It Begins, which has recently been released by Art Juice Press. I am very excited about the collection. It represents many years of my work in a wonderful presentation that I am proud to announce.
If you are interested in ordering a signed copy of the book, please go to for directions on ordering directly from me. You may also order signed copies as gifts if you include the name and address of the recipient(s).
Many of you will also receive a postcard announcement in the mail. Please forward the blogspot address to any one you think may be interested in the book. I appreciate your help in getting the word out. Thank you all for your support and encouragement over the years, it is greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes,
Renee Podunovich
You can cut and paste the link to Art Juices Press from here, or look on this blog's right hand side for a direct link.
Connie Gotsch Author A Mouthful of Shell and Snap Me a Future DLSIJ Press
I want to personally let you know about my new book of poetry, If There Is a Center, No One Knows Where It Begins, which has recently been released by Art Juice Press. I am very excited about the collection. It represents many years of my work in a wonderful presentation that I am proud to announce.
If you are interested in ordering a signed copy of the book, please go to for directions on ordering directly from me. You may also order signed copies as gifts if you include the name and address of the recipient(s).
Many of you will also receive a postcard announcement in the mail. Please forward the blogspot address to any one you think may be interested in the book. I appreciate your help in getting the word out. Thank you all for your support and encouragement over the years, it is greatly appreciated.
Best Wishes,
Renee Podunovich
You can cut and paste the link to Art Juices Press from here, or look on this blog's right hand side for a direct link.
Connie Gotsch Author A Mouthful of Shell and Snap Me a Future DLSIJ Press
Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Review Blog
Author Carolyn Howard Johnson has a blog that readers and writers might benefit from: She'll let you extend the life of reviews of your books by putting them on this blog, and then offer some helpful suggestions on how to market the review to get some milage out of it. So readers and writers, here's a new source for you to post and read great book reviews. You can cut ahd past the website or you can find it on my blog roll here on this site. It's brand new.
Ms. Howard-Johnson by the way is the author of the novel 'This is the Place," about growing up in Utah with a Mormon dad and Protestant mom. The book won 8 awards. She's also written a series of essays called 'The Harkening,' and poetry.
For anybody writing anything from reports to novels, she offers the How to Do it Frugally Series, featuring The Frugal Book Promoter How to Do What Your Publisher Won't, and The Frugal Editor. Check those out at How to Do It
Connie Gotsch
Author A Mouth Full of Shell and Snap Me a Future
Ms. Howard-Johnson by the way is the author of the novel 'This is the Place," about growing up in Utah with a Mormon dad and Protestant mom. The book won 8 awards. She's also written a series of essays called 'The Harkening,' and poetry.
For anybody writing anything from reports to novels, she offers the How to Do it Frugally Series, featuring The Frugal Book Promoter How to Do What Your Publisher Won't, and The Frugal Editor. Check those out at How to Do It
Connie Gotsch
Author A Mouth Full of Shell and Snap Me a Future
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Literary Salon in Pagosa Springs features award winning author Lisa Lenard-Cook
Lisa Lenard-Cook will be at Moonlight Books on Thursday, May 22, from 5-7 p.m. for an informal literary salon discussion about fiction writing. The award winning author of Dissonance and Coyote Morning is participating in the first Pagosa Springs Writer's Residency program. She is in residence in Pagosa from May 9-23, 2008 courtesy of and the Colorado Council on the Arts.
The Mind of Your Story: discover what drives your fiction is the new book by Lenard-Cook published by Writer’s Digest Books. In the three-part book, Lenard-Cook explains in detail her process. Part I is Seeds and their Nourishment—the creative obsessions that form fiction, Part II explores the Mind of Your Story—the pacing, time and working with writers that you love. Part III is the honest and difficult part called Start All Over Again.
“There are still days when it seems to me that writing must be magic, that all these things I’ve learned about it are little more than feints and mirrors. But because I value rewriting as much as writing—because I love to read my first drafts to learn what it is they hope to be—I’ve learned to pay attention to the ways the magic is made invisible,” she writes in her book.
Lenard-Cook’s first novel, Dissonance won the Jim Sagel prize for the novel while still in manuscript form. After publication by the University of New Mexico Press in 2003, the book was featured on NPR and chosen as a Today Show Summer Reading choice and was selected as book of the year by the Tucson-Pima County Public Library and the Cincinnati Public Library and was the reading selection for Durango-La Plata Reads. It was also short listed for the PEN Southwest Book Award. Her second novel, Coyote Morning, published by UNM Press in 2004 was a Southwest Book of the Year and was short-listed for the New Mexico Press Women’s Zia Award. Lenard-Cook is a faculty member at the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference and the Narrative Art Center.
Lenard-Cook will do a mini-workshop on fiction writing, talk about her fiction and discuss writing with guest. Refreshments will be served.
If you go:
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5-7 p.m.
Moonlight Books
434 Pagosa Street
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
The Mind of Your Story: discover what drives your fiction is the new book by Lenard-Cook published by Writer’s Digest Books. In the three-part book, Lenard-Cook explains in detail her process. Part I is Seeds and their Nourishment—the creative obsessions that form fiction, Part II explores the Mind of Your Story—the pacing, time and working with writers that you love. Part III is the honest and difficult part called Start All Over Again.
“There are still days when it seems to me that writing must be magic, that all these things I’ve learned about it are little more than feints and mirrors. But because I value rewriting as much as writing—because I love to read my first drafts to learn what it is they hope to be—I’ve learned to pay attention to the ways the magic is made invisible,” she writes in her book.
Lenard-Cook’s first novel, Dissonance won the Jim Sagel prize for the novel while still in manuscript form. After publication by the University of New Mexico Press in 2003, the book was featured on NPR and chosen as a Today Show Summer Reading choice and was selected as book of the year by the Tucson-Pima County Public Library and the Cincinnati Public Library and was the reading selection for Durango-La Plata Reads. It was also short listed for the PEN Southwest Book Award. Her second novel, Coyote Morning, published by UNM Press in 2004 was a Southwest Book of the Year and was short-listed for the New Mexico Press Women’s Zia Award. Lenard-Cook is a faculty member at the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference and the Narrative Art Center.
