Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Mexico Book Association News

NMBA’s Impressive May 2009 Book Calendar Is Below, but first...
+ "Going Global" - Foreign Publication Rights Workshop
Three top experts on negotiating foreign rights contracts will tell you exactly how to move your book onto worldwide markets at our NMBA Professional Development Workshop all afternoon on Thursday, May 14. See details in the Calendar. Call or email Paula Lozar to save your seat! lozarpaula@cs.com
+ Southwest Book Design & Production Awards
This is new! Learn the criteria for entering your book in this exciting new NMBA awards competition at our Annual Gala and Membership Meeting June 12 at The Mission Cafe in Santa Fe. Several categories for your books and publications. Dorothy Massey of Collected Works is going to receive NMBA’s Book-in-Hand Honor, and you can expect other surprises as well. See below!
+ Networking Luncheon Friday, May 8
Same place (the Writers Room in Santa Fe). Same time (11:30am). But you’ll meet people in publishing and literature you may not have met before. If you had books at the New Mexico Library Association Conference, you’ll find your leftover stock on a shelf in the stairway. Please retrieve your titles when you come to the Networking Luncheon. Bring a friend and a brown bag. No charge!

May 1: DEADLINE! New Mexico Book Awards "earlybird" entries ($30 each title), 37 categories. Call Paul Rhetts, (505) 344-9382, info@nmbookcoop.com.
May 2: IWWG & Friends Luncheon. Mission Cafe, Santa Fe, 11:30am. Call Paula Lozar for to RSVP: (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com
May 8: NMBA Monthly Networking Luncheon, The Writers Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am, free! Bring your lunch; cookies, juice and thoughtful writing and publishing advice provided! Contact Paula, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com.
May 8: NMBA Board Meeting at the Writers’ Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 1:30pm.
May 9: Spring Rare Book Sale at Garrett’s Desert Inn, Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, 9am to 4pm. Sponsored by the National New Deal Preservation Association, New Mexico chapter. Call Kathy, (505) 473-3985.
May 10: Wellness Journal Workshop with Becky Holtzman and Lisa Gill. Harwood Arts Center, Albuquerque, 1-4pm, $15. RSVP: becky@beckytomato.com
May 14: "Going Global: Negotiating Foreign Publication Rights" NMBA Professional Development Workshop, with Ellen Kleiner, Roger Rapoport and Richard Harris. The Writers Room, Santa Fe, 1-4pm, $15 NMBA members ($20 non-members). Contact Paula Lozar to secure your place: (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com
May 15: DEADLINE! NMBA Book Events Calendar for June. Send basic details (no attachments) to richard@oceantree.com or sunnielliott@msn.com.
May 23-25: Page One Books Memorial Day Sidewalk Sale. Fill a bag for only $20!
May 24-29 and May 30-June 4: Landscape of the Horse. Writing retreat in Wyoming. Page Lambert: page@pagelambert.com, (303) 842-7360.
May 26-28: IBPA Publishing University, Roosevelt Hotel, New York. Tuition for NMBA members as low as $545 if you register by May 10! Includes Ben Franklin Awards Banquet. IPBA-U immediately precedes BookExpo America. Bargain New York rooms available. See www.ibpa-online.org or call Teresa Fogarty, (310) 372-2732.
May 28-30: BookExpo America, Javits Center, New York. www.bookexpoamerica.com
May 29-30: Chama Book Fiesta. Jill Lane, (800) 532-8874.
May 30: Write and Illustrate Your Own Children’s Book. Page One Books, 2:30pm. RSVP: (505) 294-2026, randi@page1book.com