Lenard-Cook will do a mini-workshop on fiction writing, talk about her fiction and discuss writing with guest. Refreshments will be served.
If you go:
Thursday, May 22, 2008
5-7 p.m.
Moonlight Books
434 Pagosa Street
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Lisa Lenard-Cook at Maria's Bookshop in Durango
Lisa Lenard-Cook
Time: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:30 p.m.
Location: Maria's Bookshop
Former Durango resident Lisa Lenard-Cook returns to share her new book on the craft of writing.
The Mind of Your Story: Discover What Drives Your Fiction(Hardcover (Cloth))
by Lenard-Cook, Lisa
Format: Hardcover (Cloth)
Price: $19.99
Published: Writers Digest Books, 2008
A great story has a way of seducing you, of pulling you in and taking you along for the ride, like it has a mind of its own. The Mind of Your Story takes writers beyond the basics and guides them through the foundations and the nuances of story creation, allowing them to create fiction that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go.
Coyote Morning(Trade Paperback)
by Lisa Lenard-Cook
Format: Trade Paperback
Price: $15.95
Published: University of New Mexico Press, 2004
Inventory Status: Special Order - Subject to Availability
Anyone who lives in the twenty-first-century West will recognize Lenard-Cook's sharp-eyed portrait of the edgy space between farms and suburbs, old timers and newcomers. But her witty send-up of the environmental issues that vex refugees from city life serves as a powerful and serious means of examining the ways human beings cope with life's mysteries and its inevitable dangers. The complex relations between men and women, parents and children, brothers and sisters that make up the daily lives of Lenard-Cook's characters will make readers reflect on their own lives and relationship to wildness.
Dissonance(Hardcover (Cloth))
by Lenard-Cook, Lisa
Format: Hardcover (Cloth)
Price: $21.95
Published: University of New Mexico Press, 2003
Inventory Status: Special Order - Subject to Availability
""Dissonance . . . is bold in its scale, placing us at different eras in the concentration camp at Theresienstadt and in the scientific world of Los Alamos, New Mexico. . . . Few contemporary novels challenge the reader's conscience as "Dissonance does. . . ."--Kevin McIlvoy, author of "Hyssop
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Time: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:30 p.m.
Location: Maria's Bookshop
Former Durango resident Lisa Lenard-Cook returns to share her new book on the craft of writing.
The Mind of Your Story: Discover What Drives Your Fiction(Hardcover (Cloth))
by Lenard-Cook, Lisa
Format: Hardcover (Cloth)
Price: $19.99
Published: Writers Digest Books, 2008
A great story has a way of seducing you, of pulling you in and taking you along for the ride, like it has a mind of its own. The Mind of Your Story takes writers beyond the basics and guides them through the foundations and the nuances of story creation, allowing them to create fiction that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go.
Coyote Morning(Trade Paperback)
by Lisa Lenard-Cook
Format: Trade Paperback
Price: $15.95
Published: University of New Mexico Press, 2004
Inventory Status: Special Order - Subject to Availability
Anyone who lives in the twenty-first-century West will recognize Lenard-Cook's sharp-eyed portrait of the edgy space between farms and suburbs, old timers and newcomers. But her witty send-up of the environmental issues that vex refugees from city life serves as a powerful and serious means of examining the ways human beings cope with life's mysteries and its inevitable dangers. The complex relations between men and women, parents and children, brothers and sisters that make up the daily lives of Lenard-Cook's characters will make readers reflect on their own lives and relationship to wildness.
Dissonance(Hardcover (Cloth))
by Lenard-Cook, Lisa
Format: Hardcover (Cloth)
Price: $21.95
Published: University of New Mexico Press, 2003
Inventory Status: Special Order - Subject to Availability
""Dissonance . . . is bold in its scale, placing us at different eras in the concentration camp at Theresienstadt and in the scientific world of Los Alamos, New Mexico. . . . Few contemporary novels challenge the reader's conscience as "Dissonance does. . . ."--Kevin McIlvoy, author of "Hyssop
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
New Mexico Book CoOp News
NM BOOK CO-OP NEWS -- May 11, 2008
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. His sidekick author will be Taylor Streit, fly fishing guide and author of several fishing books. The author's seminar will take place from Friday, June 6th to Sunday June 8th. It will continue to be available to all authors at a cost of $75; reservations after April 15 are $99 each. That cost includes: Registration and Welcome Gift, Welcome Reception Tea, a special Friday evening event, a shared table (with one other author) at the Book Fair, 100% retention of all sales at the Book Fair, ticket to the Author's Seminar, which will be presented by John Nichols, and one ticket to the EHL Chuckwagon Suppershow. Guests are welcome to the Chuckwagon for an additional fee. There will be various lodging options available in Chama as well, with discounted author rates. Taylor Streit will also be offering at a cost a fly fishing class on the Rio Chama on Sunday morning, which is an optional event. Of course there are many other optional activities available as well, like the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, horseback riding etc. -- all available in the area either pre or post the Seminar. Application forms are available at
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printer right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The response to the Co-op Book Catalog was so strong that it has sold out. The catalog will be finished over the next several weeks and when completed it will be mailed to ever book seller and library in the region.
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and of course lavender books! But keep the books family friendly. If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
The speaker for one of our upcoming meetings was to be a professional book cover designer. Unfortunately schedules conflicted and we now are looking for another designed who could come and talk about what works and what doesn’t in cover design. If you have any contacts or suggestion please email me.
John Salazar of KOAT (TV 7 in Albuquerque) is doing a series of stories on things that are made in New Mexico. This might a great opportunity to flood him with info on your books. If you are a NM author send him info about your book. Maybe he will pick it up and do a story on it in his series. The address for KOAT-TV is 3801 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107.