+ On the Horizon
June 1: DEADLINE! $10,000 Tony Hillerman Prize Competition for best first mystery set in the Southwest. Sponsored by St. Martin’s Press and WordHarvest. Go to www.wordharvest.com/novel_contest.php
June 12: New Mexico Book Association Annual Gala and Membership Meeting! Open to all members and their friends and families! The Mission Cafe, 239 E. DeVargas St. (across from the Oldest Church), Santa Fe. Book-in-Hand Honor, election, and Southwest Book Design Awards announcement. Lunch only $20! Contact Paula Lozar to RSVP: (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com
June 15: DEADLINE! National Book Awards entries. Awards in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and young people’s literature—and guarantee of a bestseller! You’ll send books directly to the judges by August 17. National Book Foundation, 95 Madison Ave, Suite 709, New York 10016, www.nationalbook.org
June 19: New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Annual Meeting, Nativo Lodge, Albuquerque, 8am-4pm. Nancy Pearl (Book Lust) keynote speaker! Contact Zara Raab, (505) 982-3997, (800) 233-7587.
June 30: DEADLINE! SouthWest Writers Quarterly Writing Competition. Cash prizes! See www.southwestwriters.com/swwcontest.php
Aug. 31 – Sept. 5: River Writing and Sculpting Adventure for Women with Roxanne Swetzell. Canyonlands National Park in Utah, $1550. Page Lambert, (303) 842-7360, page@pagelambert.com
September: "Writing in Our Uncertain Age: Will the Printed Page Survive?" Major for writers, publishers, Santa Fe. Contact Recursos/Southwest Literary Center, (505) 982-9301, or NMBA for updates!
Sept. 23-26: Mountains & Plains Independent Booksellers Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Denver International Airport. Lisa Knudsen or Kyle Larson, (800) 752-0249, www.mountainsplains.org
Sept. 26: New Mexico Woman Authors Book Festival, Milner Plaza (Museum Hill), Santa Fe. John Stafford, Museum of New Mexico Foundation, john@museumfoundation.org.
October: Border Book Festival Book Show, Mesilla Plaza. www.borderbookfestival.org
Nov. 11-14: PubWest National Publishing Conference, Tucson. www.pubwest.org

+ Author Events and Readings
May 9: Deborah C. Slaney (Jewel of the Railroad Era: Albuquerque’s Alvarado Hotel), Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 3-4pm.
May 12: John O. Baxter (Cowboy Park), booklaunch at Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, www.garciastreetbooks.com.
May 13: An Evening of Lively Poetry with James McGrath, Joan Logghe, Rae Marie Taylor, at The Writers Room, Santa Fe, 7pm, free. (505) 982-9301.
May 14: Mario X. Martinez (Converso) and Isabelle Medina-Sandoval (Guardians of Hidden Tradition) a booklaunch concerning New Mexico’s Crypto-Jewish people. Sponsored by the Santa Fe Art Institute, Tipton Hall, College of Santa Fe, 6pm. See gaonbooks.blogspot.com.
May 16: Marta Weigle (Telling New Mexico: A New History), Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 3-4pm.
May 16: Antonio R. Garcez (New Mexico Ghost Stories), Page One Books, Albuquerque, 7pm.
May 17: Zelda Gatuskin (Time and Temperature), Acequia Booksellers, Albuquerque, 3pm. (505) 890-5365.
May 23: Ben Steinlage (Want to Go West Lady?), Page One Books, Albuquerque, 2pm.
May 26: Ellen Bass, poet (The Human Line), Bookworks, Albuquerque, 7pm. (505) 344-8139.
Attention! Your items are listed free, but they must be submitted by email in our very simple format or they will not appear. We’re sorry, but it consumes far too much time to edit and reformat the many dozens of items we receive every month. Email to SunFlower Elliott: sunnielliott@msn.com, or Karen Villanueva: authorcare@aol.com:
Date, Title of the Event, Sponsor, Place, Time, Cost (if any). Contact number or email or website.
NMBA is New Mexico’s Only Nonprofit Serving All Book Professionals!
Visit www.nmbook.org for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Write On Four Corners April Schedule

Azro Press, Pancho Finds a Home, Karen CoganThe Write On Four Corners Schedule for April 2009 KSJE FM

You can listen at the appointed times by going to 90.9, FM if you are within reach of KSJE’s air signal. By computer go to www.ksje.com and click on listen live. You can also listen to archived programs at ksje.com mp3 archives write on four corners. Then beginning in April you can listen to two different authors on Write On Four Corners, one at 10:30 Wednesday morning and one at 2:30 Friday afternoon

4/8 Julie Mars Anybody Any Minute St. Martin’s Press

4/10 Sabra Steinsiek Annie’s Song Whiskey Creek Press

4/15 Waldstein After Image and Boyle Double Exposure Plan B Press Philadelphia Pa

4/17 Anne Weaver voyage of the Beetle University of New Mexico Press

4/22 Karen Cogan Pancho finds a Home Azro Press.

4/24 Pauline Chavez Bent Atarkque Now All is Silent LPD Press

4/29 Rangers Revenge Jim Blawcyzk Silverjack Publishing

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

New Mexico Book Association News

NMBA Networking Luncheon this Friday, April 10:
Leap to POD Digital Printing with Don Leeper!

LEARN THE INSIDE STORY about quality book digital printing (and more), with Don Leeper, CEO of BookMobile, a major national digital press. It’s free for all NMBA members, at the Writers Room in Santa Fe, this Friday, April 10, 11:30 am. (Guests $5, which will help us take Don to lunch afterwards.) If low cost, short runs, and high quality spark your attention, you won’t want to miss this presentation. (Apologies to Don for the typo in his name that appeared in our April Events calendar – By any name, we’re assured that his presentation is one of the very best!) Contact: Paula Lozar for further information: lozarpaula@cs.com
BRING YOUR BOOKS! Three to five copies of each title you’d like us to show and sell to New Mexico’s librarians at the NMLA Trade Show in Albuquerque (April 22-24). It’s a great deal: $10 for one title, $5 for additional titles and you keep the proceeds from sales we may make. If your book wasn’t in the 2008-09 New Mexico Showcase Catalog, bring along 50 copies of a flyer (an 8 X 10 page which includes a description of your book and ordering information complete with ISBN# and retail price) we can include in the Supplement. We’ll be gathering all materials right after this Friday’s luncheon. Contact: Richard Polese: richard@oceantree.com or Jim Mafchir: westernedge@santa-fe.net
AND DON’T FORGET! Coming up on Saturday April 25 is our Professional Development Workshop with screenwriting authority Rick Reichman. "How to Write a Great Screenplay (or a Novel that Sells)" is a half day workshop of solid instruction. Reichman's book is a finalist for Foreword magazine's Best Books of the Year
"An effective film is built on a combination of venerable structure and modern methods that grabs an audience's attention from moment one and holds them through the very last frame," Rick says. "This is the system that made Star Wars, Million Dollar Baby, and Slumdog Millionaire such huge hits on screen, and it can be used to make one's prose piece one that is impossible for a reader to put down."
Rick Reichman's three-hour workshop will cover the seven elements of each scene, the differences between literary and dramatic protagonist and antagonist, and the three-act structure and its eight major turning points. Each of these elements provides a way to increase the tension in a story and keep the reader involved in the plot.
Learn more about the workshop at Friday’s luncheon. Contact: Paula Lozar for more information or to sign up: lozarpaula@cs.com

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cosmic Raccoon Gwynne Spencer

Gwynne Spencer
PO Box 525
Monmouth, OR 97361
(503)606 2696
Cosmic Raccoon April 2009

cosmic Raccoon is Up. If you'd like to receive this delightful newsletter by an enchanting Write On Four Corners Alum, contact her, or find her link on the blog.

Write On Four Corners Schedule April, 2009 KSJE FM

Write On Four Corners Schedule for April 2009 KSJE FM

You can listen at the appointed times by going to 90.9, FM if you are within reach of KSJE’s air signal. By computer go to www.ksje.com and click on listen live. You can also listen to archived programs at ksje.com mp3 archives write on four corners. Then beginning in April you can listen to two different authors on Write On Four Corners, one at 10:30 Wednesday morning and one at 2:30 Friday afternoon

4/8 Julie Mars Anybody Any Minute St. Martin’s Press

4/10 Sabra Steinsiek Annie’s Song Whiskey Creek Press

4/15 Waldstein After Image and Boyle Double Exposure Plan B Press Philadelphia Pa

4/17 Anne Weaver voyage of the Beetle University of New Mexico Press

4/22 Karen Cogan Pancho finds a Home Azro Press.

4/24 Pauline Chavez Bent Atarkque Now All is Silent LPD Press

4/29 Rangers Revenge Jim Blawcyzk Silverjack Publishing

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com
Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

NM Book CoOP news

Experts Neeper and Reichman Inform NMBA in April!