The New Mexico Museum Foundation has selected 76 women from New Mexico to participate in the upcoming New Mexico Women Authors' Book Festival which will be held in Santa Fe on September 27, 2008. The complete list of authors participating is available at
Amazon has notified some print-on-demand publishers that if they wish to continue selling books directly through their site, they must use the Amazon-owned BookSurge to print their books. Amazon currently places orders through the POD publishers' distributors. But soon, publishers will be required to convert their files to a format compatible with BookSurge, which will then print the books in-house, so they can be "married" with other products for faster and less expensive shipping for the customer. So far, one site reports, no books have been taken off Amazon's "shelves." Amazon released an open letter, explaining the move: "Simply put, we can provide a better, more timely customer experience if the POD titles are printed inside our own fulfillment centers. In addition, printing these titles in our own fulfillment centers saves transportation costs and transportation fuel." We aren’t sure yet how this might effect books produced through Lula, Lightning Source or other POD printers. We will keep you posted as this develops to see how it may impact us at the local level.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
This is a great opportunity to sell your books (and keep all the money) to a growing community of readers. Plus, it is an absolutely fantastic chance to network with some of the best in the business. The Chama Book Fair will be Saturday, June 7th at Cookin' Books from 10 AM to 3 PM. The keynote author this year is John Nichols, author of Milagro Bean Field War among other books. His sidekick author will be Taylor Streit, fly fishing guide and author of several fishing books. The author's seminar will take place from Friday, June 6th to Sunday June 8th. It will continue to be available to all authors at a cost of $75; reservations after April 15 are $99 each. That cost includes: Registration and Welcome Gift, Welcome Reception Tea, a special Friday evening event, a shared table (with one other author) at the Book Fair, 100% retention of all sales at the Book Fair, ticket to the Author's Seminar, which will be presented by John Nichols, and one ticket to the EHL Chuckwagon Suppershow. Guests are welcome to the Chuckwagon for an additional fee. There will be various lodging options available in Chama as well, with discounted author rates. Taylor Streit will also be offering at a cost a fly fishing class on the Rio Chama on Sunday morning, which is an optional event. Of course there are many other optional activities available as well, like the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, horseback riding etc. -- all available in the area either pre or post the Seminar. Application forms are available at
The Early Deadline for entries in the 2008 New Mexico Book Awards is fast approaching. The early deadline is May 31, 2008 for entries; the entry fee for early submissions is $30 per title per category. There are some 35 categories for the book awards. The complete list of categories and the application information can be found at After May 31, the entry fee will increase to $40. In addition to the regular entry categories, Borders stores in New Mexico are sponsoring The People’s Choice Awards. Interested readers can place ballots in designated boxes in any of the Borders New Mexico stores for their favorite books ever written about New Mexico or by a New Mexico author or publisher. For a complete list of this year’s underwriters and sponsors go to
Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printer right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is $8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
The response to the Co-op Book Catalog was so strong that it has sold out. The catalog will be finished over the next several weeks and when completed it will be mailed to ever book seller and library in the region.
Last year, Lavender in the Village brought thousands of people to the Village of Los Ranchos. It was a two day event and because it was such a great opportunity last year for book and authors, the New Mexico Book Co-op is opening the event up to authors from the village. This year’s Lavender festival is set for July 11- 13. LPD Press and the New Mexico Book Co-op, both located in Los Ranchos, are organizing a couple of booths that will cater to local authors who want to have their books displayed for the public. The best part is you don’t have to even be there for your books to sell. All you do is sign up and you will be given info on when and where to drop off your books and then you pick up whatever has not sold on Sunday afternoon at the festival just before it closes. Join in the fun and be a part of the largest activity in the Village. We want books that appeal to kids, adults, cookbooks, histories, novels, and of course lavender books! But keep the books family friendly. If you have any questions call 344-9382. To sign up
The speaker for one of our upcoming meetings was to be a professional book cover designer. Unfortunately schedules conflicted and we now are looking for another designed who could come and talk about what works and what doesn’t in cover design. If you have any contacts or suggestion please email me.
John Salazar of KOAT (TV 7 in Albuquerque) is doing a series of stories on things that are made in New Mexico. This might a great opportunity to flood him with info on your books. If you are a NM author send him info about your book. Maybe he will pick it up and do a story on it in his series. The address for KOAT-TV is 3801 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107.
The New Mexico Museum Foundation has selected 76 women from New Mexico to participate in the upcoming New Mexico Women Authors' Book Festival which will be held in Santa Fe on September 27, 2008. The complete list of authors participating is available at
Amazon has notified some print-on-demand publishers that if they wish to continue selling books directly through their site, they must use the Amazon-owned BookSurge to print their books. Amazon currently places orders through the POD publishers' distributors. But soon, publishers will be required to convert their files to a format compatible with BookSurge, which will then print the books in-house, so they can be "married" with other products for faster and less expensive shipping for the customer. So far, one site reports, no books have been taken off Amazon's "shelves." Amazon released an open letter, explaining the move: "Simply put, we can provide a better, more timely customer experience if the POD titles are printed inside our own fulfillment centers. In addition, printing these titles in our own fulfillment centers saves transportation costs and transportation fuel." We aren’t sure yet how this might effect books produced through Lula, Lightning Source or other POD printers. We will keep you posted as this develops to see how it may impact us at the local level.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Carolyn Howard Johnson on Write On Four Corners this week
May 14 and May 16 Carolyn Howard Johnson Frugal Book Series Frugal Book Editor Red Engine Press Branson Missouri
May 21 May 23 Hector Torrez Conversations with Chicano and Chicana Writers.University of New Mexico Press
May 28 May 30 Max Evans Bluefeather Fellini and For Love of a Horse University of New Mexico Press
Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
May 21 May 23 Hector Torrez Conversations with Chicano and Chicana Writers.University of New Mexico Press
May 28 May 30 Max Evans Bluefeather Fellini and For Love of a Horse University of New Mexico Press
Write On Four Corners runs on Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Fridays at 2:30 pm Mountain Time on KSJE FM 90.9 You can listen on the web at in real time by clicking on listen live, or by going MP3 Archives, Write On Four Corners, and the program you wish to hear. We usually send up the podcasts a little after the Wednesday broadcasts.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
New Mexico Book CoOp Lunch
MAY BOOK CO-OP LUNCH TO FEATURE PUBLISHING ON DEMAND Publishing on Demand has finally come to New Mexico. There are a couple of printer right here in New Mexico who now offer publishing on demand. Come hear from one of them on Friday, May 23, 2008 -- 11:30 am. -- Digital Publishing on Demand with Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel. Waleed Ashoo of LithExcel in Albuquerque will provide us with information about new capabilities in digital publishing on demand at his company. The meeting will be at the HomeTown Buffet at 9261 Coors Blvd in Albuquerque. Cost is
$8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
$8.29 plus tax and tip. Call 505/344-9382 or email to to reserve a seat at the meeting.
Paul Rhetts
LPD Press & Rio Grande Books
925 Salamanca NW
Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107
FAX 505/345-5129
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ann Wylie's Writing Tips
Wylie's Writing Tips
May 7, 2008
Publisher: Ann Wylie,
Copyright Ann Wylie, 2008
"You can taste a word."
-- Pearl Bailey,
popular American singer,
quoted in Newsweek
In this issue
* Quick tips: Create a new word; use the 'voice of the reader'; and change media, vehicles
* Make it meaningful with metaphor: Communicate complex concepts through metaphor
* Make your message more believable: People find stories more credible than statistics
* Increase your rate of return on information: Move up the Data-Information-Knowledge-Understanding-Wisdom scale
* How to make readers fall in love with your publication: Saint Luke's patient magazine jumps nearly 20 points in popularity
* Check out Ann's touring schedule: Polish your skills when you catch Ann on the road
* Keep up with Ann's calendar: Find out when Ann's coming to your neighborhood
"I'm a doctor -- I can add 'ectomy' to any word I choose."
-- Doctor talking to a patient
in a Paul Noth cartoon
for The New Yorker
Quick tips
Play with your words
Create a new word, use the 'voice of the reader,' and change media and vehicles with these three tips from Rev Up Readership, Ann's premium toolbox for communicators:
Create a new word
Freshly minted words get more attention than tired coinages. Tap that truth to "brand" your next product, study or idea.
One way to do so: Create a new word by gluing two familiar words together.
* That's what Weber Shandwick did in its study on advocacy. The PR firm combined two words -- "bad" and "advocate" -- to create a new one: "badvocate."
* The newspaper industry has used the same approach to define its USA Today-inspired graphic stories: "Chart" plus "article" equals "charticle."
* And designer Richard Owens has coined a term for his upscale rock-and-roll look: "Grunge" plus "glamour" equals "glunge."
Rev Up Readership Gold and Silver members, get more tips for developing wordplay that goes beyond twist of phrase:
Gold members, get more than 40 tipsheets on how to surprise and delight your readers with wordplay:
Not yet a Rev Up Readership member? Join now:
Use the 'voice of the reader'
Readers like to hear from other people like them.
Letters to the editor, reader feedback and other first-person, reader-generated copy -- the "voice of the reader" -- attracts readers more than the "voice of the paper," according to The Poynter Institute's Eyetrack07 study.
"Voice of the paper" content includes editorials, op-ed columnists and other copy by the publication's own staff members.
Among readers of broadsheets, or papers formatted like The New York Times:
* "Voice of the reader" pieces drew 68 percent more attention than expected based on the number of those elements available to be seen.
* "Voice of the paper" elements received 38 percent less attention than expected.
To get more "voice of the people" content into your publication, let the reader speak through:
* Letters from customers
* Drawings, poetry and essays from customers and clients
* E-mail missives from a global team
* Diaries and journals from people like the reader
Rev Up Readership Gold members, find more than 60 articles about how to come up with fresh angles for tired topics:
Change media, vehicles
Having trouble getting your message approved? Try switching media or vehicles.
Approval-process pros have learned that some media and vehicles are easier to get approved than others.
For instance, conventional wisdom in big PR firms is that press releases require rigorous approval, while pitches require … well, sometimes, no approval at all. PR pros in these firms put their most creative material in the pitch, then share it informally by phone or e-mail -- thus end-running the formal review process that releases go through.
Communicators also find that face-to-face and online communications require fewer approvals than print.
So make the switch. If your approvers won't sign off on your piece, see whether you can get the word out via a pitch, a meeting or a Web page instead.
Rev Up Readership Gold members, get more than 60 tipsheets on how to improve approvals:
"Words are the hummingbirds of the imagination."
-- Elbert Hubbard,
American writer, editor and printer
Make it meaningful with metaphor
Communicate complex concepts through metaphor _____________________________________________
Communicators too often think of metaphor as a poetic doodah that has no place in serious nonfiction writing.
Metaphor is a workhorse of all meaningful writing. Metaphors help audience members understand new, complex information by means of something they already understand. Specifically, metaphor can help you:
* Take the numb out of numbers
* Replace clichés
* Communicate complicated information
* Bring a tired topic to life
Now you can get more than 60 articles packed with tools, tips and formulas to help you write better metaphors -- all on Plus, as a Gold member, you'll have access to more than 1,300 articles in total, all exhaustively indexed and easy to find.
Whether you're looking for metaphor do's and don'ts, questions to ask to find analogies in interviews or step-by-step tips for crafting compelling comparisons, you'll find it on
Learn more:
"[] is the best industry resource for taking academic theories and proposing models of application. No need to understand balance theory when you have the model of writing about benefits and not features!"
-- Kristi Jones
Raleigh, N.C.
Make your message more believable
People find stories more credible than statistics _____________________________________________
It's counterintuitive but true: People believe information more readily if it's delivered in a story rather than through statistics, according to Peg C. Neuhauser's Corporate Legends and Lore.
* Readers connect with the people in stories. It's the Peer Principle of Persuasion: People believe that if something worked for someone else, it will work for them, too.
* Readers are cynical about numbers. Audience members know that organizations can twist numbers to say whatever the organization wants them to say.