• N.M. Library Trade Show Deadline extended! You have until Friday, April 10 to participate with us at the NMLA Trade Show! Bring or send 3 to 5 copies of your book, $10 check, and 50 flyers to our Networking Luncheon April 10. Over 400 librarians will see what you have to offer their patrons at NMBA’s prominent display and sales table at the 2009 NMLA Conference in Albuquerque April 22-24. (See April 10 and April 22-24 below!) Contact Richard at (505) 231-1755, richard@oceantree.com
• First-hand Advice on POD, Digital printing, and e-book options! Yours for free on Friday, April 10. Don Neeper, CEO of BookMobile, a major producer of electronic books, will speak at our NMBA Networking Luncheon at the Writers Room in Santa Fe, 11:30pm. It’s free to NMBA members (see April 10 entry below!)
• Rick Reichman: Turn your novel into an award-winning screenplay! NMBA Professional Development Workshop: "Not Just for Screenwriters: 20 Things You Must Know to Write a Great Screenplay" (or shape that novel!) on Saturday, April 25 (see April 25 entry in the Book Events Calendar below!)


April 3-4: 18th Albuquerque Antiquarian Book Fair. UNM Conference Center, 1634 University Blvd (north of Indian School Road), Friday: 5-9pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm. Admission: $6 for both days, $2 Saturday only. Alan Shalette, (505) 291-9653, www.unm.edu/~alshal/aabf.html
April 4: IWWG & Friends Luncheon. Santa Fe, 11:30am. Call Paula Lozar for location: (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com
April 4: Poetry at Paul White’s. Call (505) 988-1082 for directions to the Chupadero Valley.
April 4: SOMOS Book Sale, Taos. All books and CDs from 25 cents to $1. (575) 758-0081.
April 4: Wildlife Education Program, Page One Bookstore, Albuquerque, www.page1book.com
April 4: Noreen Norris-Scofield (Caught Heart) and Michael Scofield (Making Crazy), Collected Works, Santa Fe, 4-5pm. www.collectedworksbookstore.com
April 10: "How Digital Printing and e-books Affect Our Future" with BookMobile President Don Leeper, at NMBA’s Monthly Networking Luncheon, The Writers Room, 826 Camino del Monte Rey, Santa Fe, 11:30am. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how new technologies can truly benefit you! Free for NMBA members; $5 guests. Contact Paula, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaual@cs.com
April 10: Frank Wisner (How the World Makes Love), Garcia Street Nooks, Santa Fe, booksigning 5-6pm. www.garciastreetbooks.com
April 15: DEADLINE: NMBA Book Events Calendar for May/June Libro. Include basic details (no attachments, please). Email to richard@oceantree.com or sunnielliott@msn.com or authorcare@aol.com or send to NMBA, PO Box 1285, Santa Fe 87504.
April 15: DEADLINE Green Book Festival Competition. 22 categories, $1500 top prize and transportation to L.A. on Earth Day (April 22). JM Norton Media LLC, www.greenbookfestival.com
April 17-18: Handsprings ’09 Conference, presented by New Mexico Chapter of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, UNM Continuing Education Conference Center, 1634 University N.E., Albuquerque. $130 for nonmembers of SCBWI ($120 for members) if received by April 11. Registration after April 11 is $150. The Friday party is $20. For more information email conference coordinator: handsprings@scbwi-nm
April 17: Fraser Goff (Valles Caldera: A Geologic History), booksigning at Garcia Street Books, Santa Fe, 5pm. www.garciastreetbooks.com
April 19: "Standing Up to the Madness: Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times," talk by Amy Goodman, national radio news broadcaster at the Border Book Festival, 11:30am, Mesilla Community Center, $7. www.borderbookfestival.org