Add narrative to numbers
But that doesn't mean it never makes sense to use statistics. In fact, one very credible combination is to:
* Lead with an anecdote that illustrates your point.
* Follow up with a statistic that demonstrates the scope of the issue.
Add a story to your statistic, and you'll make both more powerful.
Master the Art of the Storyteller
In fact, storytelling is "the most powerful form of human communication," according to Peg Neuhauser, author of Corporate Legends and Lore.
Find out how to you can put this power tool to work in your very next piece at the Public Relations Society of America's May 22 teleseminar, "Master the Art of the Storyteller."
You'll learn:
* Five places to look for stories
* How to get people to bring you their stories
* The key question to ask during an interview to elicit juicy anecdotes
* How "WBHA" can help you find anecdotes in the making
* A quick, easy-to-remember template for building an anecdote
* The best place to start an anecdote -- and the worst place
Sign up or get more details:
Learn about Ann's other upcoming teleseminars:
"We're supposed to be tellers of tales as well as purveyors of facts. When we don't live up to that responsibility, we don't get read."
-- William Blundell,
author of The Art and Craft of Feature Writing
Increase your rate of return on information
Move up the Data-Information-Knowledge-Understanding-Wisdom scale _____________________________________________
In 1989, systems scientist Russell Ackoff created a hierarchy of information, from least valuable to most:
* Data
* Information
* Knowledge
* Understanding
* Wisdom
Despite this, most organizations still invest the bulk of their resources on accumulating and moving data, the least on wisdom.
That's expensive.
To increase your rate of return on information, consider Ackoff's hierarchy before you press "send." Is your copy just adding to the pile of facts -- data -- in your organization? Or is your message likely to help your audience members find knowledge and understanding?
As the data deluge threatens to engulf your workplace, your company needs communicators who add value to information instead of just repackaging it, who translate instead of regurgitate, who inform instead of disseminate.
Do that, and you can serve as an organizational alchemist who transforms a flood of facts into a stream of knowledge. Wisdom, even.
And that's the gold standard of the Information Age.
Learn more ways to overcome information overload:
Sources: Ann Wylie, Overcome Information Overload, Wylie Communications Inc., 2005:; "The Too-Much Information Age," Seed Magazine, January/February 2008
How to make readers fall in love with your publication
Saint Luke's patient magazine jumps nearly 20 points in popularity _____________________________________________
When Saint Luke's Health System recently asked readers what they thought of Health magazine, 95.5 percent gave it top scores.
That contrasts with 78.5 percent in the 2002 survey.
What happened in the interim?
Saint Luke's brilliant marketing executives brought in Wylie Communications to revamp the magazine, changing everything from the name to the design to the editorial lineup to the writing quality.
Since then, Saint Luke's has invited Wylie Communications to create, revamp, write and produce other newsletters, magazines and reports as well.
At Wylie Communications, we love publications. And we'd love to help you with yours. So drop me a line if you need help:
* Writing any or all of your publication copy
* Improving readability
* Finding your creative direction
* Launching a new publication
* Revitalizing a tired one
* Identifying opportunities for improvement
* Creating an anniversary publication or other special edition
Check out how we've helped others:
Or let me know how we can help you:
Nothing but the truth
What people say about Ann's writing workshops _____________________________________________
"Great step-by-step instructions on how to do it right."
-- Stacy Mayo,
assistant account executive,
Rhea + Kaiser
Where in the world is Ann?
Cut your training costs when you piggyback your program _____________________________________________
Save money when you piggyback your workshop by scheduling it when Ann is already "in the neighborhood." Book your program the day before or after another organization's and split Ann's airfare and ground transportation with the other group.
Ask about piggybacking on Ann's upcoming engagements in:
* Chicago: May 8-9, Oct. 3
* Denver: May 28
* Kansas City, Mo.: June 9
* Philadelphia: May 16
* Phoenix: June 4
* Port Washington, N.Y.: June 23
* Portland, Ore.: July 21-Aug. 22
* Quad Cities: Sept. 10
* Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: June 21
* Taunton, Mass.: June 12
* Washington, D.C.: May 19
Save even more: Ask about Ann's communication association discounts and second-day fee reductions.
Contact Ann to discuss piggybacking:
Ann's touring schedule
Polish your skills at one of these events _____________________________________________
Alas, I can't invite you to the in-house seminars I present for private organizations. But everyone's invited to these upcoming public seminars in:
* Chicago on May 9. "Beyond the Inverted Pyramid" and "Think Like a Reader," two sessions for Ragan's Corporate Communicators Conference:
* Chicago on Oct. 3. "Rev Up Readership," a keynote for the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Business Writing Conference:
* Philadelphia on May 16. "Rev Up Readership," a keynote for the IABC Business Writing Conference:
* Portland, Ore., on Aug. 7. "Think Like a Reader," a half-day workshop for the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)/Portland:
* Saratoga Springs, N.Y. on June 21. "Make Your Copy More Creative," a one-day workshop for the American Horse Publications annual conference:
* Washington, D.C., on May 19: "Writing That Sells," a one-day workshop for PRSA:
Would you like to attend? Please contact meeting planners directly for details.
Can't make these events? If you'd like to bring an Ann Wylie workshop to your organization, contact her at
Keep up with Ann's calendar
Want to find out when Ann's coming to your neighborhood, learn when you can sign up for one of her programs and otherwise keep up with her calendar? Check out:
What are we up to?
The folks at Wylie Communications have been enjoying:
* Writing magazine, newsletter and report copy for Northern Trust and Saint Luke's/Kansas City:
* Serving as creative consultants for marketing magazines and newsletters for Northern Trust and Saint Luke's/Kansas City:
* Presenting writing workshops for Verizon Wireless and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA):
* Presenting teleseminars for the Cooperative Communicators of America and PRSA:
For more info --
--- about Ann Wylie's seminars, publication consulting or writing and editing services, please contact Ann at:
Or visit:
Please forward this issue --
-- to two of your colleagues. They'll thank you -- and so will Ann!