April 22-24: New Mexico Library Association Annual Conference and Trade Show, Albuquerque Convention Center. www.nmla.org. NMBA will be there to present your books to the state’s librarians! Cost: $10 per title. Contact Richard Polese now: (505) 231-1755 richard@oceantree.com.
April 25: "Not Just for Screenwriters: 20 Things You Must Know to Write a Great Screenplay" (or shape that novel!). NMBA Professional Development Workshop by award-winning screenplay author Rick Reichman. "Learn to use film techniques to write your novel or short story." Reichman's three-hour workshop will cover the seven elements of each scene, the differences between literary and dramatic protagonist and antagonist, the hero's journey, and the three-act structure and its eight major turning points. Each of these elements provides a way to increase the tension in your story and keep the reader involved in the plot. The Writers Room, Santa Fe, 1-4pm, NMBA members $35 (non-members $45). Call Paula Lozar, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com
April 25: Book Fiesta at Clear Light Book Gallery, 851 W. San Mateo, Santa Fe, noon to 4pm. Environmental titles will be featured. Open to publishers and author at no cost and 75% return on sales. Future Fiesta Saturdays: June 20, Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 28, Dec. 12. Contact Paul at info@nmsantos.com
April 25: DEADLINE! San Francisco Book Festival entries. Call JM Northern Media for details on this and several other "festival" book awards programs (DIY Book Festival, Hollywood Book Festival, Green Festival, etc.): (323) 665-8080.
April 30: Wordspace Poetry Series with Larry Goodall, Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale, Albuquerque, $5. Contact: mail@outspace.org

+ On the Horizon
May 1: DEADLINE! New Mexico Book Awards "earlybird" entries ($30 each title), 37 categories. Call Paul, (505) 344-9382, info@nmbookcoop.com
May 8: NMBA Networking Luncheon, Writers Room, Santa Fe, 11:30am.
May 14: "Foreign Rights" NMBA Professional Development Workshop with experts Roger Rapoport and Ellen Kleiner, The Writers Room, Santa Fe, 6:30-8:30pm Contact Paula Lozar, (505) 473-3479, lozarpaula@cs.com.
May 15-17: Lifelines: A Weekend Writing Retreat with Lisa Dale Norton, Round Top (near Austin), TX. $395 includes lodging and meals. See www.storycircle.org/lifelines/
May 23: SWW Screenwriting Confidential: A Workshop, full day with Rick Reichman, New Life Presbyterian Church, 5540 Eubank Ave. N.E., 9am - 4:30pm. $75 for SWW members, $95 for non-members, includes lunch. Call SWW at (505) 265-9485 or visit: www.southwestwriters.org.
May 24-29 and May 30-June 4: Literature and Landscape of the Horse Retreat. Vee Bar Guest Ranch, Laramie, WY. Details: page@pagelambert.com May 26-28: IBPA Publishing University, Roosevelt Hotel, New York. Tuition for NMBA members as low as $545, including Ben Franklin Awards Banquet! IPBA-U immediately precedes BookExpo America. See www.ibpa-online.org
May 28-30: BookExpo America, Jacob Javits Center, New York. www.bookexpoamerica.com
May 29-30: Chama Book Fiesta "Fiesta del Libro," with Ana Baca, Charlie Carillo, Nasario Garcia, Demetria Martinez, and Robert Torrez. $55 for additional participating authors, special lodging rates, Call Jill Lane (800) 532-8874 to reserve your space!
October: Border Book Festival Book Show, Mesilla Plaza. www.borderbookfestival.org
Nov. 11-14: PubWest National Publishing Conference, Tucson, AZ. www.pubwest.org
+ + +
Attention: Your items are listed free, but they must be submitted by email in our very simple format or they will not appear. We’re sorry, but it consumes far too much time to edit and reformat the many dozens of items we receive every month. Email notices (no attachments!) to NMBA in the following format. Send to Richard Polese richard@oceantree.com or SunFlower Elliott sunnielliott@msn.com
> Date, Title of the Event, Sponsor, Place, Time, Cost (if any). Contact number or email or website.
Visit www.nmbook. org for continuing news and events!

Connie Gotsch www.conniegotsch.com Host Write On Four Corners KSJE FM, Farmington NM www.ksje.com Author two award winning novels Snap Me a Future and A Mouthful of Shell available www.dlsijpress.com

Always in Print ‘Cuz They’re Print on Demand!

Coming in 2009, Belle’s Star,’ a youth novel from Artemesia Press at http://www.apbooks.net