About This E-zine
Ann Wylie's Writing Tips is a whenever-Ann-sends-it e-zine for clients, colleagues and other friends who want to reach more readers or produce better publications and Websites.
To update your Ann Wylie's Writing Tips name and e-mail address:
To unsubscribe/change profile:
To subscribe:
Invite your pals to subscribe, send them this link:
Note: Ann never sells or shares her e-mail list. Period.
Ann Wylie's Writing Tips is copyright 2008 by Ann Wylie. All rights reserved.
Ann Wylie, Wylie Communications Inc., 4618 Warwick, Ste. 7A, Kansas City, MO, 64112
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
May 7, 2008
Publisher: Ann Wylie,
Copyright Ann Wylie, 2008
"You can taste a word."
-- Pearl Bailey,
popular American singer,
quoted in Newsweek
In this issue
* Quick tips: Create a new word; use the 'voice of the reader'; and change media, vehicles
* Make it meaningful with metaphor: Communicate complex concepts through metaphor
* Make your message more believable: People find stories more credible than statistics
* Increase your rate of return on information: Move up the Data-Information-Knowledge-Understanding-Wisdom scale
* How to make readers fall in love with your publication: Saint Luke's patient magazine jumps nearly 20 points in popularity
* Check out Ann's touring schedule: Polish your skills when you catch Ann on the road
* Keep up with Ann's calendar: Find out when Ann's coming to your neighborhood
"I'm a doctor -- I can add 'ectomy' to any word I choose."
-- Doctor talking to a patient
in a Paul Noth cartoon
for The New Yorker
Quick tips
Play with your words
Create a new word, use the 'voice of the reader,' and change media and vehicles with these three tips from Rev Up Readership, Ann's premium toolbox for communicators:
Create a new word
Freshly minted words get more attention than tired coinages. Tap that truth to "brand" your next product, study or idea.
One way to do so: Create a new word by gluing two familiar words together.
* That's what Weber Shandwick did in its study on advocacy. The PR firm combined two words -- "bad" and "advocate" -- to create a new one: "badvocate."
* The newspaper industry has used the same approach to define its USA Today-inspired graphic stories: "Chart" plus "article" equals "charticle."
* And designer Richard Owens has coined a term for his upscale rock-and-roll look: "Grunge" plus "glamour" equals "glunge."
Rev Up Readership Gold and Silver members, get more tips for developing wordplay that goes beyond twist of phrase:
Gold members, get more than 40 tipsheets on how to surprise and delight your readers with wordplay:
Not yet a Rev Up Readership member? Join now:
Use the 'voice of the reader'
Readers like to hear from other people like them.
Letters to the editor, reader feedback and other first-person, reader-generated copy -- the "voice of the reader" -- attracts readers more than the "voice of the paper," according to The Poynter Institute's Eyetrack07 study.
"Voice of the paper" content includes editorials, op-ed columnists and other copy by the publication's own staff members.
Among readers of broadsheets, or papers formatted like The New York Times:
* "Voice of the reader" pieces drew 68 percent more attention than expected based on the number of those elements available to be seen.
* "Voice of the paper" elements received 38 percent less attention than expected.
To get more "voice of the people" content into your publication, let the reader speak through:
* Letters from customers
* Drawings, poetry and essays from customers and clients
* E-mail missives from a global team
* Diaries and journals from people like the reader
Rev Up Readership Gold members, find more than 60 articles about how to come up with fresh angles for tired topics:
Change media, vehicles
Having trouble getting your message approved? Try switching media or vehicles.
Approval-process pros have learned that some media and vehicles are easier to get approved than others.
For instance, conventional wisdom in big PR firms is that press releases require rigorous approval, while pitches require … well, sometimes, no approval at all. PR pros in these firms put their most creative material in the pitch, then share it informally by phone or e-mail -- thus end-running the formal review process that releases go through.
Communicators also find that face-to-face and online communications require fewer approvals than print.
So make the switch. If your approvers won't sign off on your piece, see whether you can get the word out via a pitch, a meeting or a Web page instead.
Rev Up Readership Gold members, get more than 60 tipsheets on how to improve approvals:
"Words are the hummingbirds of the imagination."
-- Elbert Hubbard,
American writer, editor and printer
Make it meaningful with metaphor
Communicate complex concepts through metaphor _____________________________________________
Communicators too often think of metaphor as a poetic doodah that has no place in serious nonfiction writing.
Metaphor is a workhorse of all meaningful writing. Metaphors help audience members understand new, complex information by means of something they already understand. Specifically, metaphor can help you:
* Take the numb out of numbers
* Replace clichés
* Communicate complicated information
* Bring a tired topic to life
Now you can get more than 60 articles packed with tools, tips and formulas to help you write better metaphors -- all on Plus, as a Gold member, you'll have access to more than 1,300 articles in total, all exhaustively indexed and easy to find.
Whether you're looking for metaphor do's and don'ts, questions to ask to find analogies in interviews or step-by-step tips for crafting compelling comparisons, you'll find it on
Learn more:
"[] is the best industry resource for taking academic theories and proposing models of application. No need to understand balance theory when you have the model of writing about benefits and not features!"
-- Kristi Jones
Raleigh, N.C.
Make your message more believable
People find stories more credible than statistics _____________________________________________
It's counterintuitive but true: People believe information more readily if it's delivered in a story rather than through statistics, according to Peg C. Neuhauser's Corporate Legends and Lore.
* Readers connect with the people in stories. It's the Peer Principle of Persuasion: People believe that if something worked for someone else, it will work for them, too.
* Readers are cynical about numbers. Audience members know that organizations can twist numbers to say whatever the organization wants them to say.
Add narrative to numbers
But that doesn't mean it never makes sense to use statistics. In fact, one very credible combination is to:
* Lead with an anecdote that illustrates your point.
* Follow up with a statistic that demonstrates the scope of the issue.
Add a story to your statistic, and you'll make both more powerful.
Master the Art of the Storyteller
In fact, storytelling is "the most powerful form of human communication," according to Peg Neuhauser, author of Corporate Legends and Lore.
Find out how to you can put this power tool to work in your very next piece at the Public Relations Society of America's May 22 teleseminar, "Master the Art of the Storyteller."
You'll learn:
* Five places to look for stories
* How to get people to bring you their stories
* The key question to ask during an interview to elicit juicy anecdotes
* How "WBHA" can help you find anecdotes in the making
* A quick, easy-to-remember template for building an anecdote
* The best place to start an anecdote -- and the worst place
Sign up or get more details:
Learn about Ann's other upcoming teleseminars:
"We're supposed to be tellers of tales as well as purveyors of facts. When we don't live up to that responsibility, we don't get read."
-- William Blundell,
author of The Art and Craft of Feature Writing
Increase your rate of return on information
Move up the Data-Information-Knowledge-Understanding-Wisdom scale _____________________________________________
In 1989, systems scientist Russell Ackoff created a hierarchy of information, from least valuable to most:
* Data
* Information
* Knowledge
* Understanding
* Wisdom
Despite this, most organizations still invest the bulk of their resources on accumulating and moving data, the least on wisdom.
That's expensive.
To increase your rate of return on information, consider Ackoff's hierarchy before you press "send." Is your copy just adding to the pile of facts -- data -- in your organization? Or is your message likely to help your audience members find knowledge and understanding?
As the data deluge threatens to engulf your workplace, your company needs communicators who add value to information instead of just repackaging it, who translate instead of regurgitate, who inform instead of disseminate.
Do that, and you can serve as an organizational alchemist who transforms a flood of facts into a stream of knowledge. Wisdom, even.
And that's the gold standard of the Information Age.
Learn more ways to overcome information overload:
Sources: Ann Wylie, Overcome Information Overload, Wylie Communications Inc., 2005:; "The Too-Much Information Age," Seed Magazine, January/February 2008
How to make readers fall in love with your publication
Saint Luke's patient magazine jumps nearly 20 points in popularity _____________________________________________
When Saint Luke's Health System recently asked readers what they thought of Health magazine, 95.5 percent gave it top scores.
That contrasts with 78.5 percent in the 2002 survey.
What happened in the interim?
Saint Luke's brilliant marketing executives brought in Wylie Communications to revamp the magazine, changing everything from the name to the design to the editorial lineup to the writing quality.
Since then, Saint Luke's has invited Wylie Communications to create, revamp, write and produce other newsletters, magazines and reports as well.
At Wylie Communications, we love publications. And we'd love to help you with yours. So drop me a line if you need help:
* Writing any or all of your publication copy
* Improving readability
* Finding your creative direction
* Launching a new publication
* Revitalizing a tired one
* Identifying opportunities for improvement
* Creating an anniversary publication or other special edition
Check out how we've helped others:
Or let me know how we can help you:
Nothing but the truth
What people say about Ann's writing workshops _____________________________________________
"Great step-by-step instructions on how to do it right."
-- Stacy Mayo,
assistant account executive,
Rhea + Kaiser
Where in the world is Ann?
Cut your training costs when you piggyback your program _____________________________________________
Save money when you piggyback your workshop by scheduling it when Ann is already "in the neighborhood." Book your program the day before or after another organization's and split Ann's airfare and ground transportation with the other group.
Ask about piggybacking on Ann's upcoming engagements in:
* Chicago: May 8-9, Oct. 3
* Denver: May 28
* Kansas City, Mo.: June 9
* Philadelphia: May 16
* Phoenix: June 4
* Port Washington, N.Y.: June 23
* Portland, Ore.: July 21-Aug. 22
* Quad Cities: Sept. 10
* Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: June 21
* Taunton, Mass.: June 12
* Washington, D.C.: May 19
Save even more: Ask about Ann's communication association discounts and second-day fee reductions.
Contact Ann to discuss piggybacking:
Ann's touring schedule
Polish your skills at one of these events _____________________________________________
Alas, I can't invite you to the in-house seminars I present for private organizations. But everyone's invited to these upcoming public seminars in:
* Chicago on May 9. "Beyond the Inverted Pyramid" and "Think Like a Reader," two sessions for Ragan's Corporate Communicators Conference:
* Chicago on Oct. 3. "Rev Up Readership," a keynote for the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Business Writing Conference:
* Philadelphia on May 16. "Rev Up Readership," a keynote for the IABC Business Writing Conference:
* Portland, Ore., on Aug. 7. "Think Like a Reader," a half-day workshop for the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)/Portland:
* Saratoga Springs, N.Y. on June 21. "Make Your Copy More Creative," a one-day workshop for the American Horse Publications annual conference:
* Washington, D.C., on May 19: "Writing That Sells," a one-day workshop for PRSA:
Would you like to attend? Please contact meeting planners directly for details.
Can't make these events? If you'd like to bring an Ann Wylie workshop to your organization, contact her at
Keep up with Ann's calendar
Want to find out when Ann's coming to your neighborhood, learn when you can sign up for one of her programs and otherwise keep up with her calendar? Check out:
What are we up to?
The folks at Wylie Communications have been enjoying:
* Writing magazine, newsletter and report copy for Northern Trust and Saint Luke's/Kansas City:
* Serving as creative consultants for marketing magazines and newsletters for Northern Trust and Saint Luke's/Kansas City:
* Presenting writing workshops for Verizon Wireless and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA):
* Presenting teleseminars for the Cooperative Communicators of America and PRSA:
For more info --
--- about Ann Wylie's seminars, publication consulting or writing and editing services, please contact Ann at:
Or visit:
Please forward this issue --
-- to two of your colleagues. They'll thank you -- and so will Ann!
About This E-zine
Ann Wylie's Writing Tips is a whenever-Ann-sends-it e-zine for clients, colleagues and other friends who want to reach more readers or produce better publications and Websites.
To update your Ann Wylie's Writing Tips name and e-mail address:
To unsubscribe/change profile:
To subscribe:
Invite your pals to subscribe, send them this link:
Note: Ann never sells or shares her e-mail list. Period.
Ann Wylie's Writing Tips is copyright 2008 by Ann Wylie. All rights reserved.
Ann Wylie, Wylie Communications Inc., 4618 Warwick, Ste. 7A, Kansas City, MO, 64112
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Lisa Lenard Cook Signs Book at Maria''s Book Store in Durango
Staff and Community Relations Manager
Maria's Bookshop
(970) 247-1438
book signing with lisa lenard-cook, author of The mind of your story,
at maria's bookshop
DURANGO (May 1, 2008)- Maria's Bookshop at 960 Main Avenue in Durango will host a signing on Tuesday, May 13th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm for former Durango resident Lisa Lenard-Cook, who has just published The Mind of Your Story:
Discover what Drives Your Fiction.
The Mind of Your Story takes writers beyond the basics and guides them through the foundations and the nuances of story creation, allowing them to create fiction that grabs the reader and doesn't let go.
Lenard-Cook's first novel, Dissonance, won the Jim Sagel Prize for the Novel while in manuscript. After its publication by the University of New Mexico Press in 2003, it was selected as a book of the year by such diverse libraries as the Tucson-Pima County Public Library and the Cincinnati Public Library. In 2004, the book was both a NPR Performance Today Summer Reading Choice and the countywide reading selection for Durango-La Plata Reads, and in 2005 it was short-listed for the PEN Southwest Book Award. Lisa's second novel, Coyote Morning, was published by UNM Press in 2004, was selected a Southwest Book of the Year, and was recently short-listed for the New Mexico Press Women's Zia Award.
Lenard-Cook has just finished her next novel, begun over twenty years ago.
Her monthly column at, The Art of Fiction, has been called "a refreshing approach to the art of fiction writing." She also reviews books for the independent Weekly Alibi in Albuquerque, and has had short stories published in a number of journals, most recently The Southwest Review . She is a faculty member at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference and Narrative Art Center , and, in addition to being a popular conference and workshop speaker, she teaches fiction writing in private classes, works as a freelance writer and editor, and takes particular joy in mentoring both beginning and more experienced fiction writers.
Lisa Lenard-Cook holds a B.A. with departmental honors from SUNY Buffalo and an M.F.A. in fiction writing from Vermont College. She was a member of the English department faculty at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado throughout the 1990s
For more information about the event, call (970) 247-1438 or visit
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Staff and Community Relations Manager
Maria's Bookshop
(970) 247-1438
book signing with lisa lenard-cook, author of The mind of your story,
at maria's bookshop
DURANGO (May 1, 2008)- Maria's Bookshop at 960 Main Avenue in Durango will host a signing on Tuesday, May 13th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm for former Durango resident Lisa Lenard-Cook, who has just published The Mind of Your Story:
Discover what Drives Your Fiction.
The Mind of Your Story takes writers beyond the basics and guides them through the foundations and the nuances of story creation, allowing them to create fiction that grabs the reader and doesn't let go.
Lenard-Cook's first novel, Dissonance, won the Jim Sagel Prize for the Novel while in manuscript. After its publication by the University of New Mexico Press in 2003, it was selected as a book of the year by such diverse libraries as the Tucson-Pima County Public Library and the Cincinnati Public Library. In 2004, the book was both a NPR Performance Today Summer Reading Choice and the countywide reading selection for Durango-La Plata Reads, and in 2005 it was short-listed for the PEN Southwest Book Award. Lisa's second novel, Coyote Morning, was published by UNM Press in 2004, was selected a Southwest Book of the Year, and was recently short-listed for the New Mexico Press Women's Zia Award.
Lenard-Cook has just finished her next novel, begun over twenty years ago.
Her monthly column at, The Art of Fiction, has been called "a refreshing approach to the art of fiction writing." She also reviews books for the independent Weekly
Lisa Lenard-Cook holds a B.A. with departmental honors from SUNY Buffalo and an M.F.A. in fiction writing from Vermont College. She was a member of the English department faculty at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado throughout the 1990s
For more information about the event, call (970) 247-1438 or visit
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Write On Four Corners Author Mary Beath Signs New Book
Hi Connie,
As I promised, I'm passing on the information for the reading of Hiking Alone at UNM Bookstore. It's Friday, June 20, at 2pm. The University of New Mexico is in Albuquerque on Central Avenue. Mary will appear on Write On 4 Corners on KSJE FM in early 2009.
Many thanks, again!
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
As I promised, I'm passing on the information for the reading of Hiking Alone at UNM Bookstore. It's Friday, June 20, at 2pm. The University of New Mexico is in Albuquerque on Central Avenue. Mary will appear on Write On 4 Corners on KSJE FM in early 2009.
Many thanks, again!
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Gwynne Spencer's May Cosmic Raccoon
Hi Everyone,
Write On Four Corners family member Gwynne Spencer's May Cosmic Raccoon is up. To subscrube go to or find the link on the right hand side of this blog. Gwynne continues her adventures in the pacific Northwest where she has moved.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Write On Four Corners family member Gwynne Spencer's May Cosmic Raccoon is up. To subscrube go to or find the link on the right hand side of this blog. Gwynne continues her adventures in the pacific Northwest where she has moved.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Mary Beath New Write On Four Corners Writer on KSJE FM
Mary Beath will talk about her recent release from UNM Press Hiking alone Trails Out, Trails Home on KSJE FM's Write On Four Corners early in 2009. A collection of essays, Hinking Alone follows her oddesy out of New York and into New mexico. she'll be doing some signings soon. Here's the note she sent me.
The first reading for Hiking Alone is at Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque Thursday, May 8, 7pm. I'll also have a reading at UNM Bookstore sometime in late June. When it's pinned down, I'll drop you a note.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
The first reading for Hiking Alone is at Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Albuquerque Thursday, May 8, 7pm. I'll also have a reading at UNM Bookstore sometime in late June. When it's pinned down, I'll drop you a note.
Connie Gotsch Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available
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